#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import binascii import hashlib import io import json import logging import moth import os import shutil import tempfile import zipfile SEEDFN = "SEED" def write_kv_pairs(ziphandle, filename, kv): """ Write out a sorted map to file :param ziphandle: a zipfile object :param filename: The filename to write within the zipfile object :param kv: the map to write out :return: """ filehandle = io.StringIO() for key in sorted(kv.keys()): if isinstance(kv[key], list): for val in kv[key]: filehandle.write("%s %s\n" % (key, val)) else: filehandle.write("%s %s\n" % (key, kv[key])) filehandle.seek(0) ziphandle.writestr(filename, filehandle.read()) def escape(s): return s.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') def generate_html(ziphandle, puzzle, puzzledir, category, points, authors, files): html_content = io.StringIO() file_content = io.StringIO() if files: file_content.write( '''

Associated files:

''') scripts = [''.format(s) for s in puzzle.scripts] html_content.write( ''' {category} {points} {scripts}

{category} for {points} points

Team hash:
Puzzle by {authors}
'''.format( category=category, points=points, body=puzzle.html_body(), file_content=file_content.getvalue(), authors=', '.join(authors), scripts='\n'.join(scripts), ) ) ziphandle.writestr(os.path.join(puzzledir, 'index.html'), html_content.getvalue()) def build_category(categorydir, outdir): category_seed = binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(20)) categoryname = os.path.basename(categorydir.strip(os.sep)) zipfilename = os.path.join(outdir, "%s.zip" % categoryname) logging.info("Building {} from {}".format(zipfilename, categorydir)) if os.path.exists(zipfilename): # open and gather some state existing = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilename, 'r') try: category_seed = existing.open(SEEDFN).read().strip() except Exception: pass existing.close() logging.debug("Using PRNG seed {}".format(category_seed)) zipfileraw = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) mothball = package(categoryname, categorydir, category_seed) shutil.copyfileobj(mothball, zipfileraw) zipfileraw.close() shutil.move(zipfileraw.name, zipfilename) # Returns a file-like object containing the contents of the new zip file def package(categoryname, categorydir, seed): zfraw = io.BytesIO() zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zfraw, 'x') zf.writestr("category_seed.txt", seed) cat = moth.Category(categorydir, seed) mapping = {} answers = {} summary = {} for puzzle in cat: logging.info("Processing point value {}".format(puzzle.points)) hashmap = hashlib.sha1(seed) hashmap.update(str(puzzle.points).encode('utf-8')) puzzlehash = hashmap.hexdigest() mapping[puzzle.points] = puzzlehash answers[puzzle.points] = puzzle.answers summary[puzzle.points] = puzzle.summary puzzledir = os.path.join('content', puzzlehash) files = [] for fn, f in puzzle.files.items(): if f.visible: files.append(fn) payload = f.stream.read() zf.writestr(os.path.join(puzzledir, fn), payload) puzzledict = { 'authors': puzzle.authors, 'hashes': puzzle.hashes(), 'files': files, 'body': puzzle.html_body(), } puzzlejson = json.dumps(puzzledict) zf.writestr(os.path.join(puzzledir, 'puzzle.json'), puzzlejson) generate_html(zf, puzzle, puzzledir, categoryname, puzzle.points, puzzle.get_authors(), files) write_kv_pairs(zf, 'map.txt', mapping) write_kv_pairs(zf, 'answers.txt', answers) write_kv_pairs(zf, 'summaries.txt', summary) # clean up zf.close() zfraw.seek(0) return zfraw if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build a category package') parser.add_argument('outdir', help='Output directory') parser.add_argument('categorydirs', nargs='+', help='Directory of category source') args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) for categorydir in args.categorydirs: build_category(categorydir, args.outdir)