package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "testing" "time" ) const TestParticipantID = "shipox" func (hs *HTTPServer) TestRequest(path string, args map[string]string) *httptest.ResponseRecorder { vals := url.Values{} vals.Set("pid", TestParticipantID) vals.Set("id", TestTeamID) if args != nil { for k, v := range args { vals.Set(k, v) } } recorder := httptest.NewRecorder() request := httptest.NewRequest( "GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s?%s", path, vals.Encode()), bytes.NewReader([]byte{}), ) hs.ServeHTTP(recorder, request) return recorder } func TestHttpd(t *testing.T) { hs := NewHTTPServer("/", NewTestServer()) if r := hs.TestRequest("/", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/index.html", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/rolodex.html", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 404 { t.Error(r.Result()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/state", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `{"Config":{"Devel":false},"Messages":"messages.html","TeamNames":{"self":""},"PointsLog":[],"Puzzles":{"pategory":[1]}}` { t.Error("Unexpected state") } if r := hs.TestRequest("/register", map[string]string{"id": "bad team id", "name": "GoTeam"}); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `{"status":"fail","data":{"short":"not registered","description":"Team ID not found in list of valid Team IDs"}}` { t.Error("Register bad team ID failed") } if r := hs.TestRequest("/register", map[string]string{"name": "GoTeam"}); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `{"status":"success","data":{"short":"registered","description":"Team ID registered"}}` { t.Error("Register failed") } if r := hs.TestRequest("/state", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `{"Config":{"Devel":false},"Messages":"messages.html","TeamNames":{"self":"GoTeam"},"PointsLog":[],"Puzzles":{"pategory":[1]}}` { t.Error("Unexpected state", r.Body.String()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/content/pategory", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 404 { t.Error(r.Result()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/content/pategory/1/not-here", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 404 { t.Error(r.Result()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/content/pategory/2/moo.txt", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 404 { t.Error(r.Result()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/content/pategory/1/", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/content/pategory/1/moo.txt", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `moo` { t.Error("Unexpected body", r.Body.String()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/answer", map[string]string{"cat": "pategory", "points": "1", "answer": "moo"}); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `{"status":"fail","data":{"short":"not accepted","description":"Invalid answer"}}` { t.Error("Unexpected body", r.Body.String()) } if r := hs.TestRequest("/answer", map[string]string{"cat": "pategory", "points": "1", "answer": "answer123"}); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `{"status":"success","data":{"short":"accepted","description":"1 points awarded in pategory"}}` { t.Error("Unexpected body", r.Body.String()) } time.Sleep(TestMaintenanceInterval) state := StateExport{} if r := hs.TestRequest("/state", nil); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if err := json.Unmarshal(r.Body.Bytes(), &state); err != nil { t.Error(err) } else if len(state.PointsLog) != 1 { t.Error("Points log wrong length") } else if len(state.Puzzles["pategory"]) != 2 { t.Error("Didn't unlock next puzzle") } if r := hs.TestRequest("/answer", map[string]string{"cat": "pategory", "points": "1", "answer": "answer123"}); r.Result().StatusCode != 200 { t.Error(r.Result()) } else if r.Body.String() != `{"status":"fail","data":{"short":"not accepted","description":"Points already awarded to this team in this category"}}` { t.Error("Unexpected body", r.Body.String()) } }