import badmath import time import os import traceback import pickle from hashlib import sha256 try: from ctf import irc from ctf.flagd import Flagger except: import sys sys.path.append('/home/pflarr/repos/gctf/') from ctf.flagd import Flagger from ctf import irc class Gyopi(irc.Bot): STATE_FN = 'badmath.state' SALT = b'this is questionable.' FLAG_DEFAULT = 'dirtbags' MAX_ATTEMPT_RATE = 3 NOBODY = '\002[nobody]\002' FLAG_HOST = b'' # FLAG_HOST = b'localhost' def __init__(self, host, channels, dataPath, flagger): irc.Bot.__init__(self, host, ['gyopi'], 'Gyopi', channels) self._dataPath = dataPath self._flag = flagger try: self._loadState() except: traceback.print_exc() self._lvl = 0 self._flag.set_flag( self.FLAG_DEFAULT ) self._tokens = [] self._lastAttempt = {} self._affiliations = {} self._newPuzzle() def err(self, exception): """Save the traceback for later inspection""" irc.Bot.err(self, exception) t,v,tb = exception info = [] while 1: info.append('%s:%d(%s)' % (os.path.basename(tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename), tb.tb_lineno, tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name)) tb = tb.tb_next if not tb: break del tb # just to be safe infostr = '[' + '] ['.join(info) + ']' self.last_tb = '%s %s %s' % (t, v, infostr) print(self.last_tb) def cmd_JOIN(self, sender, forum, addl): """On join, announce who has the flag.""" if in self.nicks: self._tellFlag(forum) self._tellPuzzle(forum) def _newPuzzle(self): """Create a new puzzle.""" self._key, self._puzzle, self._banned = badmath.mkPuzzle(self._lvl) def _loadState(self): """Load the last state from the stateFile.""" statePath = os.path.join(self._dataPath, self.STATE_FN) stateFile = open( statePath, 'br' ) state = pickle.load(stateFile) self._lvl = state['lvl'] self._flag.set_flag( state['flag'] ) self._lastAttempt = state['lastAttempt'] self._affiliations = state['affiliations'] self._puzzle = state['puzzle'] self._key = state['key'] self._banned = state['banned'] self._tokens = state.get('tokens', []) def _saveState(self): """Write the current state to file.""" state = {'lvl': self._lvl, 'flag': self._flag.flag, 'lastAttempt': self._lastAttempt, 'affiliations': self._affiliations, 'puzzle': self._puzzle, 'key': self._key, 'banned': self._banned, 'tokens': self._tokens} # Do the write as an atomic move operation statePath = os.path.join(self._dataPath, self.STATE_FN) stateFile = open(statePath + '.tmp', 'wb') pickle.dump(state, stateFile) stateFile.close() os.rename( statePath + '.tmp', statePath) def _tellFlag(self, forum): """Announce who owns the flag.""" forum.msg('%s has the flag.' % (self._flag.flag)) def _tellPuzzle(self, forum): """Announce the current puzzle.""" forum.msg('Difficulty level is %d' % self._lvl) forum.msg('The problem is: %s' % ' '.join( map(str, self._puzzle))) def _getStations(self): stations = {} with open(os.path.join(STORAGE, 'stations.txt')) as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: try: name, file = line.split(':') except: continue stations[name] = file return stations def _giveToken(self, user, forum): """Hand a Jukebox token to the user.""" token = self._jukebox.mkToken(user) forum.msg('You get a jukebox token: %s' % token) forum.msg('Use this with the !set command to change the music.') forum.msg('This token is specific to your user name, and is only ' 'useable once.') def _useToken(self, user, forum, token, station): """Use the given token, and change the current station to station.""" try: station = int(station) stations = self._getStations() assert station in stations except: forum.msg('%s: Invalid Station (%s)' % station) return if token in self._tokens[user]: self._tokens[user].remove(token) def cmd_PRIVMSG(self, sender, forum, addl): text = addl[0] who = if text.startswith('!'): parts = text[1:].split(' ', 1) cmd = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: args = parts[1] else: args = None if cmd.startswith('r'): # Register if args: self._affiliations[who] = args team = self._affiliations.get(who, self.NOBODY) forum.msg('%s is playing for %s' % (who, team)) elif cmd.startswith('w'): forum.msg('Teams:') for player in self._affiliations: forum.msg('%s: %s' % (player, self._affiliations[player])) elif cmd.startswith('embrace'): # Embrace forum.ctcp('ACTION', 'is devoid of emotion.') elif cmd.startswith('f'): # Flag self._tellFlag(forum) elif cmd.startswith('h'): # Help forum.msg('''Goal: Help me with my math homework, FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION! Order of operations is always left to right in that dimension, but the operators are alien.''') forum.msg('Order of operations is always left to right.') #forum.msg('Goal: The current winner gets to control the contest music.') forum.msg('Commands: !help, !flag, !register [TEAM], !solve SOLUTION,!? EQUATION, !ops, !problem, !who') elif cmd.startswith('prob'): self._tellPuzzle(forum) elif cmd.startswith('solve') and args: # Solve team = self._affiliations.get(who) lastAttempt = time.time() - self._lastAttempt.get(team, 0) #UN-COMMENT AFTER NMT CTF # self._lastAttempt[team] = time.time() answer = badmath.solve(self._key, self._puzzle) try: attempt = int(''.join(args).strip()) except: forum.msg("%s: Answers are always integers.") if not team: forum.msg('%s: register first (!register TEAM).' % who) elif self._flag.flag == team: forum.msg('%s: Greedy, greedy.' % who) elif lastAttempt < self.MAX_ATTEMPT_RATE: forum.msg('%s: Wait at least %d seconds between attempts' % (team, self.MAX_ATTEMPT_RATE)) elif answer == attempt: self._flag.set_flag( team ) self._lvl = self._lvl + 1 self._tellFlag(forum) self._newPuzzle() self._tellPuzzle(forum) # self._giveToken(who, sender) self._saveState() else: forum.msg('%s: That is not correct.' % who) # Test a simple one op command. elif cmd.startswith('?'): if not args: forum.msg('%s: Give me an easier problem, and I\'ll ' 'give you the answer.' % who) return try: tokens = badmath.parse(''.join(args)) except (ValueError) as msg: forum.msg('%s: %s' % (who, msg)) return if len(tokens) > 3: forum.msg('%s: You can only test one op at a time.' % who) return for num in self._banned: if num in tokens: forum.msg('%s: You can\'t test numbers in the ' 'puzzle.' % who) return try: result = badmath.solve(self._key, tokens) forum.msg('%s: %s -> %d' % (who, ''.join(args), result)) except Exception as msg: forum.msg("%s: That doesn't work at all: %s" % (who, msg)) elif cmd == 'birdzerk': self._saveState() elif cmd == 'traceback': forum.msg(self.last_tb or 'No traceback') if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('-i', '--irc', dest='ircHost', default='localhost', help='IRC Host to connect to.') p.add_option('-f', '--flagd', dest='flagd', default='localhost', help='Flag Server to connect to') p.add_option('-p', '--password', dest='password', default='badmath:::a41c6753210c0bdafd84b3b62d7d1666', help='Flag server password') p.add_option('-d', '--path', dest='path', default='/var/lib/badmath', help='Path to where we can store state info.') p.add_option('-c', '--channel', dest='channel', default='#badmath', help='Which channel to join') opts, args = p.parse_args() channels = [] flagger = Flagger(opts.flagd, opts.password.encode('utf-8')) gyopi = Gyopi((opts.ircHost, 6667), channels, opts.path, flagger) irc.run_forever()