package gapstring import ( "bytes" "testing" ) func assertEqual(name string, a, b interface{}, t *testing.T) { if a != b { t.Errorf("%s: %#v != %#v", name, a, b) } } func TestChunk(t *testing.T) { var c chunk c = chunk{gap: 2} assertEqual("gap chunk", c.length(), 2, t) c = chunk{data: []byte("moo")} assertEqual("byte chunk", c.length(), 3, t) assertEqual("byte slice", string(c.slice(1,3).data), "oo", t) } func TestGapString(t *testing.T) { g := GapString{} if 0 != bytes.Compare(g.Bytes(), []byte{}) { t.Errorf("%#v.Bytes() != []byte{}", g) } if g.Length() != 0 { t.Errorf("len(%#v) != 0", g) } g = g.Append(g) if g.Length() != 0 { t.Errorf("Appending two emtpy gapstrings") } g = g.AppendString("moo") if 0 != bytes.Compare(g.Bytes(), []byte("moo")) { t.Errorf("Simple string") } g = g.AppendString("bar") if g.String("") != "moobar" { t.Errorf("Append") } if g.Missing() != 0 { t.Errorf("Missing when there shouldn't be any missing") } g = g.AppendGap(8) if g.Length() != 3+3+8 { t.Errorf("Length after gap append") } if g.Missing() != 8 { t.Errorf("Gap miscounted") } g = g.AppendString("baz") if g.String("") != "moobarbaz" { t.Errorf("String conversion with empty string") } if g.String("DROP") != "moobarOPDROPDRbaz" { t.Errorf("String conversion with fill") } assertEqual("slice", g.Slice(2, 5).String(""), "oba", t) hexdump := "00000000 6d 6f 6f 62 61 72 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 62 61 moobar��������ba\n" + "00000010 7a z\n" + "00000011\n" assertEqual("hexdump", g.Hexdump(), hexdump, t) }