
76 lines
1.5 KiB

package main
import (
func main() {
themePath := flag.String(
"Path to theme files",
statePath := flag.String(
"Path to state files",
mothballPath := flag.String(
"Path to mothball files",
puzzlePath := flag.String(
"Path to puzzles tree (enables development mode)",
refreshInterval := flag.Duration(
"Duration between maintenance tasks",
bindStr := flag.String(
"Bind [host]:port for HTTP service",
base := flag.String(
"Base URL of this instance",
osfs := afero.NewOsFs()
theme := NewTheme(afero.NewBasePathFs(osfs, *themePath))
state := NewState(afero.NewBasePathFs(osfs, *statePath))
config := Configuration{}
var provider PuzzleProvider
provider = NewMothballs(afero.NewBasePathFs(osfs, *mothballPath))
if *puzzlePath != "" {
provider = NewTranspilerProvider(afero.NewBasePathFs(osfs, *puzzlePath))
config.Devel = true
// Add some MIME extensions
// Doing this avoids decompressing a mothball entry twice per request
mime.AddExtensionType(".json", "application/json")
mime.AddExtensionType(".zip", "application/zip")
go theme.Maintain(*refreshInterval)
go state.Maintain(*refreshInterval)
go provider.Maintain(*refreshInterval)
server := NewMothServer(config, theme, state, provider)
httpd := NewHTTPServer(*base, server)