var msgRe = /([^ ]+) (<[^>]+>) (.*)/; var kibozeRe = /[Nn]eal/; var urlRe = /[a-z]+:\/\/[^ ]*/; var nick = "Mme. M"; if (String.prototype.startsWith == null) { String.prototype.startsWith = function(needle) { return this.lastIndexOf(needle, 0) == 0; } } function isinView(oObject) { return (oObject.offsetParent.clientHeight <= oObject.offsetTop); } function selectForum(fe) { var kids = document.getElementById("foraText").childNodes; for (i = 0; i < kids.length; i += 1) { e = kids[i]; if (e == fe) { = "block"; } else { = "none"; if (e.button.className == "current") { e.button.className = ""; } } } fe.button.className = "current"; if (fe.lastChild) { fe.lastChild.scrollIntoView(false); } document.getElementById("target").value =; } function getForumElement(forum) { var id = "a:" + forum; var fe = document.getElementById(id); if (! fe) { var button = document.createElement("button"); button.appendChild(document.createTextNode(forum)); button.onclick = function() { selectForum(fe); } document.getElementById("foraButtons").appendChild(button); fe = document.createElement("div"); = id = forum fe.button = button document.getElementById("foraText").appendChild(fe); } if (fe.button.className != "current") { fe.button.className = "active"; } return fe; } function addMessagePart(p, className, text) { var e = document.createElement("span"); e.className = className; e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); p.appendChild(e); p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); } function addText(p, text, kiboze) { // Look for a URL var txtElement = document.createElement("span"); txtElement.className = "text"; var rhs = text; var match; while ((match = urlRe.exec(rhs)) != null) { var before = rhs.substr(0, match.index); var a = document.createElement("a"); var href = match[0]; if (href.indexOf("hxx") == 0) { href = "htt" + href.substr(3); } a.href = href = "_blank"; a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(match[0])); txtElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(before)); txtElement.appendChild(a); rhs = rhs.substr(match.index + match[0].length); } txtElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rhs)); p.appendChild(txtElement); if ((kiboze) || (-1 != { var k = document.getElementById("kiboze"); var p2 = p.cloneNode(true); k.insertBefore(p2, k.firstChild); p2.onclick = function() { focus(p); } // Setting title makes the tab flash sorta document.title = document.title; } } function focus(e) { var pct = 1; var timeout; selectForum(e.parentNode); e.scrollIntoView(false); = "yellow"; timeout = setInterval(function() { pct = pct - 0.1; = "rgba(255, 255, 0, " + pct + ")"; if (pct <= 0) { = "inherit"; clearInterval(timeout); } }, 50) } function addMessage(txt) { var lhs = txt.split(" :", 1)[0] var parts = lhs.split(' ') var ts = new Date(parts[0] * 1000); var fullSender = parts[1]; var command = parts[2]; var sender = parts[3]; var forum = parts[4]; var args = parts.slice(5); var msg = txt.substr(lhs.length + 2) var forumElement = getForumElement(forum); var p = document.createElement("p"); addMessagePart(p, "timestamp", ts.toLocaleTimeString()); switch (command) { case "PING": case "PONG": return; break; case "PRIVMSG": addMessagePart(p, "forum", forum); addMessagePart(p, "sender", sender); addText(p, msg, (sender == forum)); break; case "NOTICE": addMessagePart(p, "forum", forum); addMessagePart(p, "sender notice", sender); addText(p, msg, (sender == forum)); break; default: addMessagePart(p, "forum", forum); addMessagePart(p, "sender", sender); addMessagePart(p, "raw", command + " " + args + " " + msg); break; } forumElement.appendChild(p); p.scrollIntoView(false); } function newmsg(event) { msgs ="\n"); for (var i = 0; i < msgs.length; i += 1) { addMessage(msgs[i]); } } function handleCommand(event) { var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); function reqListener() { } var txt = document.getElementById("text").value; if (txt.startsWith("/connect ")) { // XXX: should allow tokens with spaces var parts = txt.split(" "); connect(parts[1], parts[2], parts[3]); return; } oReq.onload = reqListener;"POST", window.postURL, true); oReq.send(new FormData(;; return false; } function connect(url, server, authtok) { window.postURL = url; document.getElementById("server").value = server; document.getElementById("authtok").value = authtok; var pullURL = url + "?server=" + server + "&auth=" + authtok var source = new EventSource(pullURL); source.onmessage = newmsg; } function init() { document.getElementById("command").onsubmit = handleCommand; } window.onload = init;