#! /usr/bin/python import sys import codecs import time import optparse import string import os from urllib import unquote from ctf import teams, html, paths from codecs import open from sets import Set as set from cgi import escape flags_dir = os.path.join(paths.VAR, 'flags') sys.stdin = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(sys.stdin) def incdict(dict, key, amt=1): dict[key] = dict.get(key, 0) + amt class Chart: def __init__(self): self.points_by_cat = {} self.points_by_cat_team = {} self.high_score = 0.001 self.teams = set() self.cats = set() self.log = [] def add_points(self, when, cat, team, points): self.log.append((when, cat, team, points)) self.teams.add(team) self.cats.add(cat) incdict(self.points_by_cat, cat, points) incdict(self.points_by_cat_team, (cat, team), points) def team_points(self, team): points = 0 for cat, tot in self.points_by_cat.items(): if not tot: continue team_points = self.team_points_in_cat(cat, team) points += team_points / float(tot) return points def team_points_in_cat(self, cat, team): return self.points_by_cat_team.get((cat, team), 0) def write_js(self, f): start = self.log[0][0] end = self.log[-1][0] # Calculate high score high_score = reduce(max, [self.team_points(t) for t in self.teams]) width = end - start height = high_score * 1.1 f.write('function draw(id) {\n') f.write(' p = new Plot(id, %d, %.3f);\n' % (width, height)) for team in self.teams: f.write(' p.line("#%s",[' % teams.color(team)) score = 0 for when, cat, t, points in self.log: if t == team: cat_points = self.points_by_cat[cat] if not cat_points: continue pct = float(points) / cat_points score += pct f.write('[%d,%.2f],' % (when - start, score)) f.write(']); // %s\n' % team) f.write('}') def make_table(self): body = [] body.append('') body.append('') body.append('') for cat in self.cats: points = self.points_by_cat[cat] if not points: continue body.append('') body.append('') body.append('') body.append('') for cat in self.cats: total = self.points_by_cat[cat] if not total: continue body.append('') body.append('') body.append('
Overall') body.append(' %s (%d)' % (cat, points)) try: fn = os.path.join(flags_dir, cat) team = open(fn).read().strip() or teams.house body.append('
') body.append(' ' % teams.color(team)) body.append(' %s\n' % (cat, escape(team[:15]))) body.append(' ') except IOError: pass body.append('
    ') totals = [] for team in self.teams: total = self.team_points(team) totals.append((total, team)) totals.sort() totals.reverse() for total, team in totals: if total < 0.1: break body.append('
  1. %s (%0.3f)
  2. ' % (teams.color(team), escape(team[:15]), total)) body.append('
') scores = sorted([(self.team_points_in_cat(cat, team), team) for team in self.teams]) for score, team in scores: if not score: continue color = teams.color(team) body.append('
' % (float(score * 100)/total, color)) body.append(' %s: %d' % (cat, escape(team[:15]), score)) body.append('
') body.append('
') return '\n'.join(body) def main(): p = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] < logfile') p.add_option('-t', '--html', dest='html', default=None, help='Write a web page to HTML') p.add_option('-j', '--javascript', dest='js', default=None, help='Write javascript params to JS') opts, args = p.parse_args() if args: return p.print_help() chart = Chart() for line in sys.stdin: line = line.strip() try: date, qcat, qteam, points = line.split('\t') except ValueError: print 'Possible line corruption: %s' % (repr(line)[:40]) cat = unquote(qcat) team = unquote(qteam) when = time.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') chart.add_points(time.mktime(when), cat, team, int(points)) if opts.html: hdr = ('' '' '' '') body = chart.make_table() body += '\n' html.write(opts.html, 'Scoreboard', body, hdr=hdr, body_class='wide', onload="draw('history')") if opts.js: f = open(opts.js, 'w', encoding='utf-8') chart.write_js(f) if __name__ == '__main__': main()