// A class to turn an element into a cybersteampunk terminal. // Runs at 1200 baud by default, but unlike an actual modem, // will despool in parallel. This looks pretty cool. // XXX: Hack for chrome not supporting an iterator method on HTMLCollection HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; NodeList.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; function Terminal(target, bps) { bps = bps || 1200; var outq = []; var outTimer; // Heavy lifting happens here. // At first I had it auto-scrolling to the bottom, like xterm (1987). // But that was actually kind of annoying, since this is meant to be read. // So now it leaves the scrollbar in place, and the user has to scroll. // This is how the Plan 9 terminal (1991) works. function tx(pairs, bps, scroll) { var drawTimer; // Looks like EMCAScript 6 has a yield statement. // That would make this mess a lot easier to understand. var pairIndex = 0; var pair = pairs[0]; var textIndex = 0; var text = ""; function draw() { var node = pair[0]; var src = pair[1]; var c = src[textIndex]; text += c; node.textContent = text; textIndex += 1; if (textIndex == src.length) { textIndex = 0; text = ""; pairIndex += 1; if (pairIndex == pairs.length) { clearInterval(drawTimer); return; } pair = pairs[pairIndex]; } if (scroll) { node.scrollIntoView(); } } // N81 uses 1 stop bit, and 1 parity bit. // That works out to exactly 10 bits per byte. msec = 10000 / bps; drawTimer = setInterval(draw, msec); draw(); } function start() { if (! outTimer) { outTimer = setInterval(drawElement, 75); } } function stop() { if (outTimer) { clearInterval(outTimer); outTimer = null; } } function drawElement() { var pairs = outq.shift(); if (! pairs) { stop(); return; } tx(pairs, bps); } function prepare(element) { var pairs = []; walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT); while (walker.nextNode()) { var node = walker.currentNode; var text = node.textContent; node.textContent = ""; pairs.push([node, text]); } return pairs; } // The main entry point: works like appendChild this.append = function(element) { pairs = prepare(element); target.appendChild(element); outq.push(pairs); start(); } // A cool effect where it despools children in parallel this.appendShallow = function(element) { for (var child of element.childNodes) { pairs = prepare(child); outq.push(pairs); } target.appendChild(element); start(); } this.clear = function() { stop(); outq = []; while (target.firstChild) { target.removeChild(target.firstChild); } } this.par = function(txt) { var e = document.createElement("p"); e.textContent = txt; this.append(e); } this.pre = function(txt) { var e = document.createElement("pre"); e.textContent = txt; this.append(e); } } // // Usage: // // var e = Terminal(document.getElementById("output")); // e.output("This is a paragraph. It has sentences."); // e.output("This is a second paragraph."); //