#! /usr/bin/python """Functions to treat a list as a string with gaps. Lists should have only string and integer items. """ import __init__ import sys class GapString: def __init__(self, init=None, drop='?'): self.contents = [] self.length = 0 self.drop = drop if init: print init self.append(init) def __len__(self): return self.length def __repr__(self): return '' % self.length def append(self, i): self.contents.append(i) if isinstance(i, int): self.length += i else: self.length += len(i) def __str__(self): ret = [] for i in self.contents: if isinstance(i, int): ret.append(self.drop * i) else: ret.append(i) return ''.join(ret) def __iter__(self): for i in self.contents: if isinstance(i, int): for j in range(i): yield self.drop else: for c in i: yield c def hexdump(self, fd=sys.stdout): offset = 0 d = __init__.HexDumper(fd) for i in self.contents: if isinstance(i, int): for j in range(i): d.dump_drop() else: for c in i: d.dump_chr(c) d.finish() def extend(self, other): self.contents += other.contents self.length += other.length def __getslice__(self, start, end): end = min(self.length, end) start = min(self.length, start) new = self.__class__(drop=self.drop) new.contents = self.contents[:] new.length = end - start if new.length == 0: return new l = self.length - new.length - start # Trim off the beginning while start >= 0: i = new.contents.pop(0) if isinstance(i, int): start -= i if start < 0: new.contents.insert(0, -start) else: start -= len(i) if start < 0: new.contents.insert(0, i[start:]) # Trim off the end while l >= 0: i = new.contents.pop() if isinstance(i, int): l -= i if l < 0: new.contents.append(-l) else: l -= len(i) if l < 0: new.contents.append(i[:-l]) return new def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): self.append(other) else: new = self.__class__(drop=self.drop) new.extend(self) new.extend(other) return new def __xor__(self, mask): if isinstance(mask, int): mask = [mask] masklen = len(mask) new = self.__class__(drop=self.drop) for i in self.contents: if isinstance(i, int): new.append(i) else: r = [] offset = len(new) % masklen for c in i: o = ord(c) r.append(chr(o ^ mask[offset])) offset = (offset + 1) % masklen new.append(''.join(r)) return new if __name__ == '__main__': gs = GapString() gs.append('hi') assert str(gs) == 'hi' assert str(gs[:40]) == 'hi' gs.append(3) assert str(gs) == 'hi???' assert str(gs[:40]) == 'hi???' assert str(gs[:3]) == 'hi?' assert str(gs[-4:]) == 'i???' assert str(gs + gs) == 'hi???hi???' assert str(gs ^ 1) == 'ih???' gs = GapString() gs.append('123456789A') assert str(gs[:4]) == '1234' assert len(gs[:4]) == 4 assert len(gs[6:]) == 4