var msgRe = /([^ ]+) (<[^>]+>) (.*)/; var kibozeRe = /[Nn]eal/; var urlRe = /[a-z]+:\/\/[^ ]*/; var nick = "Mme. M"; // XXX: get rid of this var scrollbackLength = 500; var current; if (String.prototype.startsWith == null) { String.prototype.startsWith = function(needle) { return this.lastIndexOf(needle, 0) == 0; } } function getTemplate(className) { return templates.getElementsByClassName(className)[0].cloneNode(true); } function isinView(oObject) { return (oObject.offsetParent.clientHeight <= oObject.offsetTop); } function selectForum(room) { if (current) { current.classList.remove("selected"); // XXX: do this with a class, too = "none"; } current = room; room.classList.add("selected"); = "block"; if (room.messages.lastChild) { room.messages.lastChild.scrollIntoView(false); } } fora = {} function getForumElement(forum) { var fe = fora[forum]; if (! fe) { var room = getTemplate("channel room"); var content = room.getElementsByClassName("content-item")[0]; content.textContent = forum; rooms.appendChild(room); fe = getTemplate("messages"); = room; room.messages = fe; // XXX: split out into non-anon function room.addEventListener("click", function() {selectForum(room)}); fora[forum] = fe; document.getElementById("messages-container").appendChild(fe); } return fe; } function addMessagePart(p, className, text) { var e = document.createElement("span"); e.className = className; e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); p.appendChild(e); p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); } function addText(p, text, kiboze) { // Look for a URL var txtElement = document.createElement("span"); txtElement.className = "text"; var rhs = text; var match; while ((match = urlRe.exec(rhs)) != null) { var before = rhs.substr(0, match.index); var a = document.createElement("a"); var href = match[0]; if (href.indexOf("hxx") == 0) { href = "htt" + href.substr(3); } a.href = href = "_blank"; a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(match[0])); txtElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(before)); txtElement.appendChild(a); rhs = rhs.substr(match.index + match[0].length); } txtElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rhs)); p.appendChild(txtElement); if ((kiboze) || (-1 != { var k = document.getElementById("kiboze"); var p2 = p.cloneNode(true); if (k) { k.insertBefore(p2, k.firstChild); p2.onclick = function() { focus(p); } // Setting title makes the tab flash sorta document.title = document.title; } } } function focus(e) { var pct = 1; var timeout; selectForum(e.parentNode); e.scrollIntoView(false); = "yellow"; timeout = setInterval(function() { pct = pct - 0.1; = "rgba(255, 255, 0, " + pct + ")"; if (pct <= 0) { = "inherit"; clearInterval(timeout); } }, 50) } function addMessage(timestamp, fullSender, command, sender, forum, args, msg) { var forumElement = getForumElement(forum); var msge = getTemplate("message"); console.log(timestamp, msg); msge.getElementsByClassName("timestamp")[0].textContent = timestamp.toLocaleTimeString(); var sourcee = msge.getElementsByClassName("source")[0]; var contente = msge.getElementsByClassName("content")[0]; sourcee.textContent = sender; contente.textContent = msg; switch (command) { case "PING": case "PONG": return; case "PRIVMSG": case "NOTICE": break; default: contente.textContent = command + " " + args + " " + msg; break; } while (forumElement.childNodes.length > scrollbackLength) { forumElement.removeChild(forumElement.firstChild) } forumElement.appendChild(msge); msge.scrollIntoView(false); } function handleInput(oEvent) { console.log(oEvent); var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); function reqListener() { } var txt =; if (txt.startsWith("/connect ")) { // XXX: should allow tokens with spaces var parts = txt.split(" "); var network = parts[1]; var url = parts[2]; var authtok = parts[3]; connect(network, url, authtok); storedConnections[network] = [url, authtok];{"connections": storedConnections}); } else { oReq.onload = reqListener;"POST", window.postURL, true); oReq.send(new FormData(; } = ""; return false; } var activeNetworks = {}; var storedConnections = {}; function connect(network, url, authtok) { var newServer = new Server(network, url, authtok, addMessage); var element; if (activeNetworks[network]) { activeNetworks[network].close(); element = activeNetworks[network].element; } else { newServer.element = getTemplate("server-channels"); rooms.appendChild(newServer.element); } = newServer.element.getElementsByClassName("server room")[0]; newServer.content = newServer.element.getElementsByClassName("content-item")[0]; newServer.content.textContent = network; activeNetworks[network] = newServer; } function restore(items) { storedConnections = items["connections"]; for (var network in storedConnections) { var conn = storedConnections[network]; connect(network, conn[0], conn[1]); } } function init() {["connections"], restore); document.getElementById("input").addEventListener("change", handleInput); templates = document.getElementById("templates"); rooms = document.getElementById("rooms-container").getElementsByClassName("rooms")[0]; } window.addEventListener("load", init);