version: "3.8" services: syncthing: image: syncthing/syncthing environment: PUID: 911 CGID: 911 volumes: - type: bind source: /srv/ext/sys/syncthing target: /var/syncthing - type: bind source: /srv/ext target: /srv/ext ports: - published: 22000 target: 22000 protocol: tcp - published: 22000 target: 22000 protocol: udp - published: 21027 target: 21027 protocol: udp deploy: labels: traefik.enable: "true" traefik.http.routers.syncthing.rule: "PathPrefix(`/syncthing`)" traefik.http.routers.syncthing.middlewares: syncthing-striparoo traefik.http.middlewares.syncthing-striparoo.stripprefix.prefixes: "/syncthing" "8384" ## Drop this in to get a netdata container. ## It uses a lot of RAM and causes my machine to swap. ## Granted, it's a lot more lightweight than nextcloud. ## But I can live without netdata. netdata: image: netdata/netdata hostname: $HOSTNAME volumes: - type: bind source: / target: /host read_only: true configs: - source: netdata.conf target: /etc/netdata/netdata.conf deploy: labels: traefik.http.routers.netdata.rule: "PathPrefix(`/netdata`)" traefik.http.middlewares.netdata-striparoo.stripprefix.prefixes: "/netdata" traefik.http.routers.netdata.middlewares: netdata-striparoo "19999" configs: netdata.conf: file: netdata.conf name: netdata.conf-v4