Woozle IRC ========= This is a sort of bouncer for clients with transient network connections, like cell phones and laptops. It's a lot like [tapchat](https://github.com/tapchat/tapchat) but is a whole lot simpler while being (at time of writing) much more feature-complete. It supports (currently) an JavaScript browser-based client, and can also be worked from the command-line using Unix tools like "tail" and "echo". Ironically, it doesn't currently work with any existing IRC clients, although we are kicking around ideas for such a thing. Honestly, though, if you want a bouncer for a traditional IRC client, you are better off using something like znc. We have an [architectural diagram](https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1am_RTUh89kul-318GoYK73AbjOE_jMYi4vI4NyEgKrY/edit?usp=sharing) if you care about such things. Features -------- * Gracefully handles clients with transient networking, such as cell phones and laptops. Todo ----- [Todo list](TODO)