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2007-11-12 21:11:25 -07:00
#! /usr/bin/python
## Codebreaking tools
## 2007 Neale Pickett
## I should get an LAUR for this so we can share it.
from sets import Set
from pprint import pprint
# From Wikipedia article "Letter Frequencies"
english_frequency = {'A': .08167,
'B': .01492,
'C': .02782,
'D': .04253,
'E': .12702,
'F': .02228,
'G': .02015,
'H': .06094,
'I': .06966,
'J': .00153,
'K': .00772,
'L': .04025,
'M': .02406,
'N': .06749,
'O': .07507,
'P': .01929,
'Q': .00095,
'R': .05987,
'S': .06327,
'T': .09056,
'U': .02758,
'V': .00978,
'W': .02360,
'X': .00150,
'Y': .01974,
'Z': .00074}
## Statistical stuff
def basedist(l):
"""Return a string of length l, with standard distribution of letters"""
out = ""
for c, n in english_frequency.iteritems():
out += c * int(n * l)
return out
## Factoring stuff
def isPrime(number):
for x in range(2, number):
if number % x == 0:
return True
if number - 1 == x:
return False
def smallestFactor(number):
for x in range(2, number):
if number % x == 0:
return x
def factor(number):
"""Return prime factors for number"""
factors = []
while isPrime(number):
newFactor = smallestFactor(number)
number = number / newFactor
return factors
## Statistical analysis
def where(haystack, needle):
ret = []
while True:
pos = haystack.find(needle)
if pos == -1:
haystack = haystack[pos + 1:]
return ret
def ngrams(n, haystack, min=2, repeats=False):
acc = {}
for i in range(len(haystack)):
rtxt = haystack[i:]
needle = rtxt[:n]
if repeats:
c = needle[0]
for d in needle:
if d != c:
if d != c:
if not acc.has_key(needle):
found = where(rtxt, needle)
if len(found) >= min:
acc[needle] = found
return acc
def freq(txt):
return ngrams(1, txt, min=0)
def bigrams(txt):
return ngrams(2, txt)
def trigrams(txt):
return ngrams(3, txt)
def freqgraph(f):
def cmp2(x, y):
a = x[1]
b = y[1]
if a > b:
return -1
elif a < b:
return 1
return 0
items = []
for c,n in f.iteritems():
if type(n) != type(0):
n = len(n)
for c,n in items:
print '%s: %s' % (c, '#' * n)
def neighbors(txt):
out = {}
for dg, w in bigrams(txt).iteritems():
count = len(w)
n = out.get(dg[0], Set())
out[dg[0]] = n
n = out.get(dg[1], Set())
out[dg[1]] = n
return out
## Brute force tools
def rot(n, txt):
"""Caesar cipher"""
out = ""
for c in txt:
if c.isalpha():
o = ord(c) + n
if ((c.islower() and o > ord('z')) or
(c.isupper() and o > ord('Z'))):
o -= 26
out += chr(o)
out += c
return out
def caesars(txt):
return [rot(i, txt) for i in range(26)]
# Tabula recta
tabula_recta = caesars('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
def xor(n, txt):
out = ''
for c in txt:
o = ord(c) ^ n
out += chr(o)
return out
def xors(txt):
ret = []
for n in range(256):
ret.append(xor(n, txt))
return ret
def add(n, txt):
out = ''
for c in txt:
o = (ord(c) + 256 + n) % 256 # Add 256 in case n < 0
out += chr(o)
return out
def adds(txt):
ret = []
for n in range(256):
ret.append(add(n, txt))
return ret
## Grep-like things within dictionary
def matches(str, tgt):
if len(str) != len(tgt):
return False
map = {}
rmap = {}
for i in range(len(str)):
s = str[i]
t = tgt[i]
m = map.get(s)
if m and m != t:
return False
map[s] = t
r = rmap.get(t)
if r and r != s:
return False
rmap[t] = s
return True
def guess(pattern):
ret = []
pattern = pattern.lower()
words = file('/usr/share/dict/words')
for word in words:
word = word.strip()
word = word.lower()
if matches(word, pattern):
print word
return ret
## Overview tools
def summary(txt):
print "Length", len(txt)
print "Factors", factor(len(txt))
print "Frequency (etaoin shrdlcu)"
print "Bigrams (th er on an re he in ed nd ha at en es of or"
print " nt ea ti to it st io le is ou ar as de rt ve)"
print "Trigrams (the and tha ent ion tio for nde has nce edt"
print " tis oft sth men)"
# 4-letter words: that with have this will your from they know
# want been good much some time
print "Repeats (ss ee tt ff ll mm oo)"
freqgraph(ngrams(2, txt, min=1, repeats=True))
print "Unique neighbors"
def replace(txt, orig, repl):
for o, r in zip(orig, repl):
txt = txt.replace(o, r)
return txt