Some GA work I did in 2010

This commit is contained in:
Neale Pickett 2012-04-24 13:01:07 -06:00
parent 28f07e9008
commit 8570ec8cfc

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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
type sensor = (int * int * int * bool)
type tank = (
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* sensor
* string list
let symbols = [
let make_nucleotide () = ((List.length symbols) + 360 + 360)
let rec make_dna = function
| 0 ->
| n ->
(make_nucleotide ()) :: (make_dna (n - 1))
let rec program_of_dna = function
| [] ->
| i :: tl ->
let s =
List.nth symbols i
| Failure _
| Invalid_argument _ ->
string_of_int (i - (List.length symbols) - 360)
s :: (program_of_dna tl)
let tank_of_dna d =
let color_of_dna = function
| r :: g :: b :: tl ->
(tl, (Format.sprintf "%02x%02x%02x"
((abs r) mod 256)
((abs g) mod 256)
((abs b) mod 256)))
| tl ->
(tl, "cccccc")
let sensor_of_dna = function
| a :: b :: c :: d :: tl ->
(tl, (a, b, c, (d != 0)))
| tl ->
(tl, (0, 0, 0, false))
let d, color = color_of_dna d in
let d, s0 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s1 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s2 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s3 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s4 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s5 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s6 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s7 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s8 = sensor_of_dna d in
let d, s9 = sensor_of_dna d in
let p = program_of_dna d in
(color, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, p)
let print_tank t =
let print_sensor (a, b, c, d) =
Format.printf "Sensor: %d %d %d %d\n" a b c (if d then 1 else 0)
match t with
| (color, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, p) ->
Format.printf "Color: #%s\n" color;
print_sensor s0;
print_sensor s1;
print_sensor s2;
print_sensor s3;
print_sensor s4;
print_sensor s5;
print_sensor s6;
print_sensor s7;
print_sensor s8;
print_sensor s9;
print_endline (String.concat " " p)
let write_tank i t =
let fnprint fn str =
let filename = Format.sprintf "tank.%d/%s" i fn in
let chan = open_out filename in
output_string chan str;
close_out chan
let print_sensor n (a, b, c, d) =
(Format.sprintf "sensor%d" n)
(Format.sprintf "Sensor: %d %d %d %d\n" a b c (if d then 1 else 0))
match t with
| (color, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, p) ->
fnprint "color" color;
print_sensor 0 s0;
print_sensor 1 s1;
print_sensor 2 s2;
print_sensor 3 s3;
print_sensor 4 s4;
print_sensor 5 s5;
print_sensor 6 s6;
print_sensor 7 s7;
print_sensor 8 s8;
print_sensor 9 s9;
fnprint "program" (String.concat " " p)
let _ = Random.self_init ()
let _ =
let dnas =
let t = Array.make 20 500 in make_dna t
let tanks = tank_of_dna dnas in
Array.mapi write_tank tanks