/* * save and restore routines * * @(#)solve.c 4.33 (Berkeley) 06/01/83 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netprot.h" #include "netwait.h" #define NSIG 32 typedef struct stat STAT; extern char version[], encstr[]; #ifdef attron # define CE clr_eol #else attron extern bool _endwin; #endif attron static char Frob; static STAT Sbuf; /* * save_game: * Implement the "save game" command */ void save_game(void) { FILE *savef; int c; auto char buf[MAXSTR]; /* * get file name */ Mpos = 0; over: if (File_name[0] != '\0') { for (;;) { msg("save file (%s)? ", File_name); c = getchar(); Mpos = 0; if (c == ESCAPE) { msg(""); return; } else if (c == 'n' || c == 'N' || c == 'y' || c == 'Y') break; else msg("please answer Y or N"); } if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y') { addstr("Yes\n"); refresh(); strcpy(buf, File_name); goto gotfile; } } do { Mpos = 0; msg("file name: "); buf[0] = '\0'; if (get_str(buf, stdscr) == QUIT) { quit_it: msg(""); return; } Mpos = 0; gotfile: /* * test to see if the file exists */ if (stat(buf, &Sbuf) >= 0) { for (;;) { msg("File exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?"); Mpos = 0; if ((c = readchar()) == ESCAPE) goto quit_it; if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y') break; else if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') goto over; else msg("Please answer Y or N"); } msg("file name: %s", buf); unlink(File_name); } strcpy(File_name, buf); if ((savef = fopen(File_name, "w")) == NULL) msg(strerror(errno)); } while (savef == NULL); save_file(savef); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * auto_save: * Automatically save a file. This is used if a HUP signal is * recieved */ void auto_save(int sig) { FILE *savef; int i; for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++) signal(i, SIG_IGN); if (File_name[0] != '\0' && ((savef = fopen(File_name, "w")) != NULL || (unlink(File_name) >= 0 && (savef = fopen(File_name, "w")) != NULL))) save_file(savef); exit(0); } /* * save_file: * Write the saved game on the file */ void save_file(FILE *savef) { int _putchar(); mvcur(0, COLS - 1, LINES - 1, 0); putchar('\n'); endwin(); resetltchars(); chmod(File_name, 0400); /* * DO NOT DELETE. This forces stdio to allocate the output buffer * so that malloc doesn't get confused on restart */ Frob = 0; fwrite(&Frob, sizeof Frob, 1, savef); #ifndef attron _endwin = TRUE; #endif attron fstat(fileno(savef), &Sbuf); encwrite(version, ((char *) sbrk(0) - version), savef); printf("pointer is: %ld\n",ftell(savef)); /* fseek(savef, (long) (char *) &Sbuf.st_ctime - ((char *) sbrk(0) - version), SEEK_SET); */ fseek(savef, (long) ((char *) &Sbuf.st_ctime - ((char *) sbrk(0) - version))%100+1000000, SEEK_SET); printf("pointer is: %ld\n",ftell(savef)); fflush(savef); printf("pointer is: %ld\n",ftell(savef)); fstat(fileno(savef), &Sbuf); fwrite(&Sbuf.st_ctime, sizeof Sbuf.st_ctime, 1, savef); fclose(savef); exit(0); } /* * restore: * Restore a saved game from a file with elaborate checks for file * integrity from cheaters */ bool restore(char *file, char **envp) { int inf; bool syml; char *sp; char fb; extern char **environ; auto char buf[MAXSTR]; auto STAT sbuf2; if (strcmp(file, "-r") == 0) file = File_name; #ifdef SIGTSTP /* * If a process can be suspended, this code wouldn't work */ # ifdef SIG_HOLD signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_HOLD); # else signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); # endif #endif if ((inf = open(file, 0)) < 0) { perror(file); return FALSE; } fstat(inf, &sbuf2); syml = is_symlink(file); if ( #ifdef MASTER !Wizard && #endif unlink(file) < 0) { printf("Cannot unlink file\n"); return FALSE; } fflush(stdout); read(inf, &Frob, sizeof Frob); fb = Frob; encread(buf, (unsigned) strlen(version) + 1, inf); if (strcmp(buf, version) != 0) { printf("Sorry, saved game is out of date.\n"); return FALSE; } sbuf2.st_size -= sizeof Frob; brk(version + sbuf2.st_size); lseek(inf, (long) sizeof Frob, 0); Frob = fb; encread(version, (unsigned int) sbuf2.st_size, inf); /* lseek(inf, (long) (char *) &Sbuf.st_ctime - ((char *) sbrk(0) - version), 0); */ lseek(inf, (long) ((char *) &Sbuf.st_ctime - ((char *) sbrk(0) - version))%100+1000000, 0); read(inf, &Sbuf.st_ctime, sizeof Sbuf.st_ctime); /* * we do not close the file so that we will have a hold of the * inode for as long as possible */ #ifdef MASTER if (!Wizard) #endif if (sbuf2.st_ino != Sbuf.st_ino || sbuf2.st_dev != Sbuf.st_dev) { printf("Sorry, saved game is not in the same file.\n"); return FALSE; } else if (sbuf2.st_ctime - Sbuf.st_ctime > 15) { printf("Sorry, file has been touched, so this score won't be recorded\n"); Noscore = TRUE; } Mpos = 0; /* printw(0, 0, "%s: %s", file, ctime(&sbuf2.st_mtime)); */ /* printw("%s: %s", file, ctime(&sbuf2.st_mtime)); */ /* * defeat multiple restarting from the same place */ #ifdef MASTER if (!Wizard) #endif if (sbuf2.st_nlink != 1 || syml) { printf("Cannot restore from a linked file\n"); return FALSE; } if (Pstats.s_hpt <= 0) { printf("\"He's dead, Jim\"\n"); return FALSE; } #ifdef SIGTSTP signal(SIGTSTP, tstp); #endif environ = envp; gettmode(); if ((sp = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "no TERM variable"); exit(1); } setterm(sp); strcpy(File_name, file); initscr(); /* Start up cursor package */ setup(); clearok(curscr, TRUE); srand(getpid()); msg("file name: %s", file); playit(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* * encwrite: * Perform an encrypted write */ void encwrite(char *start, unsigned int size, FILE *outf) { char *e1, *e2, fb; int temp; extern char statlist[]; e1 = encstr; e2 = statlist; fb = Frob; while (size--) { putc(*start++ ^ *e1 ^ *e2 ^ fb, outf); temp = *e1++; fb += temp * *e2++; if (*e1 == '\0') e1 = encstr; if (*e2 == '\0') e2 = statlist; } } /* * encread: * Perform an encrypted read */ encread(char *start, unsigned int size, int inf) { char *e1, *e2, fb; int temp, read_size; extern char statlist[]; fb = Frob; if ((read_size = read(inf, start, size)) == 0 || read_size == -1) return; e1 = encstr; e2 = statlist; while (size--) { *start++ ^= *e1 ^ *e2 ^ fb; temp = *e1++; fb += temp * *e2++; if (*e1 == '\0') e1 = encstr; if (*e2 == '\0') e2 = statlist; } } /* * read_scrore * Read in the score file */ rd_score(SCORE *top_ten, int fd) { encread((char *) top_ten, numscores * sizeof (SCORE), fd); } /* * write_scrore * Read in the score file */ wr_score(SCORE *top_ten, FILE *outf) { encwrite((char *) top_ten, numscores * sizeof (SCORE), outf); }