def mkIndex(encode, decode, alice, bob, format=lambda s: str(s, 'utf-8')): """Write out the index.html contents. @param encode: function to encrypt the plaintext @param decode: function to decrypt the plaintext @param alice: plaintext of alice line @param bob: plaintext of bob line @param format: formatter for the cypher text, run out output of encode before printing. Does string conversion by default.""" c = encode(alice) print('
', format(c)) assert decode(c) == alice c = encode(bob) print('
', format(c), '
') assert decode(c) == bob def hexFormat(text): return groups(text, 5, '{0:x} ') def groups(text, perLine=5, format='{0:c}'): i = 0 out = [] while i < len(text): out.append(format.format(text[i])) if i % (perLine*5) == (perLine * 5 - 1): out.append('
') elif i % 5 == 4: out.append(' ') i = i + 1 return ''.join(out) def strip(text): """Strip any unicode from the given text, and return it as a bytes object.""" b = bytearray() for t in text: if ord(t) > 255: t = ' ' b.append(ord(t)) return bytes(b)