/* * Exploring the dungeons of doom * Copyright (C) 1981 by Michael Toy, Ken Arnold, and Glenn Wichman * All rights reserved * * @(#)rmap.c 4.22 (Berkeley) 02/05/99 */ #include #ifdef attron #include #endif attron #include #include #include "netprot.h" /* * main: * The main program, of course */ int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { char *env; struct passwd *pw; int lowtime; #ifndef DUMP signal(SIGQUIT, exit); signal(SIGILL, exit); signal(SIGTRAP, exit); signal(SIGIOT, exit); signal(SIGEMT, exit); signal(SIGFPE, exit); signal(SIGBUS, exit); signal(SIGSEGV, exit); signal(SIGSYS, exit); #endif #ifdef MASTER /* * Check to see if he is a wizard */ if (argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] == '\0') if (strcmp(PASSWD, crypt(getpass("Wizard's password: "), "mT")) == 0) { Wizard = TRUE; Player.t_flags |= SEEMONST; argv++; argc--; } #endif /* * get Home and options from environment */ if ((env = getenv("HOME")) != NULL) strcpy(Home, env); else if ((pw = getpwuid(getuid())) != NULL) strcpy(Home, pw->pw_dir); strcat(Home, "/"); strcpy(File_name, Home); strcat(File_name, "rogue.save"); if ((env = getenv("ROGUEOPTS")) != NULL) parse_opts(env); if (env == NULL || Whoami[0] == '\0') if ((pw = getpwuid(getuid())) == NULL) { printf("Say, who the hell are you?\n"); exit(1); } else strucpy(Whoami, pw->pw_name, strlen(pw->pw_name)); #ifdef MASTER if (Wizard && getenv("SEED") != NULL) Dnum = atoi(getenv("SEED")); else #endif Dnum = lowtime + getpid(); Seed = Dnum; /* * check for print-score option */ open_score(); if (argc == 2) if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) { Noscore = TRUE; score(0, -1); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0) { Dnum = rnd(100); /* throw away some rnd()s to break patterns */ while (--Dnum) rnd(100); Purse = rnd(100) + 1; Level = rnd(100) + 1; initscr(); getltchars(); death(death_monst()); exit(0); } init_check(); /* check for legal startup */ if (argc == 2) if (!restore(argv[1], envp)) /* Note: restore will never return */ my_exit(1); lowtime = (int) time(NULL); #ifdef MASTER if (Wizard) printf("Hello %s, welcome to dungeon #%d", Whoami, Dnum); else #endif printf("Hello %s, just a moment while I dig the dungeon...", Whoami); fflush(stdout); initscr(); /* Start up cursor package */ init_probs(); /* Set up prob tables for objects */ init_player(); /* Set up initial Player stats */ init_names(); /* Set up names of scrolls */ init_colors(); /* Set up colors of potions */ init_stones(); /* Set up stone settings of rings */ init_materials(); /* Set up materials of wands */ setup(); /* * The screen must be at least NUMLINES x NUMCOLS */ if (LINES < NUMLINES || COLS < NUMCOLS) { printf("\nSorry, the screen must be at least %dx%d\n", NUMLINES, NUMCOLS); endwin(); my_exit(1); } /* * Set up windows */ Hw = newwin(LINES, COLS, 0, 0); #ifdef attron idlok(stdscr, TRUE); idlok(Hw, TRUE); #endif attron #ifdef MASTER Noscore = Wizard; #endif new_level(); /* Draw current level */ /* * Start up daemons and fuses */ start_daemon(runners, 0, AFTER); start_daemon(doctor, 0, AFTER); fuse(swander, 0, WANDERTIME, AFTER); start_daemon(stomach, 0, AFTER); playit(); } /* * endit: * Exit the program abnormally. */ void endit(int sig) { fatal("Okay, bye bye!\n"); } /* * fatal: * Exit the program, printing a message. */ void fatal(char *s) { mvaddstr(LINES - 2, 0, s); refresh(); endwin(); my_exit(0); } /* * rnd: * Pick a very random number. */ int rnd(int range) { return range == 0 ? 0 : abs((int) RN) % range; } /* * roll: * Roll a number of dice */ int roll(int number, int sides) { int dtotal = 0; while (number--) dtotal += rnd(sides)+1; return dtotal; } #ifdef SIGTSTP /* * tstp: * Handle stop and start signals */ void tstp(int ignored) { int y, x; int oy, ox; /* * leave nicely */ getyx(curscr, oy, ox); mvcur(0, COLS - 1, LINES - 1, 0); endwin(); resetltchars(); fflush(stdout); kill(0, SIGTSTP); /* send actual signal and suspend process */ /* * start back up again */ signal(SIGTSTP, tstp); crmode(); noecho(); playltchars(); clearok(curscr, TRUE); wrefresh(curscr); getyx(curscr, y, x); mvcur(y, x, oy, ox); fflush(stdout); curscr->_cury = oy; curscr->_curx = ox; } #endif /* * playit: * The main loop of the program. Loop until the game is over, * refreshing things and looking at the proper times. */ void playit(void) { char *opts; /* * set up defaults for slow terminals */ #ifndef attron if (_tty.sg_ospeed <= B1200) #else attron if (baudrate() <= 1200) #endif attron { Terse = TRUE; Jump = TRUE; See_floor = FALSE; } #ifndef attron if (!CE) #else attron if (clr_eol) #endif attron Inv_type = INV_CLEAR; /* * parse environment declaration of options */ if ((opts = getenv("ROGUEOPTS")) != NULL) parse_opts(opts); Oldpos = Hero; Oldrp = roomin(&Hero); while (Playing) command(); /* Command execution */ endit(0); } /* * quit: * Have player make certain, then exit. */ void quit(int sig) { int oy, ox; /* * Reset the signal in case we got here via an interrupt */ if (!Q_comm) Mpos = 0; getyx(curscr, oy, ox); msg("really quit?"); if (readchar() == 'y') { signal(SIGINT, leave); clear(); mvprintw(LINES - 2, 0, "You quit with %d gold pieces", Purse); move(LINES - 1, 0); refresh(); score(Purse, 1); my_exit(0); } else { move(0, 0); clrtoeol(); status(); move(oy, ox); refresh(); Mpos = 0; Count = 0; To_death = FALSE; } } /* * leave: * Leave quickly, but curteously */ void leave(int sig) { static char buf[BUFSIZ]; setbuf(stdout, buf); /* throw away pending output */ #ifndef attron if (!_endwin) { mvcur(0, COLS - 1, LINES - 1, 0); endwin(); } #else attron endwin(); #endif attron putchar('\n'); my_exit(0); } /* * shell: * Let them escape for a while */ void shell(void) { int pid; char *sh; int ret_status; /* * Set the terminal back to original mode */ move(LINES-1, 0); refresh(); endwin(); resetltchars(); putchar('\n'); In_shell = TRUE; After = FALSE; sh = getenv("SHELL"); fflush(stdout); /* * Fork and do a shell */ while ((pid = fork()) < 0) sleep(1); if (pid == 0) { execl(sh == NULL ? "/bin/sh" : sh, "shell", "-i", 0); perror("No shelly"); exit(-1); } else { signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); while (wait(&ret_status) != pid) continue; signal(SIGINT, quit); signal(SIGQUIT, endit); printf("\n[Press return to continue]"); fflush(stdout); noecho(); crmode(); playltchars(); In_shell = FALSE; wait_for('\n'); clearok(stdscr, TRUE); } } /* * my_exit: * Leave the process properly */ void my_exit(int st) { resetltchars(); exit(st); }