#! /usr/bin/lua package.path = "?.lua;cgi/?.lua;www/cgi/?.lua" local cgi = require "cgi" local koth = require "koth" local team = cgi.fields["n"] or "" local hash = cgi.fields["h"] or "" hash = hash:match("[0-9a-f]*") if ((hash == "") or (team == "")) then koth.page("Invalid Entry", "Oops! Are you sure you got that right?") elseif (not koth.anchored_search(koth.path("assigned.txt"), hash)) then koth.page("Invalid Hash", "Oops! I don't have a record of that hash. Did you maybe use capital letters accidentally?") end local f = io.open(koth.path("state/teams/" .. hash)) if (f) then f:close() koth.page("Already Exists", "Your team has already been named! Maybe somebody on your team beat you to it.") end local f, err = io.open(koth.path("state/teams/" .. hash), "w+") if (not f) then koth.page("Kersplode", err) end f:write(team) f:close() koth.page("Success", "Okay, your team has been named and you may begin using your hash!")