mirror of https://github.com/dirtbags/moth.git
427 lines
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427 lines
14 KiB
import math
import random
from sets import Set as set
import GameMath as gm
import Program
from cStringIO import StringIO
class Tank(object):
# How often, in turns, that we can fire.
# How far the laser shoots from the center of the tank
# The radius of the tank, from the center of the turret.
# This is what is used for collision and hit detection.
RADIUS = 7.5
# Max speed, in pixels
# Max acceleration, as a fraction of speed.
# Sensor range, in pixels
# Max turret turn rate, in radians
TURRET_TURN_RATE = math.pi/10
# The max number of sensors/timers/toggles
def __init__(self, name, pos, color, boardSize, angle=None, tAngle=None):
"""Create a new tank.
@param name: The name name of the tank. Stored in self.name.
@param pos: The starting position of the tank (x,y)
@param color: The color of the tank.
@param boardSize: The size of the board. (maxX, maxY)
@param angle: The starting angle of the tank, defaults to random.
@param tAngle: The starting turretAngle of the tank, defaults to random.
self.name = name
assert len(pos) == 2 and pos[0] > 0 and pos[1] > 0, \
'Bad starting position: %s' % str(pos)
self.pos = pos
# The last speed of each tread (left, right)
self._lastSpeed = 0.0, 0.0
# The next speed that the tank should try to attain.
self._nextMove = 0,0
# When set, the led is drawn on the tank.
self.led = False
assert len(boardSize) == 2 and boardSize[0] > 0 and boardSize[1] > 0
# The limits of the playfield (maxX, maxY)
self._limits = boardSize
# The current angle of the tank.
if angle is None:
self._angle = random.random()*2*math.pi
self._angle = angle
# The current angle of the turret
if tAngle is None:
self._tAngle = random.random()*2*math.pi
self._tAngle = tAngle
self.color = color
# You can't fire until fireReady is 0.
self._fireReady = self.FIRE_RATE
# Means the tank will fire at it's next opportunity.
self._fireNow = False
# True when the tank has fired this turn (for drawing purposes)
self._fired = False
# What the desired turret angle should be (from the front of the tank).
# None means the turret should stay stationary.
self._tGoal = None
# Holds the properties of each sensor
self._sensors = []
# Holds the state of each sensor
self._sensorState = []
# The tanks toggle memory
self.toggles = []
# The tanks timers
self._timers = []
# Is this tank dead?
self.isDead = False
# Death reason
self.deathReason = 'survived'
# Something to log to
self.stdout = StringIO()
def __repr__(self):
return '<tank: %s, (%d, %d)>' % (self.name, self.pos[0], self.pos[1])
def fire(self, near):
"""Shoots, if ordered to and able. Returns the set of tanks
killed = set()
if self._fireReady > 0:
# Ignore the shoot order
self._fireNow = False
if self._fireNow:
self._fireNow = False
self._fireReady = self.FIRE_RATE
self._fired = True
firePoint = gm.polar2cart(self.FIRE_RANGE,
self._angle + self._tAngle)
for tank in near:
enemyPos = gm.minShift(self.pos, tank.pos, self._limits)
if gm.segmentCircleCollision(((0,0), firePoint), enemyPos,
self._fired = False
return killed
def addSensor(self, range, angle, width, attachedTurret=False):
"""Add a sensor to this tank.
@param angle: The angle, from the tanks front and going clockwise,
of the center of the sensor. (radians)
@param width: The width of the sensor (radians).
