/** * Functionality for index.html (Login / Puzzles list) */ import * as moth from "./moth.mjs" import * as common from "./common.mjs" class App { constructor(basePath=".") { this.configURL = new URL("config.json", location) this.config = {} this.server = new moth.Server(basePath) let uuid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000).toString(16) this.fakeRegistration = { TeamID: uuid, TeamName: `Team ${uuid}`, } for (let form of document.querySelectorAll("form.login")) { form.addEventListener("submit", event => this.handleLoginSubmit(event)) } for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(".logout")) { e.addEventListener("click", () => this.Logout()) } setInterval(() => this.UpdateState(), common.Minute/3) setInterval(() => this.UpdateConfig(), common.Minute* 5) this.UpdateConfig() .finally(() => this.UpdateState()) } handleLoginSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault() console.log(event) } /** * Attempt to log in to the server. * * @param {String} teamID * @param {String} teamName */ async Login(teamID, teamName) { try { await this.server.Login(teamID, teamName) common.Toast(`Logged in (team id = ${teamID})`) this.UpdateState() } catch (error) { common.Toast(error) } } /** * Log out of the server by clearing the saved Team ID. */ async Logout() { try { this.server.Reset() common.Toast("Logged out") this.UpdateState() } catch (error) { common.Toast(error) } } /** * Update app configuration. * * Configuration can be updated less frequently than state, to reduce server * load, since configuration should (hopefully) change less frequently. */ async UpdateConfig() { let resp = await fetch(this.configURL) this.config = await resp.json() } /** * Update the entire page. * * Fetch a new state, and rebuild all dynamic elements on this bage based on * what's returned. If we're in development mode and not logged in, auto * login too. */ async UpdateState() { this.state = await this.server.GetState() for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(".messages")) { e.innerHTML = this.state.Messages } // Update elements with data-track-solved for (let e of document.querySelectorAll("[data-track-solved]")) { // Only display if data-track-solved is the same as config.trackSolved e.classList.toggle("hidden", common.Truthy(e.dataset.trackSolved) != this.config.TrackSolved) } for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(".login")) { this.renderLogin(e, !this.server.LoggedIn()) } for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(".puzzles")) { this.renderPuzzles(e, this.server.LoggedIn()) } if (this.state.DevelopmentMode() && !this.server.LoggedIn()) { common.Toast("Automatically logging in to devel server") console.info("Logging in with generated Team ID and Team Name", this.fakeRegistration) return this.Login(this.fakeRegistration.TeamID, this.fakeRegistration.TeamName) } } /** * Render a login box. * * This just toggles visibility, there's nothing dynamic in a login box. */ renderLogin(element, visible) { element.classList.toggle("hidden", !visible) } /** * Render a puzzles box. * * This updates the list of open puzzles, and adds mothball download links * if the server is in development mode. */ renderPuzzles(element, visible) { element.classList.toggle("hidden", !visible) while (element.firstChild) element.firstChild.remove() for (let cat of this.state.Categories()) { let pdiv = element.appendChild(document.createElement("div")) pdiv.classList.add("category") let h = pdiv.appendChild(document.createElement("h2")) h.textContent = cat // Extras if we're running a devel server if (this.state.DevelopmentMode()) { let a = h.appendChild(document.createElement('a')) a.classList.add("mothball") a.textContent = "📦" a.href = this.server.URL(`mothballer/${cat}.mb`) a.title = "Download a compiled puzzle for this category" } // List out puzzles in this category let l = pdiv.appendChild(document.createElement("ul")) for (let puzzle of this.state.Puzzles(cat)) { let i = l.appendChild(document.createElement("li")) let url = new URL("puzzle.html", window.location) url.hash = `${puzzle.Category}:${puzzle.Points}` let a = i.appendChild(document.createElement("a")) a.textContent = puzzle.Points a.href = url a.target = "_blank" if (this.config.TrackSolved) { a.classList.toggle("solved", this.state.IsSolved(puzzle)) } } if (!this.state.ContainsUnsolved(cat)) { l.appendChild(document.createElement("li")).textContent = "✿" } element.appendChild(pdiv) } } } function init() { window.app = { server: new App() } } if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init) } else { init() }