/* * Various input/output functions * * @(#)control.c 4.32 (Berkeley) 02/05/99 */ #include #include #include "netprot.h" /* * msg: * Display a message at the top of the screen. */ #define MAXMSG (NUMCOLS - sizeof "--More--") static char Msgbuf[MAXMSG+1]; static int Newpos = 0; /* VARARGS1 */ int msg(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; /* * if the string is "", just clear the line */ if (*fmt == '\0') { move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); Mpos = 0; return ~ESCAPE; } /* * otherwise add to the message and flush it out */ va_start(args, fmt); doadd(fmt, args); va_end(args); return endmsg(); } /* * addmsg: * Add things to the current message */ /* VARARGS1 */ void addmsg(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); doadd(fmt, args); va_end(args); } /* * endmsg: * Display a new msg (giving him a chance to see the previous one * if it is up there with the --More--) */ int endmsg(void) { char ch; if (Save_msg) strcpy(Huh, Msgbuf); if (Mpos) { look(FALSE); mvaddstr(0, Mpos, "--More--"); refresh(); if (!Msg_esc) wait_for(' '); else { while ((ch = readchar()) != ' ') if (ch == ESCAPE) { Msgbuf[0] = '\0'; Mpos = 0; Newpos = 0; Msgbuf[0] = '\0'; return ESCAPE; } } } /* * All messages should start with uppercase, except ones that * start with a pack addressing character */ if (islower(Msgbuf[0]) && !Lower_msg && Msgbuf[1] != ')') Msgbuf[0] = toupper(Msgbuf[0]); mvaddstr(0, 0, Msgbuf); clrtoeol(); Mpos = Newpos; Newpos = 0; Msgbuf[0] = '\0'; refresh(); return ~ESCAPE; } /* * doadd: * Perform an add onto the message buffer */ void doadd(char *fmt, va_list args) { static char buf[MAXSTR]; /* * Do the printf into buf */ vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); if (strlen(buf) + Newpos >= MAXMSG) endmsg(); strcat(Msgbuf, buf); Newpos = strlen(Msgbuf); } /* * step_ok: * Returns true if it is ok to step on ch */ bool step_ok(char ch) { switch (ch) { case ' ': case '|': case '-': return FALSE; default: return (!isalpha(ch)); } } /* * readchar: * Reads and returns a character, checking for gross input errors */ int readchar(void) { int cnt; static char c; cnt = 0; while (read(0, &c, 1) <= 0) if (cnt++ > 100) /* if we are getting infinite EOFs */ auto_save(0); /* save the game */ return c; } /* * status: * Display the important stats line. Keep the cursor where it was. */ void status(void) { int (*print_func)(char *fmt, ...); # define PRINT_FUNC (*print_func) int oy, ox, temp; static int hpwidth = 0; static int s_hungry; static int s_lvl; static int s_pur = -1; static int s_hp; static int s_arm; static str_t s_str; static long s_exp = 0; static char *state_name[] = { "", "Hungry", "Weak", "Faint" }; /* * If nothing has changed since the last status, don't * bother. */ temp = (Cur_armor != NULL ? Cur_armor->o_arm : Pstats.s_arm); if (s_hp == Pstats.s_hpt && s_exp == Pstats.s_exp && s_pur == Purse && s_arm == temp && s_str == Pstats.s_str && s_lvl == Level && s_hungry == Hungry_state && !Stat_msg ) return; s_arm = temp; getyx(stdscr, oy, ox); if (s_hp != Max_hp) { temp = Max_hp; s_hp = Max_hp; for (hpwidth = 0; temp; hpwidth++) temp /= 10; } /* * Save current status */ s_lvl = Level; s_pur = Purse; s_hp = Pstats.s_hpt; s_str = Pstats.s_str; s_exp = Pstats.s_exp; s_hungry = Hungry_state; if (Stat_msg) { print_func = msg; move(0, 0); } else { move(STATLINE, 0); print_func = printw; } PRINT_FUNC("Level: %d Gold: %-5d Hp: %*d(%*d) Str: %2d(%d) Arm: %-2d Exp: %d/%ld %s", Level, Purse, hpwidth, Pstats.s_hpt, hpwidth, Max_hp, Pstats.s_str, Max_stats.s_str, 10 - s_arm, Pstats.s_lvl, Pstats.s_exp, state_name[Hungry_state]); clrtoeol(); move(oy, ox); } /* * wait_for * Sit around until the guy types the right key */ void wait_for(char ch) { char c; if (ch == '\n') while ((c = readchar()) != '\n' && c != '\r') continue; else while (readchar() != ch) continue; } /* * show_win: * Function used to display a window and wait before returning */ void show_win(char *message) { WINDOW *win; win = Hw; wmove(win, 0, 0); waddstr(win, message); touchwin(win); wmove(win, Hero.y, Hero.x); wrefresh(win); wait_for(' '); clearok(curscr, TRUE); #ifdef attron touchwin(stdscr); #endif attron }