#! /bin/sh -e trap "stty echo; echo ''; echo 'Passfile not written'; exit 42" 1 2 3 15 askpass () { echo "Password: " stty -echo read pass1 echo "Retype password: " read pass2 stty echo if [ "${pass1}" = "${pass2}" ]; then echo "Got it.\n" return 0 else echo "Authentication token manipulation error.\n" return 1 fi } base=${CTF_BASE:-/var/lib/ctf} passfile=$base/pass if [ -e $passfile ]; then echo "\nDanger! Danger!\n" echo "Wipes out current passfile. It's ok as long as note the current" echo "timestamp ($(date +%s)) and the new pass will be applied on the" echo "next scoreboard update.\n" fi echo "Enter passphrase for backups" echo "To exit, press ctrl+c" until askpass; do true; done echo -e "${pass1}" > $passfile echo "Passfile written" stty echo