import * as moth from "./moth.mjs" import * as common from "./common.mjs" const server = new moth.Server(".") /** Don't let any team's score exceed this percentage width */ const MaxScoreWidth = 90 /** * Returns a promise that resolves after timeout. * * @param {Number} timeout How long to sleep (milliseconds) * @returns {Promise} */ function sleep(timeout) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); } /** * Pull new points log, and update the scoreboard. * * The update is animated, because I think that looks cool. */ async function update() { let config = {} try { config = await common.Config() } catch (err) { console.warn("Parsing config.json:", err) } // Pull configuration settings let ScoreboardConfig = config.Scoreboard ?? {} let ReplayHistory = ScoreboardConfig.ReplayHistory ?? false let ReplayDurationMS = ScoreboardConfig.ReplayDurationMS ?? 300 let ReplayFPS = ScoreboardConfig.ReplayFPS ?? 24 if (!config.Scoreboard) { console.warn("config.json has empty Scoreboard section") } for (let e of document.querySelectorAll(".location")) { e.textContent = common.BaseURL e.classList.toggle("hidden", !ScoreboardConfig.DisplayServerURL) } let state = await server.GetState() let rankingsElement = document.querySelector("#rankings") let logSize = state.PointsLog.length // Figure out the timing so that we can replay the scoreboard in about // ReplayDurationMS, but no more than 24 frames per second. let frameModulo = 1 let delay = 0 while (delay < (common.Second / ReplayFPS)) { frameModulo += 1 delay = ReplayDurationMS / (logSize / frameModulo) } let frame = 0 for (let scores of state.ScoresHistory()) { frame += 1 if (frame < state.PointsLog.length) { // Always render the last frame if (!ReplayHistory || (frame % frameModulo)) { // Skip if we're not animating, or if we need to drop frames continue } } while (rankingsElement.firstChild) rankingsElement.firstChild.remove() let sortedTeamIDs = [...scores.TeamIDs] sortedTeamIDs.sort((a, b) => scores.CyFiScore(a) - scores.CyFiScore(b)) sortedTeamIDs.reverse() let topScore = scores.CyFiScore(sortedTeamIDs[0]) for (let teamID of sortedTeamIDs) { let teamName = state.TeamNames[teamID] let row = rankingsElement.appendChild(document.createElement("div")) let teamname = row.appendChild(document.createElement("span")) teamname.textContent = teamName teamname.classList.add("teamname") let categoryNumber = 0 let teampoints = row.appendChild(document.createElement("span")) teampoints.classList.add("teampoints") for (let category of scores.Categories) { let score = scores.CyFiCategoryScore(category, teamID) if (!score) { continue } // XXX: Figure out how to do this properly with flexbox let block = row.appendChild(document.createElement("span")) let points = scores.GetPoints(category, teamID) let width = MaxScoreWidth * score / topScore block.textContent = category block.title = `${points} points` = `${width}%` block.classList.add("category", `cat${categoryNumber}`) block.classList.toggle("topscore", (score == 1) && ScoreboardConfig.ShowCategoryLeaders) categoryNumber += 1 } } await sleep(delay) } } function init() { setInterval(update, common.Minute) update() } common.WhenDOMLoaded(init)