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    <h1 id="title">Running Tanks</h1>

<p>Unfortunately, it’s kind of a mess right now.
I know there are a few forks of this code,
and I would love it if someone proposed a merge to clearly illustrate how to run tanks.</p>

<p>When I spin up a new tanks game,
typically I run something like:</p>

<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>while sleep 60; do ./round.sh */; done

<p>This assumes all your tanks directories are in the same place as <code class="highlighter-rouge">round.sh</code>.</p>

<h2 id="included-programs">Included programs</h2>

<p>I tried to stick with the Unix philosophy of one program per task.  I
also tried to avoid doing any string processing in C.  The result is a
hodgepodge of C, Bourne shell, and awk, but at least each piece is
fairly simple to audit.</p>

<h3 id="roundsh-tank1-tank2-">round.sh tank1 tank2 …</h3>

<p>Runs a single round, awards points with rank.awk, and creates a new
summary.html with summary.awk.  This is the main interface that you want
to run from cron or whatever.</p>

<h3 id="forftanks-tank1-tank2-">forftanks tank1 tank2 …</h3>

<p>A program to run a round of tanks and output a JSON description of the
game.  This is what tanks.js uses to render a game graphically.
The object printed contains:</p>

<div class="highlighter-rouge"><pre class="highlight"><code>[[game-width, game-height],
  [[sensor1range, sensor1angle, sensor1width, sensor1turret],
  [tank1x, tank1y, tank1angle, tank1sensangle, 
   tank1flags, tank1sensors],

<p>If file descriptor 3 is open for writes, it also outputs the results of
the round to fd3.</p>

<h3 id="rankawk">rank.awk</h3>

<p>Processes the fd3 output of forftanks to award points and output an
HTML results table.</p>

<h3 id="summaryawk-tank1-tank2">summary.awk tank1 tank2</h3>

<p>Creates summary.html, linking to all rounds and showing overall

<h3 id="designercgi">designer.cgi</h3>

<p>Accepts form input and writes a tank.</p>

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        <li><a href="/running">Running</a></li>
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        <li><a href="/thanks">Thanks</a></li>
        <li><a href="https://github.com/dirtbags/tanks" title="Tanks on Github">Source</a></li>