#! /usr/bin/lua local cgi = {} cgi.POST_MAX = 512 local CL = tonumber(os.getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH")) or 0 function getc_post() if (CL > 0) then CL = CL - 1 return io.read(1) else return nil end end local query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING") or "" local query_len = query:len() local query_pos = 0 function getc_get() if (query_pos < query_len) then query_pos = query_pos + 1 return string.sub(query, query_pos, query_pos) else return nil end end function cgi.http_error(code, name, info) print(code .. " " .. name) print("Allow: GET POST") print("Content-type: text/html") print() print("

" .. code .. " " .. name .. "

") print("

" .. info .. "

") os.exit(0) end function cgi.init() method = os.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") if (method == "POST") then if (os.getenv("HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE") ~= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") then cgi.http_error(415, "Unsupported content-type", "You are sending me data in a format I can't process") end if (CL > cgi.POST_MAX) then cgi.http_error(413, "Post Data Too Long", "You are sending me more data than I'm prepared to handle") end getc = getc_post elseif (method == "GET") then local query = os.getenv("QUERY_STRING") or "" local query_pos = 0 local query_len = string.len(query) if (query_len > cgi.POST_MAX) then cgi.http_error(413, "Query Data Too Long", "You are sending me more data than I'm prepared to handle") end getc = getc_get else cgi.http_error(405, "Method not allowed", "I only do GET and POST.") end end function cgi.read_hex() local a = getc() or 0 local b = getc() or 0 return string.char(tonumber(a, 16)*16 + tonumber(b, 16)) end function cgi.item() local val = "" while (true) do local c = getc() if ((c == nil) or (c == "=") or (c == "&")) then return val elseif (c == "%") then c = read_hex() elseif (c == "+") then c = " " end val = val .. c end end function cgi.fields() local ret = {} while (true) do local k = cgi.item() local v = cgi.item() if (k == "") then return ret end ret[k] = v end end function cgi.escape(s) s = string.gsub(s, "&", "&") s = string.gsub(s, "<", "<") s = string.gsub(s, ">", ">") return s end return cgi