import fcntl import math import os import random import subprocess import xml.sax.saxutils from urllib import unquote, quote from PIL import Image, ImageColor, ImageDraw import Tank class Pflanzarr: TEAMS_FILE = '/var/lib/ctf/passwd' FRAME_DELAY = 15 SPACING = 150 backgroundColor = '#ffffff' def __init__(self, dir, difficulty='easy'): """Initialize a new game of Pflanzarr. @param dir: The data directory.""" assert difficulty in ('easy', 'medium', 'hard') # Setup the game environment self._setupDirectories(dir) # Figure out what game number this is. self._gameNum = self._getGameNum() self._gameDir = os.path.join(self._resultsDir, str(self._gameNum)) if not os.path.exists(self._gameDir): os.mkdir(self._gameDir) colors = self._getColors() tmpPlayers = os.listdir(self._playerDir) players = [] for p in tmpPlayers: p = unquote(p) if not (p.startswith('.') or p.endswith('#') or p.endswith('~'))\ and p in colors: players.append(p) AIs = {} for player in players: AIs[player] = open(os.path.join(self._playerDir, player)).read() defaultAIs = self._getDefaultAIs(dir, difficulty) assert len(players) >= 1, "There must be at least one player." # The one is added to ensure that there is at least one #default bot. cols = math.sqrt(len(players) + 1) if int(cols) != cols: cols = cols + 1 cols = int(cols) if cols < 2: cols = 2 rows = len(players)/cols if len(players) % cols != 0: rows = rows + 1 self._board = (cols*self.SPACING, rows*self.SPACING) while len(players) < cols*rows: players.append(None) self._tanks = [] for i in range(cols): for j in range(rows): startX = i*self.SPACING + self.SPACING/2 startY = j*self.SPACING + self.SPACING/2 player = random.choice(players) players.remove(player) if player == None: color = '#a0a0a0' else: color = colors[player] tank = Tank.Tank( player, (startX, startY), color, self._board, testMode=True) if player == None: tank.program(random.choice(defaultAIs)) else: tank.program(AIs[player]) self._tanks.append(tank) # We only want to make these once, so we do it here. self._tanksByX = list(self._tanks) self._tanksByY = list(self._tanks) self._deadTanks = set() def run(self, maxTurns=None): print "Starting new game with %d players." % len(self._tanks) kills = {} for tank in self._tanks: kills[tank] = set() turn = 0 lastTurns = 3 while ((maxTurns is None) or turn < maxTurns) and lastTurns > 0: if len(self._tanks) - len(self._deadTanks) < 2: lastTurns = lastTurns - 1 image ='RGB', self._board) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) draw.rectangle(((0,0), self._board), fill=self.backgroundColor) near = self._getNear() deadThisTurn = set() liveTanks = set(self._tanks).difference(self._deadTanks) for tank in liveTanks: # Shoot now, if we said to shoot last turn dead = near[tank] ) kills[tank] = kills[tank].union(dead) self._killTanks(dead, 'Shot by %s' % for tank in liveTanks: # We also check for collisions here, while we're at it. dead = tank.sense( near[tank] ) kills[tank] = kills[tank].union(dead) self._killTanks(dead, 'Collision') # Draw the explosions for tank in self._deadTanks: tank.draw(image) # Draw the live tanks. for tank in self._tanksByX: # Have the tank run its program, move, etc. tank.draw(image) # Have the live tanks do their turns for tank in self._tanksByX: tank.execute() fileName = os.path.join(self._imageDir, '%05d.ppm' % turn), 'PPM') turn = turn + 1 # Removes tanks from their own kill lists. for tank in kills: if tank in kills[tank]: kills[tank].remove(tank) for tank in self._tanks: self._outputErrors(tank) self._makeMovie() # This needs to go after _makeMovie; the web scripts look for these # files to see if the game has completed. self._saveResults(kills) def _killTanks(self, tanks, reason): for tank in tanks: if tank in self._tanksByX: self._tanksByX.remove(tank) if tank in self._tanksByY: self._tanksByY.remove(tank) tank.die(reason) self._deadTanks = self._deadTanks.union(tanks) def _saveResults(self, kills): """Choose a winner. In case of a tie, live tanks prevail, in case of further ties, a winner is chosen at random. This outputs the winner to the winners file and outputs a results table html file.""" resultsFile = open(os.path.join(self._gameDir, 'results.html'), 'w') winnerFile = open(os.path.join(self._dir, 'winner'),'w') tanks = list(self._tanks) def winSort(t1, t2): """Sort by # of kill first, then by life status.""" result = cmp(len(kills[t1]), len(kills[t2])) if result != 0: return result if t1.isDead and not t2.isDead: return -1 elif not t1.isDead and t2.isDead: return 1 else: return 0 tanks.sort(winSort, reverse=1) # Get the list of potential winners winners = [] for i in range(len(tanks)): if len( kills[tanks[0]] ) == len( kills[tanks[i]] ) and \ tanks[0].isDead == tanks[i].isDead: winners.append(tanks[i]) else: break winner = random.choice(winners) html = ['', '
TeamKillsCause of Death'] for tank in tanks: if tank is winner: rowStyle = 'style="font-weight:bold; '\ 'background-color:%s"' % tank._color else: rowStyle = 'style="background-color:%s"' % tank._color if name: name = xml.sax.saxutils.escape( else: name = '#default' html.append('
%s%d%s' % (rowStyle, name, len(kills[tank]), xml.sax.saxutils.escape(tank.deathReason))) html.append('
