#! /bin/sh

if [ "$1" != "-f" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 -f"
    echo "Wipes out the current contest.  This operation is not"
    echo "reversable, which is why you have to specify -f to signify"
    echo "that you know what you're getting into."

sv d tokend
sv d pointsd
sv d puzzled
sv d tanksd

rm -f /var/lib/ctf/tokens.db
rm -f /var/lib/ctf/points.log
rm -f /var/www/scoreboard.html
rm -f /var/lib/ctf/puzzles.db
rm -rf /var/lib/ctf/points.new
rm -rf /var/lib/ctf/points.tmp
rm -rf /var/lib/ctf/tanks
rm -rf /var/lib/ctf/teams

sv u tokend
sv u pointsd
sv u puzzled
sv u tanksd