#!/usr/bin/python3 import io def make(puzzle): puzzle.author = 'neale' puzzle.summary = 'crazy stuff you can do with puzzle generation' puzzle.body.write("## Crazy Things You Can Do With Puzzle Generation\n") puzzle.body.write("\n") puzzle.body.write("The source to this puzzle has some advanced examples of stuff you can do in Python.\n") puzzle.body.write("\n") # You can use any file-like object; even your own class that generates output. f = io.BytesIO("This is some text! Isn't that fantastic?".encode('utf-8')) puzzle.add_stream(f) # We have debug logging puzzle.log("You don't have to disable puzzle.log calls to move to production; the debug log is just ignored at build-time.") puzzle.log("HTML is escaped, so you don't have to worry about that!") puzzle.answers.append('coffee') answer = puzzle.make_answer() # Generates a random answer, appending it to puzzle.answers too puzzle.log("Answers: {}".format(puzzle.answers))