zork ---- Implement the map of Adventure (aka Zork I, II, and III) in MOO. There is a "flag" object you must find, its location is known. BFS or DFS should be an option somehow. Once a flag is taken, it relocates to another room. ffs --- You get an image of a Berkeley Fast Filesystem. You must find the file called "key" and submit its contents. gzip1 ----- You get a smallish gzip file which inflates to something very large. Toward the end is the key. gzip2 ----- gzip files support an FNAME extra field for the original filename. gzip files can be concatenated to form another valid gzip file. Since only the first FNAME will be examined by the gzip program, use this as a covert data channel. jpegs ----- Same as gzip2 but with jpeg comment fields.