#! /usr/bin/python3 ## Course assignments import csv import smtplib msg = '''From: Neale Pickett To: %(recip)s Subject: Tracer FIRE 4 course assignment: %(course)s Hello! Your course assignment for Tracer FIRE 4 is: %(course)s Please see http://csr.lanl.gov/tf/tf4.html for information on what you need to bring to the course. Course questions should be directed to the appropriate instructor: Network RE: Neale Pickett Malware RE: Danny Quist Host Forensics: Kevin Nauer Incident Coordination: Alex Kent General questions about Tracer FIRE may be sent to Neale Pickett Looking forward to seeing you in Santa Fe next week, -- Neale Pickett Advanced Computing Solutions, Los Alamos National Laboratory ''' limits = {'Malware RE': 26, 'Network RE': 40} assignments = {} assigned = set(l.strip() for l in open('assigned.txt')) c = csv.reader(open('/tmp/g.csv')) c.__next__() for row in c: assert '@' in row[2] t = row[5] if (len(assignments.get(t, '')) == limits.get(t, 50)): if (row[6] == row[5]): print("Jackass detected: %s" % row[2]) t = row[6] l = assignments.setdefault(t, []) l.append(row) s = smtplib.SMTP('mail.lanl.gov') for t in ('Incident Coordinator', 'Network RE', 'Malware RE', 'Forensics'): print('%s (%s)' % (t, len(assignments[t]))) for row in assignments[t]: e = row[2] if e in assigned: print(' %s' % e) else: print(' * %s' % e) ret = s.sendmail('neale@lanl.gov', [e], msg % {'course': t, 'recip': e}) if ret: print(' ==> %s' % ret) else: assigned.add(e) s.quit() a = open('assigned.txt', 'w') for e in assigned: a.write('%s\n' % e)