#!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import contextlib import copy import glob import hashlib import html import io import importlib.machinery import logging import mistune import os import random import string import sys import tempfile import shlex import yaml messageChars = b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def sha256hash(str): return hashlib.sha256(str.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() @contextlib.contextmanager def pushd(newdir): newdir = str(newdir) curdir = os.getcwd() LOGGER.debug("Attempting to chdir from %s to %s" % (curdir, newdir)) os.chdir(newdir) # Force a copy of the old path, instead of just a reference old_path = list(sys.path) old_modules = copy.copy(sys.modules) sys.path.append(newdir) try: yield finally: # Restore the old path to_remove = [] for module in sys.modules: if module not in old_modules: to_remove.append(module) for module in to_remove: del(sys.modules[module]) sys.path = old_path LOGGER.debug("Changing directory back from %s to %s" % (newdir, curdir)) os.chdir(curdir) def loadmod(name, path): abspath = os.path.abspath(path) loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(name, abspath) return loader.load_module() # Get a big list of clean words for our answer file. ANSWER_WORDS = [w.strip() for w in open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'answer_words.txt'))] class PuzzleFile: """A file associated with a puzzle. path: The path to the original input file. May be None (when this is created from a file handle and there is no original input. handle: A File-like object set to read the file from. You should be able to read straight from it without having to seek to the beginning of the file. name: The name of the output file. visible: A boolean indicating whether this file should visible to the user. If False, the file is still expected to be accessible, but it's path must be known (or figured out) to retrieve it.""" def __init__(self, stream, name, visible=True): self.stream = stream self.name = name self.visible = visible class PuzzleSuccess(dict): """Puzzle success objectives :param acceptable: Learning outcome from acceptable knowledge of the subject matter :param mastery: Learning outcome from mastery of the subject matter """ valid_fields = ["acceptable", "mastery"] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(PuzzleSuccess, self).__init__() for key in self.valid_fields: self[key] = None for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in self.valid_fields: self[key] = value def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.valid_fields: return self[attr] raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (type(self).__name__, attr)) def __setattr__(self, attr, value): if attr in self.valid_fields: self[attr] = value else: raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (type(self).__name__, attr)) class Puzzle: def __init__(self, category_seed, points): """A MOTH Puzzle. :param category_seed: A byte string to use as a seed for random numbers for this puzzle. It is combined with the puzzle points. :param points: The point value of the puzzle. """ super().__init__() self._source_format = "py" self.points = points self.summary = None self.authors = [] self.answers = [] self.xAnchors = {"begin", "end"} self.scripts = [] self.pattern = None self.hint = None self.files = {} self.body = io.StringIO() # NIST NICE objective content self.objective = None # Text describing the expected learning outcome from solving this puzzle, *why* are you solving this puzzle self.success = PuzzleSuccess() # Text describing criteria for different levels of success, e.g. {"Acceptable": "Did OK", "Mastery": "Did even better"} self.solution = None # Text describing how to solve the puzzle self.ksas = [] # A list of references to related NICE KSAs (e.g. K0058, . . .) self.logs = [] self.randseed = category_seed * self.points self.rand = random.Random(self.randseed) def log(self, *vals): """Add a new log message to this puzzle.""" msg = ' '.join(str(v) for v in vals) self.logs.append(msg) def read_stream(self, stream): header = True line = "" if stream.read(3) == "---": header = "yaml" self._source_format = "yaml" else: header = "moth" self._source_format = "moth" stream.seek(0) if header == "yaml": LOGGER.info("Puzzle is YAML-formatted") self.read_yaml_header(stream) elif header == "moth": LOGGER.info("Puzzle is MOTH-formatted") self.read_moth_header(stream) for line in stream: self.body.write(line) def read_yaml_header(self, stream): contents = "" header = False for line in stream: if line.strip() == "---" and header: # Handle last line break elif line.strip() == "---": # Handle first line header = True continue else: contents += line config = yaml.safe_load(contents) for key, value in config.items(): key = key.lower() self.handle_header_key(key, value) def read_moth_header(self, stream): for line in stream: line = line.strip() if not line: break key, val = line.split(':', 1) key = key.lower() val = val.strip() self.handle_header_key(key, val) def handle_header_key(self, key, val): LOGGER.debug("Handling key: %s, value: %s", key, val) if key == 'author': self.authors.append(val) elif key == 'authors': if not isinstance(val, list): raise ValueError("Authors must be a list, got %s, instead" & (type(val),)) self.authors = list(val) elif key == 'summary': self.summary = val elif key == 'answer': if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError("Answers must be strings, got %s, instead" % (type(val),)) self.answers.append(val) elif key == 'x-answer-pattern': a = val.strip("*") assert "*" not in a, "Patterns may only have * at the beginning and end" assert "?" not in a, "Patterns do not currently support ? characters" assert "[" not in a, "Patterns do not currently support character ranges" self.answers.append(a) if val.startswith("*"): self.xAnchors.discard("begin") if val.endswith("*"): self.xAnchors.discard("end") elif key == "answers": for answer in val: if not isinstance(answer, str): raise ValueError("Answers must be strings, got %s, instead" % (type(answer),)) self.answers.append(answer) elif key == 'pattern': self.pattern = val elif key == 'hint': self.hint = val elif key == 'name': pass elif key == 'file': parts = shlex.split(val) name = parts[0] hidden = False LOGGER.debug("Attempting to open %s", os.path.abspath(name)) stream = open(name, 'rb') try: name = parts[1] hidden = (parts[2].lower() == "hidden") except IndexError: pass self.files[name] = PuzzleFile(stream, name, not hidden) elif key == 'files' and isinstance(val, dict): for filename, options in val.items(): if "source" in options: source = options["source"] else: source = filename if "hidden" in options and options["hidden"]: hidden = True else: hidden = False stream = open(source, "rb") self.files[filename] = PuzzleFile(stream, filename, not hidden) elif key == 'files' and isinstance(val, list): for filename in val: stream = open(filename, "rb") self.files[filename] = PuzzleFile(stream, filename) elif key == 'script': stream = open(val, 'rb') self.add_script_stream(stream, val) elif key == "scripts" and isinstance(val, list): for script in val: stream = open(script, "rb") self.add_script_stream(stream, script) elif key == "objective": self.objective = val elif key == "success": # Force success dictionary keys to be lower-case self.success = dict((x.lower(), y) for x,y in val.items()) elif key == "success.acceptable": self.success.acceptable = val elif key == "success.mastery": self.success.mastery = val elif key == "solution": self.solution = val elif key == "ksas": if not isinstance(val, list): raise ValueError("KSAs must be a list, got %s, instead" & (type(val),)) self.ksas = val elif key == "ksa": self.ksas.append(val) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized header field: {}".format(key)) def read_directory(self, path): try: puzzle_mod = loadmod("puzzle", os.path.join(path, "puzzle.py")) except FileNotFoundError: puzzle_mod = None with pushd(path): if puzzle_mod: puzzle_mod.make(self) else: with open('puzzle.moth') as f: self.read_stream(f) def random_hash(self): """Create a file basename (no extension) with our number generator.""" return ''.join(self.rand.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for i in range(8)) def make_temp_file(self, name=None, visible=True): """Get a file object for adding dynamically generated data to the puzzle. When you're done with this file, flush it, but don't close it. :param name: The name of the file for links within the puzzle. If this is None, a name will be generated for you. :param visible: Whether or not the file will be visible to the user. :return: A file object for writing """ stream = tempfile.TemporaryFile() self.add_stream(stream, name, visible) return stream def add_script_stream(self, stream, name): # Make sure this shows up in the header block of the HTML output. self.files[name] = PuzzleFile(stream, name, visible=False) self.scripts.append(name) def add_stream(self, stream, name=None, visible=True): if name is None: name = self.random_hash() self.files[name] = PuzzleFile(stream, name, visible) def add_file(self, filename, visible=True): fd = open(filename, 'rb') name = os.path.basename(filename) self.add_stream(fd, name=name, visible=visible) def randword(self): """Return a randomly-chosen word""" return self.rand.choice(ANSWER_WORDS) def make_answer(self, word_count=4, sep=' '): """Generate and return a new answer. It's automatically added to the puzzle answer list. :param int word_count: The number of words to include in the answer. :param str|bytes sep: The word separator. :returns: The answer string """ words = [self.randword() for i in range(word_count)] answer = sep.join(words) self.answers.append(answer) return answer hexdump_stdch = stdch = ( '················' '················' ' !"#$%&\'()*+,-./' '0123456789:;<=>?' '@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO' 'PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_' '`abcdefghijklmno' 'pqrstuvwxyz{|}~·' '················' '················' '················' '················' '················' '················' '················' '················' ) def hexdump(self, buf, charset=hexdump_stdch, gap=('�', '⌷')): hexes, chars = [], [] out = [] for b in buf: if len(chars) == 16: out.append((hexes, chars)) hexes, chars = [], [] if b is None: h, c = gap else: h = '{:02x}'.format(b) c = charset[b] chars.append(c) hexes.append(h) out.append((hexes, chars)) offset = 0 elided = False lastchars = None self.body.write('
        for hexes, chars in out:
            if chars == lastchars:
                offset += len(chars)
                if not elided:
                    elided = True
            lastchars = chars[:]
            elided = False

            pad = 16 - len(chars)
            hexes += ['  '] * pad

            self.body.write('{:08x}  '.format(offset))
            self.body.write(' '.join(hexes[:8]))
            self.body.write('  ')
            self.body.write(' '.join(hexes[8:]))
            self.body.write('  |')
            offset += len(chars)
') def get_authors(self): if len(self.authors) > 0: return self.authors elif hasattr(self, "author"): return [self.author] else: return [] def get_body(self): return self.body.getvalue() def html_body(self): """Format and return the markdown for the puzzle body.""" return mistune.markdown(self.get_body(), escape=False) def package(self, answers=False): """Return a dict packaging of the puzzle.""" files = [fn for fn,f in self.files.items() if f.visible] hidden = [fn for fn,f in self.files.items() if not f.visible] return { 'authors': self.get_authors(), 'hashes': self.hashes(), 'files': files, 'hidden': hidden, 'scripts': self.scripts, 'pattern': self.pattern, 'body': self.html_body(), 'objective': self.objective, 'success': self.success, 'solution': self.solution, 'ksas': self.ksas, 'xAnchors': list(self.xAnchors), } def hashes(self): "Return a list of answer hashes" return [sha256hash(a) for a in self.answers] class Category: def __init__(self, path, seed): self.path = path self.seed = seed self.catmod = None try: self.catmod = loadmod('category', os.path.join(path, 'category.py')) except FileNotFoundError: self.catmod = None def pointvals(self): if self.catmod: with pushd(self.path): pointvals = self.catmod.pointvals() else: pointvals = [] for fpath in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.path, "[0-9]*")): pn = os.path.basename(fpath) points = int(pn) pointvals.append(points) return sorted(pointvals) def puzzle(self, points): puzzle = Puzzle(self.seed, points) path = os.path.join(self.path, str(points)) if self.catmod: with pushd(self.path): self.catmod.make(points, puzzle) else: puzzle.read_directory(path) return puzzle def __iter__(self): for points in self.pointvals(): yield self.puzzle(points)