#!/usr/bin/python import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import os import sys from ctf import config try: from tanks import Program, setup, conditions, actions, docs except: path = os.getcwd().split('/') path.pop() path.append('lib') sys.path.append(os.path.join('/', *path)) import Program, setup, conditions, actions, docs print(config.start_html('Tanks Documentation', links_title='Tanks', links=[('docs.cgi', 'Docs'), ('results.cgi', 'Results'), ('submit.html', 'Submit'), ('errors.cgi', 'My Errors')])) print Program.__doc__ print '

Setup Actions:

' print 'These functions can be used to setup your tank. Abuse of these functions has, in the past, resulted in mine sweeping duty. With a broom.' print "

" docs.mkDocTable(setup.setup.values()) print '


' print 'These functions are used to check the state of reality. If reality stops being real, refer to chapter 5 in your girl scout handbook.

' docs.mkDocTable(conditions.conditions.values()) print '


' print 'These actions are not for cowards. Remember, if actions contradict, your tank will simply do the last thing it was told in a turn. If ordered to hop on a plane to hell it will gladly do so. If order to make tea shortly afterwards, it will serve it politely and with cookies instead.

' docs.mkDocTable(actions.actions.values()) print(config.end_html())