Developing Content

The development server shows debugging for each puzzle,
and will compile puzzles on the fly.

Use it along with a text editor and shell to create new puzzles and categories.

Set up some example puzzles

If you don't have puzzles of your own to start with,
you can copy the example puzzles that come with the source:

    cp -r /path/to/src/moth/example-puzzles /srv/moth/puzzles

Run the server in development mode

These recipes run the server in the foreground,
so you can watch the access log and any error messages.

### Podman

    podman run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v /srv/moth/puzzles:/puzzles:ro dirtbags/moth -puzzles /puzzles

### Docker

    docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v /srv/moth/puzzles:/puzzles:ro dirtbags/moth -puzzles /puzzles

### Native

I assume you've built and installed the `moth` command from the source tree.

If you don't know how to build Go packages,
please consider using Podman or Docker.
Building Go software is not a skill related to running MOTH or puzzle events,
unless you plan on hacking on the source code.

    mkdir -p /srv/moth/state
    cp -r /path/to/src/moth/theme /srv/moth/theme
    cd /srv/moth
    moth -puzzles puzzles

Log In

Point a browser to http://localhost:8080/ (or whatever host is running the server).
You will be logged in automatically.

Browse the example puzzles

The example puzzles are written to demonstrate various features of MOTH,
and serve as documentation of the puzzle format.

Make your own puzzle category

    cp -r /srv/moth/puzzles/example /srv/moth/puzzles/my-category

Edit the one point puzzle

    nano /srv/moth/puzzles/my-category/1/

I don't use nano, personally,
but if you're advanced enough to have an opinion about nano,
you're advanced enough to know how to use a different editor.

Read our advice

The [Writing Puzzles]( document
has some tips on how we approach puzzle writing.
There may be something in here that will help you out!

Stop the server

You can hit Control-C in the terminal where you started the server,
and it will exit.


In the list of puzzle categories and puzzles,
there will be a button to download a mothball.

Once your category is set up the way you like it,
download a mothball for it,
and you're ready to [get started](
with the production server.