/** * Hash/digest functions */ class Hash { /** * Dan Bernstein hash * * Used until MOTH v3.5 * * @param {string} buf Input * @returns {number} */ static djb2(buf) { let h = 5381 for (let c of (new TextEncoder()).encode(buf)) { // Encode as UTF-8 and read in each byte // JavaScript converts everything to a signed 32-bit integer when you do bitwise operations. // So we have to do "unsigned right shift" by zero to get it back to unsigned. h = ((h * 33) + c) >>> 0 } return h } /** * Dan Bernstein hash with xor * * @param {string} buf Input * @returns {number} */ static djb2xor(buf) { let h = 5381 for (let c of (new TextEncoder()).encode(buf)) { h = ((h * 33) ^ c) >>> 0 } return h } /** * SHA 256 * * Used until MOTH v4.5 * * @param {string} buf Input * @returns {Promise.} hex-encoded digest */ static async sha256(buf) { const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(buf) const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgUint8) const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)) return this.hexlify(hashArray); } /** * SHA 1, but only the first 4 hexits (2 octets). * * Git uses this technique with 7 hexits (default) as a "short identifier". * * @param {string} buf Input */ static async sha1_slice(buf, end=4) { const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(buf) const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", msgUint8) const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer)) const hexits = this.hexlify(hashArray) return hexits.slice(0, end) } /** * Hex-encode a byte array * * @param {number[]} buf Byte array * @returns {string} */ static hexlify(buf) { return buf.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")).join("") } /** * Apply every hash to the input buffer. * * @param {string} buf Input * @returns {Promise.} */ static async All(buf) { return [ String(this.djb2(buf)), await this.sha256(buf), await this.sha1_slice(buf), ] } } /** * A point award. */ class Award { constructor(when, teamid, category, points) { /** Unix epoch timestamp for this award * @type {number} */ this.When = when /** Team ID this award belongs to * @type {string} */ this.TeamID = teamid /** Puzzle category for this award * @type {string} */ this.Category = category /** Points value of this award * @type {number} */ this.Points = points } } /** * A puzzle. * * A new Puzzle only knows its category and point value. * If you want to populate it with meta-information, you must call Populate(). * * Parameters created by Populate are described in the server source code: * {@link https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/dirtbags/moth/v4/pkg/transpile#Puzzle} * */ class Puzzle { /** * @param {Server} server * @param {string} category * @param {number} points */ constructor (server, category, points) { if (points < 1) { throw(`Invalid points value: ${points}`) } /** Server where this puzzle lives * @type {Server} */ this.server = server /** Category this puzzle belongs to */ this.Category = String(category) /** Point value of this puzzle */ this.Points = Number(points) /** Error returned trying to retrieve this puzzle */ this.Error = { /** Status code provided by server */ Status: 0, /** Status text provided by server */ StatusText: "", /** Full text of server error */ Body: "", } } /** * Populate this Puzzle object with meta-information from the server. */ async Populate() { let resp = await this.Get("puzzle.json") if (!resp.ok) { let body = await resp.text() this.Error = { Status: resp.status, StatusText: resp.statusText, Body: body, } throw(this.Error) } let obj = await resp.json() Object.assign(this, obj) // Make sure lists are lists this.AnswerHashes ||= [] this.Answers ||= [] this.Attachments ||= [] this.Authors ||= [] this.Debug.Errors ||= [] this.Debug.Hints ||= [] this.Debug.Log ||= [] this.KSAs ||= [] this.Scripts ||= [] } /** * Get a resource associated with this puzzle. * * @param {string} filename Attachment/Script to retrieve * @returns {Promise.} */ Get(filename) { return this.server.GetContent(this.Category, this.Points, filename) } /** * Check if a string is possibly correct. * * The server sends a list of answer hashes with each puzzle: this method * checks to see if any of those hashes match a hash of the string. * * The MOTH development team likes obscure hash functions with a lot of * collisions, which means that a given input may match another possible * string's hash. We do this so that if you run a brute force attack against * the list of hashes, you have to write your own brute force program, and * you still have to pick through a lot of potentially correct answers when * it's done. * * @param {string} str User-submitted possible answer * @returns {Promise.