Problems with Sandia -------------------- * Tighter integration of scoreboard * Spell out *exactly* what they can and cannot do: * No posters with offensive text * No machines at tables * No grabbing our network while we're using it * Give them exact network configuration information (they thought I said /24, we needed /16) * Specify where they get to project their scoreboard and what color scheme it needs to be, including max luminosity * They need to let me know well in advance if they want any links, hosted files, or anything else in our game server * Let Kevin know that we need everything planned out in advance and will stubbornly refuse to accommodate any last-minute changes * We handled power and network pretty well this year, do that again Other problems -------------- * We must have 8-foot rounds. We got 5-foot rounds this year. Bring measuring tape and tell hotel immediately. * Explain tokens even more clearly to vendors * Have puzzles explain what format examples should be in * TFTP tank submission * Interfaces on pwnables are going down * Specify how vendors can participate on IRC with ads * Provide schedule to hotel well in advance * Fewer categories. 20 is too many. * Tanks unmatched comment * Auto-refreshing tanks page * Text announcement system in scoreboard * No text to speech announcements, or at least display text as it's being pronounced * Have some 4" gaffer tape * Classes need to start at the same time every day, danny thinks 9-4:30 * Go back to five days * Have vendors sponsor a social event * Pen testing class * ltraceme needs to die Bullshit -------- * Chash wants a $800 chair * Open bar * Chash wants a Segway * Chash wants a trash can behind the uh the thing. And a terlet. * Nerf weaponry