var puzzles_terminal; var puzzles_url = "hack/puzzles.html"; function Puzzles(element) { var term = new Terminal(element); var refreshInterval; function loaded() { var doc = this.response; var puzzles = doc.getElementById("puzzles"); var h1 = document.createElement("h1"); h1.textContent = "Puzzles"; term.clear(); term.append(h1); term.append(puzzles); } function refresh() { var myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); myRequest.responseType = "document"; myRequest.addEventListener("load", loaded);"GET", puzzles_url); myRequest.send(); } function start() { term.clear(); term.par("Loading..."); term.par("This is going to show you the list of open puzzles. It should refresh itself periodically, since not refreshing was a source of major confusion in the last setup, at least for kids, who seem not to realize what the reload button in the browser does.") refreshInterval = setInterval(refresh, 20 * 1000); refresh(); } setTimeout(start, 3000); } function puzzles_start() { puzzles_terminal = new Puzzles(document.getElementById("puzzles")); } window.addEventListener("load", puzzles_start);