} */ async IsPossiblyCorrect(str) { let userAnswerHashes = await Hash.All(str) for (let pah of this.AnswerHashes) { for (let uah of userAnswerHashes) { if (pah == uah) { return true } } } return false } /** * Submit a proposed answer for points. * * The returned promise will fail if anything goes wrong, including the * proposed answer being rejected. * * @param {string} proposed Answer to submit * @returns {Promise.} Success message */ SubmitAnswer(proposed) { return this.server.SubmitAnswer(this.Category, this.Points, proposed) } } /** * A snapshot of scores. */ class Scores { constructor() { /** * Timestamp of this score snapshot * @type number */ this.Timestamp = 0 /** * All categories present in this snapshot. * * ECMAScript sets preserve order, so iterating over this will yield * categories as they were added to the points log. * * @type {Set.} */ this.Categories = new Set() /** * All team IDs present in this snapshot * @type {Set.} */ this.TeamIDs = new Set() /** * Highest score in each category * @type {Object.} */ this.MaxPoints = {} this.categoryTeamPoints = {} } /** * Return a sorted list of category names * * @returns {string[]} */ SortedCategories() { let categories = [...this.Categories] categories.sort((a,b) => a.localeCompare(b, "en", {sensitivity: "base"})) return categories } /** * Add an award to a team's score. * * Updates this.Timestamp to the award's timestamp. * * @param {Award} award */ Add(award) { this.Timestamp = award.Timestamp this.Categories.add(award.Category) this.TeamIDs.add(award.TeamID) let teamPoints = (this.categoryTeamPoints[award.Category] ??= {}) let points = (teamPoints[award.TeamID] || 0) + award.Points teamPoints[award.TeamID] = points let max = this.MaxPoints[award.Category] || 0 this.MaxPoints[award.Category] = Math.max(max, points) } /** * Get a team's score within a category. * * @param {string} category * @param {string} teamID * @returns {number} */ GetPoints(category, teamID) { let teamPoints = this.categoryTeamPoints[category] || {} return teamPoints[teamID] || 0 } /** * Calculate a team's score in a category, using the Cyber Fire algorithm. * *@param {string} category * @param {string} teamID */ CyFiCategoryScore(category, teamID) { return this.GetPoints(category, teamID) / this.MaxPoints[category] } /** * Calculate a team's overall score, using the Cyber Fire algorithm. * *@param {string} category * @param {string} teamID * @returns {number} */ CyFiScore(teamID) { let score = 0 for (let category of this.Categories) { score += this.CyFiCategoryScore(category, teamID) } return score } } /** * MOTH instance state. */ class State { /** * @param {Server} server Server where we got this * @param {Object} obj Raw state data */ constructor(server, obj) { for (let key of ["Config", "TeamNames", "PointsLog"]) { if (!obj[key]) { throw(`Missing state property: ${key}`) } } this.server = server /** Configuration */ this.Config = { /** Is the server in development mode? * @type {boolean} */ Devel: obj.Config.Devel, } /** Global messages, in HTML * @type {string} */ this.Messages = obj.Messages /** Map from Team ID to Team Name * @type {Object.} */ this.TeamNames = obj.TeamNames /** Map from category name to puzzle point values * @type {Object.} */ this.PointsByCategory = obj.Puzzles /** Log of points awarded * @type {Award[]} */ this.PointsLog = obj.PointsLog.map(entry => new Award(entry[0], entry[1], entry[2], entry[3])) } /** * Returns a sorted list of open category names * * @returns {string[]} List of categories */ Categories() { let ret = [] for (let category in this.PointsByCategory) { ret.push(category) } ret.sort() return ret } /** * Check whether a category contains unsolved puzzles. * * The server adds a puzzle with 0 points in every "solved" category, * so this just checks whether there is a 0-point puzzle in the category's point list. * * @param {string} category * @returns {boolean} */ ContainsUnsolved(category) { return !this.PointsByCategory[category].includes(0) } /** * Is the server in development mode? * * @returns {boolean} */ DevelopmentMode() { return this.Config && this.Config.Devel } /** * Return all open puzzles. * * The returned list will be sorted by (category, points). * If not categories are given, all puzzles will be returned. * * @param {string} categories Limit results to these categories * @returns {Puzzle[]} */ Puzzles(...categories) { if (categories.length == 0) { categories = this.Categories() } let ret = [] for (let category of categories) { for (let points of this.PointsByCategory[category]) { if (0 == points) { // This means all potential puzzles in the category are open continue } let p = new Puzzle(this.server, category, points) ret.push(p) } } return ret } /** * Has this puzzle