Dirtbags Netshovel Library ========================== This is a library for advanced [network archaeology](https://sites.google.com/view/cyberfire/foundry/classes/network-archaeology). It provides a field-tested framework for exploring unknown TCP-based protocols, and room to grow these explorations into full-blown decoders. Get going ========= Package documentation at https://godoc.org/github.com/dirtbags/netshovel We recommend you copy `examples/simple/simple.go`, change the `Simple` structs into your own protocol, and build it up into whatever you want. The Future ========== This is my first real Go program, so it is likely to change drastically as I figure out how to better architect Go libraries. We strongly encourage you to bring in whatever version of this you're using under a [vendor folder](https://blog.gopheracademy.com/advent-2015/vendor-folder/) and check it in.