@param range: The range of the sensor (percent)
@param attachedTurret: If set, the sensor moves with the turret.
assert range >=0 and range <= 1, "Invalid range value."
if len(self._sensors) >= self.SENSOR_LIMIT:
raise ValueError("You can only have 10 sensors.")
range = range * self.SENSOR_RANGE
if attachedTurret:
attachedTurret = True
attachedTurret = False
self._sensors.append((range, angle, width, attachedTurret))
def getSensorState(self, key):
return self._sensorState[key]
def setMove(self, left, right):
"""Parse the speed values given, and set them for the next move."""
self._nextMove = left, right
def getTurretAngle(self):
return self._tAngle
def setTurretAngle(self, angle=None):
"""Set the desired angle of the turret. No angle means the turret
should remain stationary."""
if angle is None:
self._tGoal = None
self._tGoal = gm.reduceAngle(angle)
def setFire(self):
"""Set the tank to fire, next turn."""
self._fireNow = True
def fireReady(self):
"""Returns True if the tank can fire now."""
return self._fireReady == 0
def setLED(self):
self.led = True
def set_program(self, text):
"""Set the program for this tank."""
self.program = Program.Program(self, text)
def execute(self):
"""Execute this tanks program."""
self.led = False
self._move(self._nextMove[0], self._nextMove[1])
if self._fireReady > 0:
self._fireReady = self._fireReady - 1
def sense(self, near):
"""Detect collisions and trigger sensors. Returns the set of
tanks collided with, plus this one. We do both these steps at once
mainly because all the data is available."""
near = list(near)
polar = []
for tank in near:
polar.append(gm.relativePolar(self.pos, tank.pos, self._limits))
for sensorId in range(len(self._sensors)):
# Reset the sensor
self._sensorState[sensorId] = False
dist, sensorAngle, width, tSens = self._sensors[sensorId]
# Adjust the sensor angles according to the tanks angles.
sensorAngle = sensorAngle + self._angle
# If the angle is tied to the turret, add that too.
if tSens:
sensorAngle = sensorAngle + self._tAngle
while sensorAngle >= 2*math.pi:
sensorAngle = sensorAngle - 2*math.pi
for i in range(len(near)):
r, theta = polar[i]
# Find the difference between the object angle and the sensor.
# The max this can be is pi, so adjust for that.
dAngle = gm.angleDiff(theta, sensorAngle)
rCoord = gm.polar2cart(dist, sensorAngle - width/2)
lCoord = gm.polar2cart(dist, sensorAngle + width/2)
rightLine = ((0,0), rCoord)
leftLine = ((0,0), lCoord)
tankRelPos = gm.minShift(self.pos, near[i].pos, self._limits)
if r < (dist + self.RADIUS):
if abs(dAngle) <= (width/2) or \
gm.segmentCircleCollision(rightLine, tankRelPos,
self.RADIUS) or \
gm.segmentCircleCollision(leftLine, tankRelPos,
self._sensorState[sensorId] = True
# Check for collisions here, since we already have all the data.
collided = set()
for i in range(len(near)):
r, theta = polar[i]
if r < (self.RADIUS + near[i].RADIUS):
# Add this tank (a collision kills both, after all
if collided:
return collided
def die(self, reason):
self.isDead = True
self.deathReason = reason
def _moveTurret(self):
if self._tGoal is None or self._tAngle == self._tGoal:
diff = gm.angleDiff(self._tGoal, self._tAngle)
if abs(diff) < self.TURRET_TURN_RATE:
self._tAngle = self._tGoal
elif diff > 0:
self._tAngle = gm.reduceAngle(self._tAngle - self.TURRET_TURN_RATE)
self._tAngle = gm.reduceAngle(self._tAngle + self.TURRET_TURN_RATE)
def _move(self, lSpeed, rSpeed):
assert abs(lSpeed) <= 100, "Bad speed value: %s" % lSpeed
assert abs(rSpeed) <= 100, "Bad speed value: %s" % rSpeed
# Handle acceleration
if self._lastSpeed[0] < lSpeed and \
self._lastSpeed[0] + self.MAXACCEL < lSpeed:
lSpeed = self._lastSpeed[0] + self.MAXACCEL
elif self._lastSpeed[0] > lSpeed and \
self._lastSpeed[0] - self.MAXACCEL > lSpeed:
lSpeed = self._lastSpeed[0] - self.MAXACCEL
if self._lastSpeed[1] < rSpeed and \
self._lastSpeed[1] + self.MAXACCEL < rSpeed:
rSpeed = self._lastSpeed[1] + self.MAXACCEL
elif self._lastSpeed[1] > rSpeed and \
self._lastSpeed[1] - self.MAXACCEL > rSpeed:
rSpeed = self._lastSpeed[1] - self.MAXACCEL
self._lastSpeed = lSpeed, rSpeed
# The simple case
if lSpeed == rSpeed:
fSpeed = self.MAXSPEED*lSpeed/100
x = fSpeed*math.cos(self._angle)
y = fSpeed*math.sin(self._angle)
# Adjust our position
self._reposition((x,y), 0)
