/* * Special wizard commands (some of which are also non-wizard commands * under strange circumstances) * * @(#)ctlmod.c 4.30 (Berkeley) 02/05/99 */ #include #include #include "netprot.h" /* * whatis: * What a certin object is */ void whatis(bool insist, int type) { THING *obj; if (Pack == NULL) { msg("you don't have anything in your pack to identify"); return; } for (;;) { obj = get_item("identify", type); if (insist) { if (N_objs == 0) return; else if (obj == NULL) msg("you must identify something"); else if (type && obj->o_type != type && !(type == R_OR_S && obj->o_type == RING || obj->o_type == STICK)) msg("you must identify a %s", type_name(type)); else break; } else break; } if (obj == NULL) return; switch (obj->o_type) { when SCROLL: set_know(obj, Scr_info); when POTION: set_know(obj, Pot_info); when STICK: set_know(obj, Ws_info); when WEAPON: case ARMOR: obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW; when RING: set_know(obj, Ring_info); } msg(inv_name(obj, FALSE)); } /* * set_know: * Set things up when we really know what a thing is */ void set_know(THING *obj, struct obj_info *info) { char **guess; info[obj->o_which].oi_know = TRUE; obj->o_flags |= ISKNOW; guess = &info[obj->o_which].oi_guess; if (*guess) { free(*guess); *guess = NULL; } } /* * type_name: * Return a pointer to the name of the type */ char * type_name(int type) { struct h_list *hp; static struct h_list tlist[] = { POTION, "potion", FALSE, SCROLL, "scroll", FALSE, FOOD, "food", FALSE, R_OR_S, "ring, wand or staff", FALSE, RING, "ring", FALSE, STICK, "wand or staff", FALSE, WEAPON, "weapon", FALSE, ARMOR, "suit of armor", FALSE, }; for (hp = tlist; hp->h_ch; hp++) if (type == hp->h_ch) return hp->h_desc; /* NOTREACHED */ } #ifdef MASTER /* * create_obj: * Wizard command for getting anything he wants */ void create_obj(void) { THING *obj; char ch, bless; obj = new_item(); msg("type of item: "); obj->o_type = readchar(); Mpos = 0; msg("which %c do you want? (0-f)", obj->o_type); obj->o_which = (isdigit((ch = readchar())) ? ch - '0' : ch - 'a' + 10); obj->o_group = 0; obj->o_count = 1; Mpos = 0; if (obj->o_type == WEAPON || obj->o_type == ARMOR) { msg("blessing? (+,-,n)"); bless = readchar(); Mpos = 0; if (bless == '-') obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED; if (obj->o_type == WEAPON) { init_weapon(obj, obj->o_which); if (bless == '-') obj->o_hplus -= rnd(3)+1; if (bless == '+') obj->o_hplus += rnd(3)+1; } else { obj->o_arm = A_class[obj->o_which]; if (bless == '-') obj->o_arm += rnd(3)+1; if (bless == '+') obj->o_arm -= rnd(3)+1; } } else if (obj->o_type == RING) switch (obj->o_which) { case R_PROTECT: case R_ADDSTR: case R_ADDHIT: case R_ADDDAM: msg("blessing? (+,-,n)"); bless = readchar(); Mpos = 0; if (bless == '-') obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED; obj->o_arm = (bless == '-' ? -1 : rnd(2) + 1); when R_AGGR: case R_TELEPORT: obj->o_flags |= ISCURSED; } else if (obj->o_type == STICK) fix_stick(obj); else if (obj->o_type == GOLD) { msg("how much?"); get_num(&obj->o_goldval, stdscr); } add_pack(obj, FALSE); } #endif /* * telport: * Bamf the hero someplace else */ void teleport(void) { int rm; static coord c; mvaddch(Hero.y, Hero.x, floor_at()); find_floor((struct room *) NULL, &c, FALSE, TRUE); if (roomin(&c) != Proom) { leave_room(&Hero); Hero = c; enter_room(&Hero); } else { Hero = c; look(TRUE); } mvaddch(Hero.y, Hero.x, PLAYER); /* * turn off ISHELD in case teleportation was done while fighting * a Flytrap */ if (on(Player, ISHELD)) { Player.t_flags &= ~ISHELD; Vf_hit = 0; strcpy(Monsters['F'-'A'].m_stats.s_dmg, "000x0"); } No_move = 0; Count = 0; Running = FALSE; flush_type(); } #ifdef MASTER /* * passwd: * See if user knows password */ bool passwd(void) { char *sp, c; static char buf[MAXSTR]; char *crypt(); msg("wizard's Password:"); Mpos = 0; sp = buf; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != '\r' && c != ESCAPE) *sp++ = c; if (sp == buf) return FALSE; *sp = '\0'; return (strcmp(PASSWD, crypt(buf, "mT")) == 0); } /* * show_map: * Print out the map for the wizard */ void show_map(void) { int y, x, real; wclear(Hw); for (y = 1; y < NUMLINES - 1; y++) for (x = 0; x < NUMCOLS; x++) { if (!(real = flat(y, x) & F_REAL)) wstandout(Hw); wmove(Hw, y, x); waddch(Hw, chat(y, x)); if (!real) wstandend(Hw); } show_win("---More (level map)---"); } #endif