been solved by this team? * * @param {Puzzle} puzzle * @param {string} teamID Team to check, default the logged-in team * @returns {boolean} */ IsSolved(puzzle, teamID="self") { for (let award of this.PointsLog) { if ( (award.Category == puzzle.Category) && (award.Points == puzzle.Points) && (award.TeamID == teamID) ) { return true } } return false } /** * Replay scores. * * MOTH has no notion of who is "winning", we consider this a user interface * decision. There are lots of interesting options: see * [scoring]{@link ../docs/scoring.md} for more. * * @yields {Scores} Snapshot at a point in time */ * ScoresHistory() { let scores = new Scores() for (let award of this.PointsLog) { scores.Add(award) yield scores } } /** * Calculate the current scores. * * @returns {Scores} */ CurrentScores() { let scores for (scores of this.ScoreHistory()); return scores } } /** * A MOTH Server interface. * * This uses localStorage to remember Team ID, * and will send a Team ID with every request, if it can find one. */ class Server { /** * @param {string | URL} baseUrl Base URL to server, for constructing API URLs */ constructor(baseUrl) { if (!baseUrl) { throw("Must provide baseURL") } this.baseUrl = new URL(baseUrl, location) this.teamIDKey = this.baseUrl.toString() + " teamID" this.TeamID = localStorage[this.teamIDKey] } /** * Fetch a MOTH resource. * * If anything other than a 2xx code is returned, * this function throws an error. * * This always sends teamID. * If args is set, POST will be used instead of GET * * @param {string} path Path to API endpoint * @param {Object.} args Key/Values to send in POST data * @returns {Promise.} Response */ fetch(path, args={}) { let body = new URLSearchParams(args) if (this.TeamID && !body.has("id")) { body.set("id", this.TeamID) } let url = new URL(path, this.baseUrl) return fetch(url, { method: "POST", body, cache: "no-cache", }) } /** * Send a request to a JSend API endpoint. * * @param {string} path Path to API endpoint * @param {Object.} args Key/Values to send in POST * @returns {Promise.} JSend Data */ async call(path, args={}) { let resp = await this.fetch(path, args) let obj = await resp.json() switch (obj.status) { case "success": return obj.data case "fail": throw new Error(obj.data.description || obj.data.short || obj.data) case "error": throw new Error(obj.message) default: throw new Error(`Unknown JSend status: ${obj.status}`) } } /** * Make a new URL for the given resource. * * The returned URL instance will be absolute, and immune to changes to the * page that would affect relative URLs. * * @returns {URL} */ URL(url) { return new URL(url, this.baseUrl) } /** * Are we logged in to the server? * * @returns {boolean} */ LoggedIn() { return this.TeamID ? true : false } /** * Forget about any previous Team ID. * * This is equivalent to logging out. */ Reset() { localStorage.removeItem(this.teamIDKey) this.TeamID = null } /** * Fetch current contest state. * * @returns {Promise.} */ async GetState() { let resp = await this.fetch("/state") let obj = await resp.json() return new State(this, obj) } /** * Log in to a team. * * This calls the server's registration endpoint; if the call succeds, or * fails with "team already exists", the login is returned as successful. * * @param {string} teamID * @param {string} teamName * @returns {Promise.} Success message from server */ async Login(teamID, teamName) { let data = await this.call("/register", {id: teamID, name: teamName}) this.TeamID = teamID this.TeamName = teamName localStorage[this.teamIDKey] = teamID return data.description || data.short } /** * Submit a proposed answer for points. * * The returned promise will fail if anything goes wrong, including the * proposed answer being rejected. * * @param {string} category Category of puzzle * @param {number} points Point value of puzzle * @param {string} proposed Answer to submit * @returns {Promise.} Success message */ async SubmitAnswer(category, points, proposed) { let data = await this.call("/answer", { cat: category, points, answer: proposed, }) return data.description || data.short } /** * Fetch a file associated with a puzzle. * * @param {string} category Category of puzzle * @param {number} points Point value of puzzle * @param {string} filename * @returns {Promise.} */ GetContent(category, points, filename) { return this.fetch(`/content/${category}/${points}/${filename}`) } /** * Return a Puzzle object. * * New Puzzle objects only know their category and point value. * See docstrings on the Puzzle object for more information. * * @param {string} category * @param {number} points * @returns {Puzzle} */ GetPuzzle(category, points) { return new Puzzle(this, category, points) } } export { Hash, Server, }