import badmath import time import os import traceback import pickle from hashlib import sha256 try: from ctf import irc from ctf.flagd import Flagger except: import sys sys.path.append('/home/pflarr/repos/gctf/') from ctf.flagd import Flagger from ctf import irc class Gyopi(irc.Bot): STATE_FN = 'badmath.state' SALT = b'this is questionable.' FLAG_DEFAULT = 'dirtbags' MAX_ATTEMPT_RATE = 3 NOBODY = '\002[nobody]\002' FLAG_HOST = b'' # FLAG_HOST = b'localhost' def __init__(self, host, channels, dataPath, flagger): irc.Bot.__init__(self, host, ['gyopi'], 'Gyopi', channels) self._dataPath = dataPath self._flag = flagger try: self._loadState() except: traceback.print_exc() self._lvl = 0 self._flag.set_flag( self.FLAG_DEFAULT ) self._tokens = [] self._lastAttempt = {} self._affiliations = {} self._newPuzzle() def err(self, exception): """Save the traceback for later inspection""" irc.Bot.err(self, exception) t,v,tb = exception info = [] while 1: info.append('%s:%d(%s)' % (os.path.basename(tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename), tb.tb_lineno, tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name)) tb = tb.tb_next if not tb: break del tb # just to be safe infostr = '[' + '] ['.join(info) + ']' self.last_tb = '%s %s %s' % (t, v, infostr) print(self.last_tb) def cmd_JOIN(self, sender, forum, addl): """On join, announce who has the flag.""" if in self.nicks: self._tellFlag(forum) self._tellPuzzle(forum) def _newPuzzle(self): """Create a new puzzle.""" self._key, self._puzzle, self._banned = badmath.mkPuzzle(self._lvl) def _loadState(self): """Load the last state from the stateFile.""" statePath = os.path.join(self._dataPath, self.STATE_FN) stateFile = open( statePath, 'br' ) state = pickle.load(stateFile) self._lvl = state['lvl'] self._flag.set_flag( state['flag'] ) self._lastAttempt = state['lastAttempt'] self._affiliations = state['affiliations'] self._puzzle = state['puzzle'] self._key = state['key'] self._banned = state['banned'] self._tokens = state.get('tokens', []) def _saveState(self): """Write the current state to file.""" state = {'lvl': self._lvl, 'flag': self._flag.flag, 'lastAttempt': self._lastAttempt, 'affiliations': self._affiliations, 'puzzle': self._puzzle, 'key': self._key, 'banned': self._banned, 'tokens': self._tokens} # Do the write as an atomic move operation statePath = os.path.join(self._dataPath, self.STATE_FN) stateFile = open(statePath + '.tmp', 'wb') pickle.dump(state, stateFile) stateFile.close() os.rename( statePath + '.tmp', statePath) def _tellFlag(self, forum): """Announce who owns the flag.""" forum.msg('%s has the flag.' % (self._flag.flag)) def _tellPuzzle(self, forum): """Announce the current puzzle.""" forum.msg('Difficulty level is %d' % self._lvl) forum.msg('The problem is: %s' % ' '.join( map(str, self._puzzle))) def _getStations(self): stations = {} with open(os.path.join(STORAGE, 'stations.txt')) as file: lines = file.readlines() for line in lines: try: name, file = line.split(':') except: continue stations[name] = file return stations def _giveToken(self, user, forum): """Hand a Jukebox token to the user.""" token = self._jukebox.mkToken(user) forum.msg('You get a jukebox token: %s' % token) forum.msg('Use this with the !set command to change the music.') forum.msg('This token is specific to your user name, and is only ' 'useable once.') def _useToken(self, user, forum, token, station): """Use the given token, and change the current station to station.""" try: station = int(station) stations = self._getStations() assert station in stations except: forum.msg('%s: Invalid Station (%s)' % station) return if token in self._tokens[user]: self._tokens[user].remove(token) def cmd_PRIVMSG(self, sender, forum, addl): text = addl[0] who = if text.startswith('!'): parts = text[1:].split(' ', 1) cmd = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: args = parts[1] else: args = None if cmd.startswith('r'): # Register if args: self._affiliations[who] = args team = self._affiliations.get(who, self.NOBODY) forum.msg('%s is playing for %s' % (who, team)) elif cmd.startswith('w'): forum.msg('Teams:') for player in self._affiliations: forum.msg('%s: %s' % (player, self._affiliations[player])) elif cmd.startswith('embrace'): # Embrace forum.ctcp('ACTION', 'is devoid of emotion.') elif cmd.startswith('f'): # Flag self._tellFlag(forum) elif cmd.startswith('h'): # Help forum.msg('Goal: Help me with my math homework, FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION!') forum.msg('Order of operations is always left to right.') #forum.msg('Goal: The current winner gets to control the contest music.') forum.msg('Commands: !help, !flag, !register [TEAM], !solve SOLUTION,!? EQUATION, !ops, !problem, !who') elif cmd.startswith('prob'): self._tellPuzzle(forum) elif cmd.startswith('solve') and args: # Solve team = self._affiliations.get(who) lastAttempt = time.time() - self._lastAttempt.get(team, 0) answer = badmath.solve(self._key, self._puzzle) try: attempt = int(''.join(args).strip()) except: forum.msg("%s: Answers are always integers.") if not team: forum.msg('%s: register first (!register TEAM).' % who) elif self._flag.flag == team: forum.msg('%s: Greedy, greedy.' % who) elif lastAttempt < self.MAX_ATTEMPT_RATE: forum.msg('%s: Wait at least %d seconds between attempts' % (team, self.MAX_ATTEMPT_RATE)) elif answer == attempt: self._flag.set_flag( team ) self._lvl = self._lvl + 1 self._tellFlag(forum) self._newPuzzle() self._tellPuzzle(forum) # self._giveToken(who, sender) self._saveState() else: forum.msg('%s: That is not correct.' % who) # Test a simple one op command. elif cmd.startswith('?'): if not args: forum.msg('%s: Give me an easier problem, and I\'ll ' 'give you the answer.' % who) return try: tokens = badmath.parse(''.join(args)) except (ValueError) as msg: forum.msg('%s: %s' % (who, msg)) return if len(tokens) > 3: forum.msg('%s: You can only test one op at a time.' % who) for num in self._banned: if num in tokens: forum.msg('%s: You can\'t test numbers in the ' 'puzzle.' % who) return try: result = badmath.solve(self._key, tokens) forum.msg('%s: %s -> %d' % (who, ''.join(args), result)) except: forum.msg("%s: That doesn't work at all." % who) elif cmd == 'birdzerk': self._saveState() elif cmd == 'traceback': forum.msg(self.last_tb or 'No traceback') if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse p = optparse.OptionParser() p.add_option('-i', '--irc', dest='ircHost', default='localhost', help='IRC Host to connect to.') p.add_option('-f', '--flagd', dest='flagd', default='localhost', help='Flag Server to connect to') p.add_option('-p', '--password', dest='password', default='badmath:::a41c6753210c0bdafd84b3b62d7d1666', help='Flag server password') p.add_option('-d', '--path', dest='path', default='/var/lib/badmath', help='Path to where we can store state info.') p.add_option('-c', '--channel', dest='channel', default='#badmath', help='Which channel to join') opts, args = p.parse_args() channels = [] flagger = Flagger(opts.flagd, opts.password.encode('utf-8')) gyopi = Gyopi((opts.ircHost, 6667), channels, opts.path, flagger) irc.run_forever()