#! /usr/bin/env python3 import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import cgi import fcntl import string from . import teams from . import config def main(): f = cgi.FieldStorage() team = f.getfirst('team', '') pw = f.getfirst('pw') confirm_pw = f.getfirst('confirm_pw') html = string.Template(config.start_html('Team Registration') + ('''

Pick a short team name: you'll be typing it a lot.

Registration information: $team_error

''' % config.url('register.cgi')) + config.end_html()) if not (team and pw and confirm_pw): # If we're starting from the beginning? html = html.substitute(team_error='', pw_match_error='') elif teams.exists(team): html = html.substitute(team_error='Team team already taken', pw_match_error='') elif pw != confirm_pw: html = html.substitute(team_error='', pw_match_error='Passwords do not match') else: teams.add(team, pw) html = (config.start_html('Team registered') + ('

Congratulations, %s is now registered. Go back to the front page and start playing!

' % (team, config.url(''))) + config.end_html()) print(html) if __name__ == '__main__': main()