Much cleaner Esab32 decoding

Tries all permutations of chunks in Esab32,
until it gets only printable characters.
This decodes all but one line of the data
I currently have:
that GUID is successfully decoded
later after another chunk is added.
So this is 100% successful.
This commit is contained in:
Neale Pickett 2020-12-22 21:45:30 -07:00
parent 7390cb6f7c
commit 3e0413f9f7
1 changed files with 117 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Unclassified/FOUO
# Created: 2020-12-14 16:49:51
# Last-modified: 2020-12-22 17:57:54
# Last-modified: 2020-12-22 21:42:40
# Based on work by @RedDrip7 (twitter),
# who should be getting more credit in the English-speaking world.
@ -26,10 +26,14 @@ knownDomains = [
def xor(key, buf):
return bytes(b ^ k for b, k in zip(buf, itertools.cycle(key)))
Bsae32Alphabet = "ph2eifo3n5utg1j8d94qrvbmk0sal76c"
Esab32Alphabet = "ph2eifo3n5utg1j8d94qrvbmk0sal76c"
SubstitutionAlphabet = 'rq3gsalt6u1iyfzop572d49bnx8cvmkewhj'
SubstitutionAlphabet0 = '0_-.'
def DecodeBase32(s: str):
@ -39,63 +43,109 @@ def DecodeBase32(s: str):
It doesn't work.
t = s.translate(Bsae32Alphabet,
trans = str.maketrans(Esab32Alphabet,
t = s.translate(trans)
while len(t) % 8 > 0:
t += '='
return base64.b32decode(t)
def DecodeBsae32(s: str):
"""Decode using zany base32-like algorithm.
def DecodeEsab32(s: str) -> (int, int):
"""Decode using big-endian base32 algorithm.
The following opinion has been formed hastily and could be misinformed:
This is not proper Base32. It's more like somebody read about Base32,
implemented an encoder and decoder incorrectly, and went on to the next task.
Returns a bigint, and the number of bits contained therein
bits = 0
acc = 0
acc = bits = 0
for c in s:
acc |= Bsae32Alphabet.find(c) << bits
p = Esab32Alphabet.index(c)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError(
"Not an Esab32 encoded character: %c in %s" % (c, s))
acc |= p << bits
bits += 5
out8 = []
while bits > 0:
out8.append(acc & 255)
acc >>= 8
bits -= 8
if bits:
del out8[-1]
return bytes(out8)
return acc, bits
SubstitutionAlphabet = 'rq3gsalt6u1iyfzop572d49bnx8cvmkewhj'
SubstitutionXlat = str.maketrans(
SubstitutionAlphabet[4:] + SubstitutionAlphabet[:4], SubstitutionAlphabet)
SubstitutionXlat0 = str.maketrans(
SubstitutionAlphabet, ('0_-.' * 9)[:len(SubstitutionAlphabet)])
def DecodeSubst(s: str):
zeroBaby = False
def DecodeSubst(s: str) -> str:
alphabet = SubstitutionAlphabet
out = []
for c in s:
if c == '0':
zeroBaby = True
if zeroBaby:
alphabet = SubstitutionAlphabet0
zeroBaby = False
return ''.join(out)
pos = (SubstitutionAlphabet.index(c) - 4) % len(alphabet)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError(
"Not a subst encoded character: %c in %s" % (c, s))
alphabet = SubstitutionAlphabet
return "".join(out)
PayloadsByGuid = {}
def DecodeDomain(domain: str):
Guid = int
def isprintable(c: int) -> bool:
return c >= 0x20 and c <= 0x7f
def quopri(buf: bytes) -> str:
return codecs.encode(buf, "quopri").decode("utf-8")
class DGADecoder:
def __init__(self, guid: Guid):
self.guid = guid
self.history = []
self._decoder = self.DecodeSubst
def decode(self, s: str):
if s.startswith("00"):
self._decoder = self.DecodeEsab32
# We'll throw away the information about which is first,
# since we do a computationally intensive trick later to determine ordering
s = s[2:]
self.history.insert(0, s)
return self._decoder()
def DecodeSubst(self) -> str:
decodes = {DecodeSubst(x) for x in self.history}
return ''.join(sorted(decodes, key=len, reverse=True))
def DecodeEsab32(self) -> str:
history = {x.rstrip("0") for x in self.history}
# "Why don't we just mix up absolutely everything and see what happens?"
# -- Ridcully, in Terry Pratchett's "The Hogfather"
possibilities = []
for attempt in itertools.permutations(history):
acc, abits = DecodeEsab32(''.join(attempt))
length = abits // 8
if abits % 8:
buf = acc.to_bytes(length+1, 'little')
buf = acc.to_bytes(length, 'little')
buf = buf[:length]
if sum(isprintable(b) for b in buf) == length:
# Yay it's probably okay
# Well, we tried.
if not possibilities:
return quopri(buf)
return " | ".join(quopri(buf) for buf in possibilities)
DecodersByGuid = {}
def DecodeDomain(domain: str) -> (Guid, int, str):
s = domain.strip()
foundDomain = None
for d in knownDomains:
@ -110,35 +160,28 @@ def DecodeDomain(domain: str):
assert(s[-1] == '.')
s = s[:-1]
if foundDomain == "":
return (None, None, "[Probably not a Sunburst domain]")
if len(s) < 16:
return (None, None, "[unable to decode: too short for any known decoding rules]")
return (None, None, "[too short]")
dec, _ = DecodeEsab32(s[:15])
eguid = dec.to_bytes(10, 'little')[:9]
guid = int.from_bytes(xor(eguid[0:1], eguid[1:]), 'big')
eguid = DecodeBsae32(s[:15])
unknown_a = s[15]
guid = xor(eguid[0:1], eguid[1:])
s = s[16:]
payload = s[16:]
payloads = PayloadsByGuid.setdefault(guid, [])
if s not in payloads:
if s.startswith("00"):
payloads.insert(0, s)
# People: friggin' preserve metadata, ugh.
# If I gave you every line of The Empire Strikes Back,
# sorted alphabetically, without timestamps,
# could you reconstruct the movie?
payloads.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
decoder = DecodersByGuid.get(guid)
if not decoder:
decoder = DGADecoder(guid)
DecodersByGuid[guid] = decoder
payload = ''.join(payloads)
decoded = decoder.decode(payload)
if payload.startswith("00"):
buf = DecodeBsae32(payload[2:])
decoded = codecs.encode(buf, "quopri").decode("utf-8")
decoded = DecodeSubst(payload)
return (guid, unknown_a, decoded)
class TextReader:
def __init__(self, infile):
self.infile = infile
@ -152,12 +195,14 @@ class TextReader:
class CsvReader:
def __init__(self, infile):
self.reader = csv.DictReader(infile)
self.fieldnames = self.reader.fieldnames + ["guid", "unknown a", "decode"]
self.fieldnames = self.reader.fieldnames + \
["guid", "unknown a", "decode"]
def __iter__(self):
for record in self.reader:
yield record
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Decode sunburst Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) names")
@ -191,10 +236,11 @@ def main():
for record in reader:
name = record.get("name") or record.get("fqdn")
guid, unknown_a, ptext = DecodeDomain(name)
record["guid"] = int.from_bytes(guid or b"", "big")
record["guid"] = guid
record["unknown a"] = unknown_a
record["decode"] = ptext
if __name__ == '__main__':