Administration ========= Everything you need to do happens through the filesystem. Usually, in `/srv/moth/state`. The server doesn't cache anything in memory, so the `state` directory always contains the current state. Backing up current state --------------------------- tar czf backup.tar.gz /srv/moth/state # Full backup curl http://localhost:8080/state > state.json # Pull anonymized event log and team names (scoreboard) Pausing/resuming scoring ------------------- rm /srv/moth/state/enabled # Pause scoring touch /srv/moth/state/enabled # Resume scoring When scoring is paused, participants can still submit answers, and the system will tell them whether the answer is correct. As soon as you unpause, all correctly-submitted answers will be scored. Scheduling an automatic pause and resume ----------------------------------- printf '-'; date --rfc-3339=s -d '10:00 PM' >> /srv/moth/state/hours.txt # Schedule suspend at 10:00 PM printf '+'; date --rfc-3339=s -d '08:00 tomorrow' >> /srv/moth/state/hours.txt # Schedule resume at 08:00 tomorrow You might prefer to open `/srv/moth/state/hours.txt` in a text editor. I do. Re-initalize ------------------- rm /srv/moth/state/initialized This will reset the following: * team registrations * points log Team tokens stick around, though. Setting up custom team IDs ------------------- echo > /srv/moth/state/teamids.txt # Teams must be registered manually seq 9999 > /srv/moth/state/teamids.txt # Allow all 4-digit numbers `teamids.txt` is a list of acceptable team IDs, one per line. You can make it anything you want. New instances will initialize this with some hex values. Remember that team IDs are essentially passwords. Adjusting scores ------------------ rm /srv/moth/state/enabled # Suspend scoring nano /srv/moth/state/points.log # Replace nano with your preferred editor touch /srv/moth/state/enabled # Resume scoring We don't warn participants before we do this: any points scored while scoring is suspended are queued up and processed as soon as scoreing is resumed. It's very important to suspend scoring before mucking around with the points log. The maintenance loop assumes it is the only thing writing to this file, and any edits you make will remove points scored while you were editing. Changing a team name ---------------------- grep . /srv/moth/state/teams/* # Show all team IDs and names echo 'exciting new team name' > /srv/moth/state/teams/$teamid Please remember, you have to replace `$teamid` with the actual team ID that you want to edit. Dealing with puzzles =========== Checking on an answer ---------------------- Mothballs are just zip files. If you need to check something about a running category, just unzip the mothball for that category. mkdir /tmp/category cd /tmp/category unzip /srv/moth/mothballs/ cat answers.txt # Show all valid answers for all puzzles. Watch your shoulder! Installing new categories ------------------- Just drop a new mothball in the `mothballs' directory. cp new-category.mb /srv/moth/mothballs Taking a category offline ------------------------- rm /srv/moth/mothballs/old-category.mb Removing a category won't remove points that have been scored in it!