# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [v4.6.0] - 2024-04-17 ### Changed - Mothd now correctly handles using the current directory for a path. For instance, `-puzzles .` - Theme configuration has a new structure: old theme config files need to be modified - Theme now omits the qix animation in the background if the user has configured the browser to reduce motion. This should help people with vestibular motion disorders, or people who are annoyed by the animation. - Theme colors are now specified with CSS variables, making the theme (hopefully) easier to re-color. ### Added - Theme: brought back integrated Python IDE, with updated versions of CodeJar and Prism.js. These depend on a CDN, but if it cannot be reached, there is a graceful fallback. - Theme (nearly) instantly updates the list of open puzzles when a puzzle is solved. Users should no longer need to refresh the index after solving a puzzle. - Theme fires confetti 🎊 when a puzzle is answered correctly. This requires a CDN; if unreachable, everything still works. - Theme closes the tab a few seconds after a puzzle is answered correctly. ## [v4.5.0] - 2024-01-19 ### Changed - Answer hashes are now the first 4 characters of the hex-encoded SHA1 digest - Reworked the built-in theme - Devel mode no longer accepts an empty team ID - messages.html moved into theme ### Added - [moth.mjs](theme/moth.mjs) is now the standard MOTH library for ECMAScript - Exported state now includes "Enabled" boolean - New `Extra` field on puzzles will allow arbitrary metadata on puzzles. ## [v4.4.11] - 2023-04-11 ### Changed - CI/CD now builds tags ## [v4.4.10] - 2022-10-21 ### Changed - `enabled` file is no longer used - `hours.txt` parsing logs more verbosely - Participant IDs are no longer used anywhere - A few changes to CI/CD test reporting ## [v4.4.9] - 2022-05-12 ### Changed - Added a performance optimization for events with a large number of teams backed by NFS ## [v4.4.8] - 2022-05-10 ### Changed - You can now join with a team ID not appearing in `teamids.txt`, as long as it is registered (in the `teams/` directory) ## [v4.4.7] - 2022-05-10 ### Changed - Initializing an instance now truncates `events.csv` ## [v4.4.6] - 2021-10-26 ### Added - State is now cached in memory, in an attempt to reduce filesystem metadata operations, which kill NFS. ## [v4.4.5] - 2021-10-26 ### Added - Images deploying to docker hub too. We're now at capacity for our Docker Hub team. ## [v4.4.4] - 2021-10-20 ### Changed - Trying to get CI push of built images. I expect this to fail, too. But in a way that can help me debug the issue. ## [v4.3.3] - 2021-10-20 ### Fixed - Points awarded while scoring is paused are now correctly sorted (#168) - Writing a new mothball with the same name is now detected and the new mothball loaded (#172) - Regression test for issue where URL path leading directories were ignored (#144) - A few other very minor bugs were closed when I couldn't reproduce them or decided they weren't actually bugs. ### Changed - Many error messages were changed to start with a lower-case letter, in order to satisfy a new linter check. - CI/CD moved to our Cyber Fire Gitlab instance - I attempted to have the build thingy automatically build moth:v4 and moth:v4.3 and moth:v4.3.3 images, but I can't test it without tagging a release. So v4.3.4 might come out very soon after this ;) ## [v4.2.2] - 2021-09-30 ### Added - `debug.notes` front matter field ## [v4.2.1] - 2021-04-13 ### Fixed - Transpiled KSAs no longer dropped ## [v4.2.0] - 2020-03-26 ### Changed - example/5/draggable.js fix for FireFox to prevent dropping a draggable trying to load a URL - `transpile` arguments now work the same way for the transpile binary as they do for mkpuzzle - `transpile inventory` does what you expect: inventory of current category, not inventory of all categories ### Removed - No longer building a `moth-devel` image, this is now handled by the [moth-devel repository](https://github.com/dirtbags/moth-devel). ### Fixed - `transpile` will now run `mkcategory` and `mkpuzzle` when invoked without `-dir` ## [v4.1.1] - 2020-03-02 ### Removed - ppc64le and i386 builds of github, because ppc64le keep failing mysteriously, and we don't need them anyhow. ## [v4.1.0] - 2020-03-02 ### Added - `transpile` now has a `markdown` command, so you can use the "stock" markdown formatter ### Changed - event.log is now events.csv, to make it easier to import to a spreadsheet - When in devel mode, any team ID may score points. This allows more interaction with the state directory. - When in devel mode, any team ID may be registered. It still works the same way if you register a team in `teamids.txt`, but now you can use anything and it will put you on an already existing team named ``. - switched from `blackfriday` to `goldmark`, to support CommonMark - `puzzle.json`no longer has `Pre` and `Post` sections ### Removed - JavaScript code we didn't write is now pulled from a CDN ## [v4.0.2] - 2020-10-29 ### Added - Build multiarch Docker images ### Changed - Stop building devel server from this codebase; this is moving to a new repo ## [v4.0.1] - 2020-10-27 ### Fixed - Clear Debug.summary field when making mothballs ### Changed - Regulated category/puzzle provider API: now everything returns a JSON dictionary (or octet stream for files) ### Added - More log events - [Log channels document](docs/logs.md) - More detailed [API documntation](docs/api.md) - Transpiler warning if `mkpuzzle` exists but is not executable ## [v4.0.0] - 2020-10-14 ### Fixed - Multiple bugs preventing production server from working properly - CI builds should be working now - Team registration now correctly writes names to files - Anonymized team names now only computed once per team - Don't output "self" team for unauthenticated state exports ### Added - Documented the HTTP API - Added a drawing of how things fit together ## [v4.0-rc1] - 2020-10-13 ### Changed - Major rewrite/refactor of `mothd` - Clear separation of roles: State, Puzzles, and Theme - Sqlite, Redis, or S3 should fit in easily now - Will allow "dynamic" puzzles now, we just need a flag to enable it - Server no longer provides unlocked content - Puzzle URLs are now just `/content/${cat}/${points}/` - Changes to `state` directory - Most files now have a bit of (English) documentation at the beginning - `state/until` is now `state/hours` and can specify multiple begin/end hours - `state/disabled` is now `state/enabled` - Mothball structure has changed - Mothballs no longer contain `map.txt` - Mothballs no longer obfuscate content paths - Clients now expect unlocked puzzles to just be `map[string][]int` - New `/state` API endpoint - Provides *all* server state: event log, team mapping, messages, configuration ### Added - New `transpile` CLI command - Provides `mothball` action to create mothballs - Lets you test a few development server things, if you want ### Deprecated ### Removed - Development server is gone now; use `mothd` directly with a flag to transpile on the fly ### Fixed ### Security ## [v3.5.1] - 2020-03-16 ### Fixed - Support insta-checking for legacy puzzles ## [v3.5.0] - 2020-03-13 ### Changed - We are now using SHA256 instead of djb2hash ### Added - URL parameter to points.json to allow returning only the JSON for a single team by its team id (e.g., points.json?id=abc123). - A CONTRIBUTING.md to describe expectations when contributing to MOTH - Include basic metadata in mothballs - add_script_stream convenience function allows easy script addition to puzzle - Autobuild Docker images to test buildability - Extract and use X-Forwarded-For headers in mothd logging - Mothballs can now specify `X-Answer-Pattern` header fields, which allow `*` at the beginning, end, or both, of an answer. This is `X-` because we are hoping to change how this works in the future. ### Fixed - Handle cases where non-legacy puzzles don't have an `author` attribute - Handle YAML-formatted file and script lists as expected - YAML-formatted example puzzle actually works as expected - points.log will now always be sorted chronologically ## [3.4.3] - 2019-11-20 ### Fixed - Made top-scoring teams full-width ## [3.4.2] - 2019-11-18 ### Fixed - Issue with multiple answers in devel server and YAML-format .moth ## [3.4.1] - 2019-11-17 ### Fixed - Scoreboard was double-counting points ## [3.4] - 2019-11-13 ### Added - A changelog - Support for embedding Python libraries at the category or puzzle level - Minimal PWA support to permit caching of currently-unlocked content - Embedded graph in scoreboard - Optional tracking of participant IDs - New `notices.html` file for sending broadcast messages to players ### Changed - Use native JS URL objects instead of wrangling everything by hand