package main import ( "os" "flag" "fmt" "log" "path/filepath" "hash/fnv" "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "encoding/hex" "strconv" "math/rand" "context" "time" "os/exec" "bytes" ) type PuzzleEntry struct { Id string Points int Puzzle Puzzle } func PrngOfStrings(input ...string) (*rand.Rand) { hasher := fnv.New64() for _, s := range input { fmt.Fprint(hasher, s, "\n") } seed := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(hasher.Sum(nil)) source := rand.NewSource(int64(seed)) return rand.New(source) } func runPuzzleGen(puzzlePath string, seed string) (*Puzzle, error) { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond) defer cancel() cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, puzzlePath) cmd.Env = append( os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("MOTH_PUZZLE_SEED=%s", seed), ) stdout, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { return nil, err } jsdec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(stdout)) jsdec.DisallowUnknownFields() puzzle := new(Puzzle) err = jsdec.Decode(puzzle) if err != nil { return nil, err } return puzzle, nil } func ParseCategory(categoryPath string, seed string) ([]PuzzleEntry, error) { categoryFd, err := os.Open(categoryPath) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer categoryFd.Close() puzzleDirs, err := categoryFd.Readdirnames(0) if err != nil { return nil, err } puzzleEntries := make([]PuzzleEntry, 0, len(puzzleDirs)) for _, puzzleDir := range puzzleDirs { var puzzle *Puzzle puzzlePath := filepath.Join(categoryPath, puzzleDir) // Determine point value from directory name points, err := strconv.Atoi(puzzleDir) if err != nil { log.Printf("Skipping %s: %v", puzzlePath, err) continue } // Try the .moth file first puzzleMothPath := filepath.Join(puzzlePath, "puzzle.moth") puzzleFd, err := os.Open(puzzleMothPath) if err == nil { defer puzzleFd.Close() puzzle, err = ParseMoth(puzzleFd) if err != nil { log.Printf("Skipping %s: %v", puzzleMothPath, err) continue } } else if os.IsNotExist(err) { var genErr error puzzleGenPath := filepath.Join(puzzlePath, "mkpuzzle") puzzle, genErr = runPuzzleGen(puzzleGenPath, puzzlePath) if genErr != nil { log.Printf("Skipping %20s: %v", puzzleMothPath, err) log.Printf("Skipping %20s: %v", puzzleGenPath, genErr) continue } } else { log.Printf("Skipping %s: %v", puzzleMothPath, err) continue } // Create a category entry for this prng := PrngOfStrings(puzzlePath) idBytes := make([]byte, 16) prng.Read(idBytes) id := hex.EncodeToString(idBytes) puzzleEntry := PuzzleEntry{ Id: id, Puzzle: *puzzle, Points: points, } puzzleEntries = append(puzzleEntries, puzzleEntry) } return puzzleEntries, nil } func main() { // XXX: We need a way to pass in "only run this one point value puzzle" // XXX: Convert to standalone thingies flag.Parse() baseSeedString := os.Getenv("SEED") jsenc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout) jsenc.SetEscapeHTML(false) jsenc.SetIndent("", " ") for _, dirname := range flag.Args() { categoryName := filepath.Base(dirname) categorySeed := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", baseSeedString, categoryName) puzzles, err := ParseCategory(dirname, categorySeed) if err != nil { log.Print(err) continue } if err := jsenc.Encode(puzzles); err != nil { log.Print(err) continue } } }