# The works as follows:
# The tank drives around in a circle of radius r, which is some
# offset on a line perpendicular to the tank. The distance it travels
# around the circle varies with the speed of each tread, and is
# such that each side of the tank moves an equal angle around the
# circle.
L = self.MAXSPEED * lSpeed/100.0
R = self.MAXSPEED * rSpeed/100.0
friction = .75 * abs(L-R)/(2.0*self.MAXSPEED)
L = L * (1 - friction)
R = R * (1 - friction)
# Si is the speed of the tread on the inside of the turn,
# So is the speed on the outside of the turn.
# dir is to note the direction of rotation.
if abs(L) > abs(R):
Si = R; So = L
dir = 1
Si = L; So = R
dir = -1
# The width of the tank...
w = self.RADIUS * 2
# This is the angle that will determine the circle the tank travels
# around.
# theta = math.atan((So - Sl)/w)
# This is the distance from the outer tread to the center of the
# circle formed by it's movement.
r = w*So/(So - Si)
# The fraction of the circle traveled is equal to the speed of
# the outer tread over the circumference of the circle.
# Ft = So/(2*pi*r)
# The angle traveled is equal to the Fraction traveled * 2 * pi
# This reduces to a simple: So/r
# We multiply it by dir to adjust for the direction of rotation
theta = So/r * dir
# These are the offsets from the center of the circle, given that
# the tank is turned in some direction. The tank is facing
# perpendicular to the circle
# So far everything has been relative to the outer tread. At this
# point, however, we need to move relative to the center of the
# tank. Hence the adjustment in r.
x = -math.cos( self._angle + math.pi/2*dir ) * (r - w/2.0)
y = -math.sin( self._angle + math.pi/2*dir ) * (r - w/2.0)
# Now we just rotate the tank's position around the center of the
# circle to get the change in coordinates.
mx, my = gm.rotatePoint((x,y), theta)
mx = mx - x
my = my - y
# Finally, we shift the tank relative to the playing field, and
# rotate it by theta.
self._reposition((mx, my), theta)
def _reposition(self, move, angleChange):
"""Move the tank by x,y = move, and change it's angle by angle.
I assume the tanks move slower than the boardSize."""
x = self.pos[0] + move[0]
y = self.pos[1] + move[1]
self._angle = self._angle + angleChange
if x < 0:
x = self._limits[0] + x
elif x > self._limits[0]:
x = x - self._limits[0]
if y < 0:
y = self._limits[1] + y
elif y > self._limits[1]:
y = y - self._limits[1]
self.pos = round(x), round(y)
while self._angle < 0:
self._angle = self._angle + math.pi * 2
while self._angle > math.pi * 2:
self._angle = self._angle - math.pi * 2
def describe(self, f):
"""Output a description of this tank"""
f.write(' ["%s",[' % self.color)
for i in range(len(self._sensors)):
dist, sensorAngle, width, tSens = self._sensors[i]
f.write('[%d,%.2f,%.2f,%d],' % (dist, sensorAngle, width, tSens))
def draw(self, f):
"""Output this tank's state as JSON.
[color, x, y, angle, turret_angle, led, fired]
if self.isDead:
f.write(' 0,\n')
flags = (self._fired << 0) | (self.led << 1)
sensors = 0
for i in range(len(self._sensorState)):
sensors |= self._sensorState[i] << i
f.write(' [%d,%d,%.2f,%.2f,%d,%d],\n' % (self.pos[0],