package main import ( "flag" "" "log" "mime" "time" ) func custodian(updateInterval time.Duration, components []Component) { update := func() { for _, c := range components { c.Update() } } ticker := time.NewTicker(updateInterval) update() for _ = range ticker.C { update() } } func main() { log.Print("Started") themePath := flag.String( "theme", "theme", "Path to theme files", ) statePath := flag.String( "state", "state", "Path to state files", ) mothballPath := flag.String( "mothballs", "mothballs", "Path to mothballs to host", ) refreshInterval := flag.Duration( "refresh", 2*time.Second, "Duration between maintenance tasks", ) bindStr := flag.String( "bind", ":8080", "Bind [host]:port for HTTP service", ) base := flag.String( "base", "/", "Base URL of this instance", ) flag.Parse() theme := NewTheme(afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), *themePath)) state := NewState(afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), *statePath)) puzzles := NewMothballs(afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), *mothballPath)) // Add some MIME extensions // Doing this avoids decompressing a mothball entry twice per request mime.AddExtensionType(".json", "application/json") mime.AddExtensionType(".zip", "application/zip") go custodian(*refreshInterval, []Component{theme, state, puzzles}) httpd := NewHTTPServer(*base, theme, state, puzzles) httpd.Run(*bindStr) }