') # Write a blank file if the winner is a default tank.. if != None: winnerFile.write(tanks[0].name) winnerFile.close() resultsFile.write('\n'.join(html)) resultsFile.close() def _makeMovie(self): """Make the game movie.""" movieCmd = ['ffmpeg', '-r', '10', # Set the framerate to 10/second '-b', '8k', # Set the bitrate '-i', '%s/%%05d.ppm' % self._imageDir, # The input files. # '-vcodec', 'msmpeg4v2', '%s/game.avi' % self._gameDir] # movieCmd = ['mencoder', 'mf://%s/*.png' % self._imageDir, # '-mf', 'fps=10', '-o', '%s/game.avi' % self._gameDir, # '-ovc', 'lavc', '-lavcopts', # 'vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=800'] clearFrames = ['rm', '-rf', '%s' % self._imageDir] print 'Making Movie' #, stderr=open('/dev/null', 'w'), # stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w')) def _outputErrors(self, tank): """Output errors for each team.""" if == None: return if tank._program.errors: print, 'has errors' fileName = os.path.join(self._errorDir, quote( file = open(fileName, 'w') for error in tank._program.errors: file.write(error) file.write('\n') file.close() def _getNear(self): """A dictionary of the set of tanks nearby each tank. Nearby is defined as within the square centered the tank with side length equal twice the sensor range. Only a few tanks within the set (those in the corners of the square) should be outside the sensor range.""" self._tanksByX.sort(lambda t1, t2: cmp(t1.pos[0], t2.pos[0])) self._tanksByY.sort(lambda t1, t2: cmp(t1.pos[1], t2.pos[1])) nearX = {} nearY = {} for tank in self._tanksByX: nearX[tank] = set() nearY[tank] = set() numTanks = len(self._tanksByX) offset = 1 for index in range(numTanks): cTank = self._tanksByX[index] maxRange = cTank.SENSOR_RANGE + cTank.RADIUS + 1 near = set([cTank]) for i in [(j + index) % numTanks for j in range(1, offset)]: near.add(self._tanksByX[i]) while offset < numTanks: nTank = self._tanksByX[(index + offset) % numTanks] if (index + offset >= numTanks and self._board[0] + nTank.pos[0] - cTank.pos[0] < maxRange): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 elif (index + offset < numTanks and nTank.pos[0] - cTank.pos[0] < maxRange ): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 else: break if offset > 1: offset = offset - 1 for tank in near: nearX[tank] = nearX[tank].union(near) offset = 1 for index in range(numTanks): cTank = self._tanksByY[index] maxRange = cTank.SENSOR_RANGE + cTank.RADIUS + 1 near = set([cTank]) for i in [(j + index) % numTanks for j in range(1, offset)]: near.add(self._tanksByY[i]) while offset < numTanks: nTank = self._tanksByY[(index + offset) % numTanks] if (index + offset < numTanks and nTank.pos[1] - cTank.pos[1] < maxRange): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 elif (index + offset >= numTanks and self._board[1] + nTank.pos[1] - cTank.pos[1] < maxRange): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 else: break if offset > 1: offset = offset - 1 for tank in near: nearY[tank] = nearY[tank].union(near) near = {} for tank in self._tanksByX: near[tank] = nearX[tank].intersection(nearY[tank]) near[tank].remove(tank) return near def _setupDirectories(self, dir): """Setup all the directories needed by the game.""" if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) self._dir = dir # Don't run more than one game at the same time. self._lockFile = open(os.path.join(dir, '.lock'), 'a') try: fcntl.flock(self._lockFile, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: sys.exit(1) # Setup all the directories we'll need. self._resultsDir = os.path.join(dir, 'results') self._errorDir = os.path.join(dir, 'errors') self._imageDir = os.path.join(dir, 'frames') if not os.path.isdir(self._imageDir): os.mkdir( self._imageDir ) self._playerDir = os.path.join(dir, 'ai', 'players') def _getDefaultAIs(self, dir, difficulty): """Load all the 'computer' controlled bot AIs for the given difficulty.""" defaultAIs = [] path = os.path.join(dir, 'ai', difficulty) files = os.listdir( path ) for file in files: if file.startswith('.'): continue path = os.path.join(dir, 'ai', difficulty, file) file = open( path ) defaultAIs.append( ) return defaultAIs def _getColors(self): """Get the team colors from the passwd file. The passwd file location is set by self.TEAMS_FILE. Returns a dictionary of players->color""" errorColor = '#ffffff' try: file = open(self.TEAMS_FILE) except: return {}.fromkeys(players, errorColor) colors = {} for line in file: try: team, passwd, color = map(unquote, line.split('\t')) colors[team] = '#%s' % color except: colors[team] = errorColor return colors def _getGameNum(self): """Figure out what game number this is from the past games played.""" oldGames = os.listdir(self._resultsDir) games = [] for dir in oldGames: try: games.append( int(dir) ) except: continue games.sort(reverse=True) if games: return games[0] + 1 else: return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, traceback try: p = Pflanzarr(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) int(sys.argv[3]) ) except: traceback.print_exc() print "Usage: python2.6 dataDirectory easy|medium|hard #turns"