import fcntl import math import os import random import cgi from sets import Set as set from ctf import teams, html, paths from cStringIO import StringIO from urllib import unquote, quote import Tank class NotEnoughPlayers(Exception): pass class Pflanzarr: SPACING = 150 def __init__(self, dir): """Initialize a new game of Pflanzarr. @param dir: The data directory.""" # Setup the game environment self._setupDirectories(dir) # Figure out what game number this is. self.gameNum = self._getGameNum() self.gameFilename = os.path.join(self._resultsDir, '%04d.html' % self.gameNum) tmpPlayers = os.listdir(self._playerDir) players = [] for p in tmpPlayers: p = unquote(p) if (not (p.startswith('.') or p.endswith('#') or p.endswith('~')) and teams.exists(p)): players.append(p) AIs = {} for player in players: AIs[player] = open(os.path.join(self._playerDir, player)).read() defaultAIs = self._getDefaultAIs(dir) if len(players) < 1: raise NotEnoughPlayers() # The one is added to ensure that there is at least one house # bot. cols = math.sqrt(len(players) + 1) if int(cols) != cols: cols = cols + 1 cols = int(cols) cols = max(cols, 2) rows = len(players)/cols if len(players) % cols != 0: rows = rows + 1 rows = max(rows, 2) self._board = (cols*self.SPACING, rows*self.SPACING) while len(players) < cols*rows: players.append(None) self._tanks = [] for i in range(cols): for j in range(rows): startX = i*self.SPACING + self.SPACING/2 startY = j*self.SPACING + self.SPACING/2 player = random.choice(players) players.remove(player) color = '#' + teams.color(player) tank = Tank.Tank( player, (startX, startY), color, self._board, testMode=True) if player == None: tank.program(random.choice(defaultAIs)) else: tank.program(AIs[player]) self._tanks.append(tank) # We only want to make these once, so we do it here. self._tanksByX = list(self._tanks) self._tanksByY = list(self._tanks) self._deadTanks = set() def run(self, maxTurns=None): kills = {} for tank in self._tanks: kills[tank] = set() # Open HTML output hdr = StringIO() hdr.write('\n' '\n') # Decide on the winner winner = self._chooseWinner(kills) self.winner = # Now generate HTML body body = StringIO() body.write(' \n' % self._board) body.write(' Sorry, you need an HTML5-capable browser to see this.\n' ' \n' '

\n') if self.gameNum > 0: body.write(' ← Prev |' % (self.gameNum - 1)) body.write(' Next → |' % (self.gameNum + 1)) body.write(' 0 fps\n' '

\n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n' ' \n') tanks = self._tanks[:] tanks.remove(winner) tanks[0:0] = [winner] for tank in tanks: if tank is winner: rowStyle = ('style="font-weight: bold; ' 'color: #000; ' 'background-color: %s;"' % tank.color) else: rowStyle = 'style="background-color:%s; color: #000;"' % tank.color if name = cgi.escape( else: name = body.write('' % (rowStyle, name, len(kills[tank]), cgi.escape(tank.deathReason))) body.write('
TeamKillsCause of Death
\n') links='''


