#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import re import io import sys import time import socket import traceback import subprocess import random import http.client from ctf import config from ctf import pointscli DEBUG = False POLL_INTERVAL = config.get('pollster', 'poll_interval') IP_DIR = config.get('pollster', 'heartbeat_dir') REPORT_PATH = config.get('pollster', 'results') SOCK_TIMEOUT = config.get('pollster', 'poll_timeout') POLL_IFACE = config.get('pollster', 'poll_iface') POLL_MAC_VENDOR = config.get('pollster', 'poll_mac_vendor') class BoundHTTPConnection(http.client.HTTPConnection): ''' http.client.HTTPConnection doesn't support binding to a particular address, which is something we need. ''' def __init__(self, bindip, host, port=None, strict=None, timeout=socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): http.client.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port, strict, timeout) self.bindip = bindip def connect(self): ''' Connect to the host and port specified in __init__, but also bind first. ''' self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.bind((self.bindip, 0)) self.sock.settimeout(self.timeout) self.sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) if self._tunnel_host: self._tunnel() def random_mac(): ''' Set a random mac on the poll interface. ''' mac = ':'.join([POLL_MAC_VENDOR] + ['%02x' % random.randint(0,255) for i in range(3)]) retcode = subprocess.call(('ifconfig', POLL_IFACE, 'hw', 'ether', mac)) def dhcp_request(): ''' Request a new IP on the poll interface. ''' retcode = subprocess.call(('dhclient', POLL_IFACE)) def get_ip(): ''' Return the IP of the poll interface. ''' path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'get_ip.sh') p = subprocess.Popen((path, POLL_IFACE), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() return out.strip(b'\r\n').decode('utf-8') def socket_poll(srcip, ip, port, msg, prot, max_recv=1): ''' Connect via socket to the specified : using the specified , send the specified and return the response or None if something went wrong. specifies how many times to read from the socket (defaults to once). ''' # create a socket try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, prot) except Exception as e: print('pollster: create socket failed (%s)' % e) traceback.print_exc() return None sock.bind((srcip, 0)) sock.settimeout(SOCK_TIMEOUT) # connect try: sock.connect((ip, port)) except socket.timeout as e: print('pollster: attempt to connect to %s:%d timed out (%s)' % (ip, port, e)) traceback.print_exc() return None except Exception as e: print('pollster: attempt to connect to %s:%d failed (%s)' % (ip, port, e)) traceback.print_exc() return None # send something sock.send(msg) # get a response resp = [] try: # read from the socket until responses or read, # a timeout occurs, the socket closes, or some other exception # is raised for i in range(max_recv): data = sock.recv(1024) if len(data) == 0: break resp.append(data) except socket.timeout as e: print('pollster: timed out waiting for a response from %s:%d (%s)' % (ip, port, e)) traceback.print_exc() except Exception as e: print('pollster: receive from %s:%d failed (%s)' % (ip, port, e)) traceback.print_exc() sock.close() if len(resp) == 0: return None return b''.join(resp) # PUT POLLS FUNCTIONS HERE # Each function should take an IP address and return a team name or None # if (a) the service is not up, (b) it doesn't return a valid team name. def poll_fingerd(srcip, ip): ''' Poll the fingerd service. Returns None or a team name. ''' resp = socket_poll(srcip, ip, 79, b'flag\n', socket.SOCK_STREAM) if resp is None: return None return resp.strip(b'\r\n') def poll_noted(srcip, ip): ''' Poll the noted service. Returns None or a team name. ''' resp = socket_poll(srcip, ip, 4000, b'rflag\n', socket.SOCK_STREAM) if resp is None: return None return resp.strip(b'\r\n') def poll_catcgi(srcip, ip): ''' Poll the cat.cgi web service. Returns None or a team name. ''' try: conn = BoundHTTPConnection(srcip, ip, timeout=SOCK_TIMEOUT) conn.request('GET', '/cat.cgi/flag') except: return None resp = conn.getresponse() if resp.status != 200: conn.close() return None data = resp.read() conn.close() return data.strip(b'\r\n') def poll_tftpd(srcip, ip): ''' Poll the tftp service. Returns None or a team name. ''' resp = socket_poll(srcip, ip, 69, b'\x00\x01' + b'flag' + b'\x00' + b'octet' + b'\x00', socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if resp is None: return None if len(resp) <= 5: return None resp = resp.split(b'\n')[0] # ack _ = socket_poll(srcip, ip, 69, b'\x00\x04' + resp[2:4], socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0) return resp[4:].strip(b'\r\n') # PUT POLL FUNCTIONS IN HERE OR THEY WONT BE POLLED POLLS = { 'fingerd' : poll_fingerd, 'noted' : poll_noted, 'catcgi' : poll_catcgi, 'tftpd' : poll_tftpd, } ip_re = re.compile('(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}') # loop forever while True: random_mac() dhcp_request() srcip = get_ip() t_start = time.time() # gather the list of IPs to poll ips = os.listdir(IP_DIR) out = io.StringIO() out.write(config.start_html('Team Service Availability')) for ip in ips: # check file name format is ip if ip_re.match(ip) is None: continue # remove the file try: os.remove(os.path.join(IP_DIR, ip)) except Exception as e: print('pollster: could not remove %s' % os.path.join(IP_DIR, ip)) traceback.print_exc() results = {} if DEBUG is True: print('ip: %s' % ip) if out is not None: out.write('


\n' % ip) out.write('\n') out.write('\n') # perform polls for service,func in POLLS.items(): try: team = func(srcip, ip).decode('utf-8') if len(team) == 0: team = 'dirtbags' except: team = 'dirtbags' if DEBUG is True: print('\t%s - %s' % (service, team)) if out is not None: out.write('\n' % (service, team)) pointscli.submit('svc.' + service, team, 1) if out is not None: out.write('
Service NameFlag Holder
\n') if DEBUG is True: print('+-----------------------------------------+') time_str = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z') out.write('''

This page was generated on %s. That was ? seconds ago.

''' % (time_str, time.time()*1000)) t_end = time.time() exec_time = int(t_end - t_start) sleep_time = POLL_INTERVAL - exec_time if out is not None: out.write(config.end_html()) open(REPORT_PATH, 'w').write(out.getvalue()) # sleep until its time to poll again time.sleep(sleep_time)