/* * This software has been authored by an employee or employees of Los * Alamos National Security, LLC, operator of the Los Alamos National * Laboratory (LANL) under Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396 with the U.S. * Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use, * reproduce, and distribute this software. The public may copy, * distribute, prepare derivative works and publicly display this * software without charge, provided that this Notice and any statement * of authorship are reproduced on all copies. Neither the Government * nor LANS makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any * liability or responsibility for the use of this software. If * software is modified to produce derivative works, such modified * software should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse it with the * version available from LANL. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ctanks.h" #include "forf.h" #include "dump.h" #define MAX_TANKS 50 #define ROUNDS 500 #define SPACING 150 #define LENV_SIZE 100 #define DSTACK_SIZE 200 #define CSTACK_SIZE 500 #define MEMORY_SIZE 10 struct forftank { struct forf_env env; int error_pos; char color[8]; /* "#ff0088" */ char name[50]; char *path; struct forf_stack _prog; struct forf_value _progvals[CSTACK_SIZE]; struct forf_stack _cmd; struct forf_value _cmdvals[CSTACK_SIZE]; struct forf_stack _data; struct forf_value _datavals[DSTACK_SIZE]; struct forf_memory _mem; long _memvals[MEMORY_SIZE]; }; #ifndef NODEBUG void forf_print_val(struct forf_value *val) { switch (val->type) { case forf_type_number: printf("%ld", val->v.i); break; case forf_type_proc: printf("[proc %p]", val->v.p); break; case forf_type_stack_begin: printf("{"); break; case forf_type_stack_end: printf("}"); break; } } void forf_print_stack(struct forf_stack *s) { size_t pos; for (pos = 0; pos < s->top; pos += 1) { forf_print_val(&(s->stack[pos])); printf(" "); } } void forf_dump_stack(struct forf_stack *s) { printf("Stack at %p: ", s); forf_print_stack(s); printf("\n"); } #endif /* * * Forf API * */ /** Has the turret recharged? */ void forf_tank_fire_ready(struct forf_env *env) { struct tank *tank = (struct tank *)env->udata; forf_push_num(env, tank_fire_ready(tank)); } /** Fire! */ void forf_tank_fire(struct forf_env *env) { struct tank *tank = (struct tank *)env->udata; tank_fire(tank); } /** Set desired speed */ void forf_tank_set_speed(struct forf_env *env) { struct tank *tank = (struct tank *)env->udata; long right = forf_pop_num(env); long left = forf_pop_num(env); tank_set_speed(tank, left, right); } /** Get the current turret angle */ void forf_tank_get_turret(struct forf_env *env) { struct tank *tank = (struct tank *)env->udata; float angle = tank_get_turret(tank); forf_push_num(env, rad2deg(angle)); } /** Set the desired turret angle */ void forf_tank_set_turret(struct forf_env *env) { struct tank *tank = (struct tank *)env->udata; long angle = forf_pop_num(env); tank_set_turret(tank, deg2rad(angle)); } /** Is a sensor active? */ void forf_tank_get_sensor(struct forf_env *env) { struct tank *tank = (struct tank *)env->udata; long sensor_num = forf_pop_num(env); forf_push_num(env, tank_get_sensor(tank, sensor_num)); } /** Set the LED state */ void forf_tank_set_led(struct forf_env *env) { struct tank *tank = (struct tank *)env->udata; long active = forf_pop_num(env); tank_set_led(tank, active); } /** Pick a random number */ void forf_proc_random(struct forf_env *env) { long max = forf_pop_num(env); if (max < 1) { forf_push_num(env, 0); return; } forf_push_num(env, rand() % max); } /* Tanks lexical environment */ struct forf_lexical_env tanks_lenv_addons[] = { {"fire-ready?", forf_tank_fire_ready}, {"fire!", forf_tank_fire}, {"set-speed!", forf_tank_set_speed}, {"get-turret", forf_tank_get_turret}, {"set-turret!", forf_tank_set_turret}, {"sensor?", forf_tank_get_sensor}, {"set-led!", forf_tank_set_led}, {"random", forf_proc_random}, {NULL, NULL} }; /* * * Filesystem stuff * */ int ft_read_file(char *ptr, size_t size, char *dir, char *fn) { char path[256]; FILE *f = NULL; int ret; int success = 0; do { snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", dir, fn); f = fopen(path, "r"); if (! f) break; ret = fread(ptr, 1, size - 1, f); ptr[ret] = '\0'; if (! ret) break; success = 1; } while (0); if (f) fclose(f); if (! success) { return 0; } return 1; } void ft_bricked_tank(struct tank *tank, void *ignored) { /* Do nothing, the tank is comatose */ } void ft_run_tank(struct tank *tank, struct forftank *ftank) { int ret; /* Copy program into command stack */ forf_stack_copy(&ftank->_cmd, &ftank->_prog); forf_stack_reset(&ftank->_data); ret = forf_eval(&ftank->env); if (! ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Error in %s: %s\n", ftank->name, forf_error_str[ftank->env.error]); } } int ft_read_program(struct forftank *ftank, struct tank *tank, struct forf_lexical_env *lenv, char *path) { char progpath[256]; FILE *f; /* Open program */ snprintf(progpath, sizeof(progpath), "%s/program", path); f = fopen(progpath, "r"); if (! f) return 0; /* Parse program */ ftank->error_pos = forf_parse_file(&ftank->env, f); fclose(f); if (ftank->error_pos) { return 0; } /* Back up the program so we can run it over and over without needing to re-parse */ forf_stack_copy(&ftank->_prog, &ftank->_cmd); tank_init(tank, (tank_run_func *)ft_run_tank, ftank); return 1; } void ft_tank_init(struct forftank *ftank, struct tank *tank, struct forf_lexical_env *lenv) { /* Set up forf environment */ forf_stack_init(&ftank->_prog, ftank->_progvals, CSTACK_SIZE); forf_stack_init(&ftank->_cmd, ftank->_cmdvals, CSTACK_SIZE); forf_stack_init(&ftank->_data, ftank->_datavals, DSTACK_SIZE); forf_memory_init(&ftank->_mem, ftank->_memvals, MEMORY_SIZE); forf_env_init(&ftank->env, lenv, &ftank->_data, &ftank->_cmd, &ftank->_mem, tank); } void ft_read_sensors(struct tank *tank, char *path) { int i; for (i = 0; i < TANK_MAX_SENSORS; i += 1) { int ret; char fn[10]; char s[20]; char *p = s; long range; long angle; long width; long turret; snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "sensor%d", i); ret = ft_read_file(s, sizeof(s), path, fn); if (! ret) { s[0] = 0; } range = strtol(p, &p, 0); angle = strtol(p, &p, 0); width = strtol(p, &p, 0); turret = strtol(p, &p, 0); tank->sensors[i].range = min(range, TANK_SENSOR_RANGE); tank->sensors[i].angle = deg2rad(angle % 360); tank->sensors[i].width = deg2rad(width % 360); tank->sensors[i].turret = (0 != turret); } } int ft_read_tank(struct forftank *ftank, struct tank *tank, struct forf_lexical_env *lenv, char *path) { int ret; ftank->path = path; /* What is your name? */ ret = ft_read_file(ftank->name, sizeof(ftank->name), path, "name"); if (! ret) { strncpy(ftank->name, path, sizeof(ftank->name)); } /* What is your quest? */ ft_tank_init(ftank, tank, lenv); ret = ft_read_program(ftank, tank, lenv, path); if (ret) { ft_read_sensors(tank, path); } else { /* Brick the tank */ tank_init(tank, ft_bricked_tank, NULL); } /* What