''' # Write everything out html.write(self.gameFilename, 'Tanks round %d' % self.gameNum, body.getvalue(), hdr=hdr.getvalue(), links=links, onload='start(turns);') def _killTanks(self, tanks, reason): for tank in tanks: if tank in self._tanksByX: self._tanksByX.remove(tank) if tank in self._tanksByY: self._tanksByY.remove(tank) tank.die(reason) self._deadTanks = self._deadTanks.union(tanks) def _chooseWinner(self, kills): """Choose a winner. In case of a tie, live tanks prevail, in case of further ties, a winner is chosen at random. This outputs the winner to the winners file and outputs a results table html file.""" tanks = list(self._tanks) def winSort(t1, t2): """Sort by # of kill first, then by life status.""" result = cmp(len(kills[t1]), len(kills[t2])) if result != 0: return result if t1.isDead and not t2.isDead: return -1 elif not t1.isDead and t2.isDead: return 1 else: return 0 tanks.sort(winSort) tanks.reverse() # Get the list of potential winners winners = [] for i in range(len(tanks)): if len( kills[tanks[0]] ) == len( kills[tanks[i]] ) and \ tanks[0].isDead == tanks[i].isDead: winners.append(tanks[i]) else: break winner = random.choice(winners) return winner def _outputErrors(self, tank): """Output errors for each team.""" if == None: return if tank._program.errors: print, 'has errors' fileName = os.path.join(self._errorDir, quote(, '')) file = open(fileName, 'w') for error in tank._program.errors: file.write(error) file.write('\n') file.close() def _getNear(self): """A dictionary of the set of tanks nearby each tank. Nearby is defined as within the square centered the tank with side length equal twice the sensor range. Only a few tanks within the set (those in the corners of the square) should be outside the sensor range.""" self._tanksByX.sort(lambda t1, t2: cmp(t1.pos[0], t2.pos[0])) self._tanksByY.sort(lambda t1, t2: cmp(t1.pos[1], t2.pos[1])) nearX = {} nearY = {} for tank in self._tanksByX: nearX[tank] = set() nearY[tank] = set() numTanks = len(self._tanksByX) offset = 1 for index in range(numTanks): cTank = self._tanksByX[index] maxRange = cTank.SENSOR_RANGE + cTank.RADIUS + 1 near = set([cTank]) for i in [(j + index) % numTanks for j in range(1, offset)]: near.add(self._tanksByX[i]) while offset < numTanks: nTank = self._tanksByX[(index + offset) % numTanks] if (index + offset >= numTanks and self._board[0] + nTank.pos[0] - cTank.pos[0] < maxRange): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 elif (index + offset < numTanks and nTank.pos[0] - cTank.pos[0] < maxRange ): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 else: break if offset > 1: offset = offset - 1 for tank in near: nearX[tank] = nearX[tank].union(near) offset = 1 for index in range(numTanks): cTank = self._tanksByY[index] maxRange = cTank.SENSOR_RANGE + cTank.RADIUS + 1 near = set([cTank]) for i in [(j + index) % numTanks for j in range(1, offset)]: near.add(self._tanksByY[i]) while offset < numTanks: nTank = self._tanksByY[(index + offset) % numTanks] if (index + offset < numTanks and nTank.pos[1] - cTank.pos[1] < maxRange): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 elif (index + offset >= numTanks and self._board[1] + nTank.pos[1] - cTank.pos[1] < maxRange): near.add(nTank) offset = offset + 1 else: break if offset > 1: offset = offset - 1 for tank in near: nearY[tank] = nearY[tank].union(near) near = {} for tank in self._tanksByX: near[tank] = nearX[tank].intersection(nearY[tank]) near[tank].remove(tank) return near def _setupDirectories(self, dir): """Setup all the directories needed by the game.""" if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) self._dir = dir # Don't run more than one game at the same time. self._lockFile = open(os.path.join(dir, '.lock'), 'a') try: fcntl.flock(self._lockFile, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) except: sys.exit(1) # Setup all the directories we'll need. self._resultsDir = os.path.join(dir, 'results') self._errorDir = os.path.join(dir, 'errors') self._playerDir = os.path.join(dir, 'ai', 'players') def _getDefaultAIs(self, basedir): """Load all the house bot AIs.""" defaultAIs = [] path = os.path.join(basedir, 'ai', 'house') files = os.listdir(path) for fn in files: if fn.startswith('.'): continue fn = os.path.join(path, fn) file = open(fn) defaultAIs.append( return defaultAIs def _getGameNum(self): """Figure out what game number this is from the past games played.""" games = os.listdir(self._resultsDir) games.sort() if games: fn = games[-1] s, _ = os.path.splitext(fn) return int(s) + 1 else: return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys, traceback try: p = Pflanzarr(sys.argv[1])[3])) except: traceback.print_exc() print "Usage: dataDirectory #turns"