is your favorite color? */ ret = ft_read_file(ftank->color, sizeof(ftank->color), path, "color"); if (! ret) { strncpy(ftank->color, "#808080", sizeof(ftank->color)); } return 1; } void print_header(FILE *f, struct tanks_game *game, int seed) { fprintf(f, "{\n"); fprintf(f, " \"seed\": %d,\n", seed); fprintf(f, " \"field\": [%d,%d],\n", (int)game->size[0], (int)game->size[1]); } void print_rounds(FILE *f, struct tanks_game *game, struct tank *tanks, int ntanks) { int alive; fprintf(f, " \"rounds\": [\n"); /* Run rounds */ alive = ntanks; for (int i = 0; (alive > 1) && (i < ROUNDS); i += 1) { if (i > 0) { fprintf(f, ",\n"); } tanks_run_turn(game, tanks, ntanks); fprintf(f, " ["); alive = ntanks; for (int j = 0; j < ntanks; j += 1) { struct tank *t = &(tanks[j]); int k; int flags = 0; int sensors = 0; if (j > 0) { fprintf(f, ","); } for (k = 0; k < TANK_MAX_SENSORS; k += 1) { if (t->sensors[k].triggered) { sensors |= (1 << k); } } if (t->turret.firing) { flags |= 1; } if (t->led) { flags |= 2; } if (t->killer) { alive -= 1; flags |= 4; } fprintf(f, "[%d,%d,%.2f,%.2f,%d,%d]", (int)t->position[0], (int)(t->position[1]), t->angle, t->turret.current, flags, sensors); } fprintf(f, "]"); } fprintf(f, "\n ],\n"); } void print_standings(FILE *f, struct forftank *ftanks, struct tank *tanks, int ntanks) { fprintf(f, " \"tanks\": [\n"); for (int i = 0; i < ntanks; i += 1) { int killer = -1; int kills = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ntanks; j += 1) { if (tanks[i].killer == &(tanks[j])) { killer = j; } if (tanks[j].killer == &(tanks[i])) { kills += 1; } } if (i > 0) { fprintf(f, ",\n"); } fprintf(f, " {\n"); fprintf(f, " \"color\": \"%s\",\n", ftanks[i].color); fprintf(f, " \"path\": \"%s\",\n", ftanks[i].path); fprintf(f, " \"death\": \"%s\",\n", tanks[i].cause_death); fprintf(f, " \"killer\": %d,\n", killer); fprintf(f, " \"kills\": %d,\n", kills); fprintf(f, " \"errorPos\": %d,\n", ftanks[i].error_pos); fprintf(f, " \"error\": \"%s\",\n", forf_error_str[ftanks[i].env.error]); fprintf(f, " \"sensors\": [\n"); for (int j = 0; j < TANK_MAX_SENSORS; j += 1) { struct sensor *s = &(tanks[i].sensors[j]); if (j > 0) { fprintf(f, ",\n"); } if (! s->range) { fprintf(f, " null"); } else { fprintf(f, " {\"range\":%d,\"angle\":%.2f,\"width\":%.2f,\"turret\":%s}", (int)(s->range), s->angle, s->width, s->turret?"true":"false"); } } fprintf(f, "\n ]"); fprintf(f, "\n }"); } fprintf(f, "\n ],\n"); } void print_footer(FILE *f) { fprintf(f, " \"\": null\n"); // sentry, so everything prior can end with a comma fprintf(f, "}\n"); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct tanks_game game; struct forftank myftanks[MAX_TANKS]; struct tank mytanks[MAX_TANKS]; struct forf_lexical_env lenv[LENV_SIZE]; int order[MAX_TANKS]; int ntanks = 0; int i; int seed; lenv[0].name = NULL; lenv[0].proc = NULL; if ((! forf_extend_lexical_env(lenv, forf_base_lexical_env, LENV_SIZE)) || (! forf_extend_lexical_env(lenv, tanks_lenv_addons, LENV_SIZE))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize lexical environment.\n"); return 1; } /* We only need slightly random numbers */ { char *s = getenv("SEED"); seed = atoi(s?s:""); if (! seed) { seed = getpid(); } srand(seed); } if ((argc < 2) || (argv[1][0] == '-')) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s TANKDIR [TANKDIR...]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* Every argument is a tank directory */ for (i = 1; ntanks < MAX_TANKS && i < argc; i += 1) { if (ft_read_tank(&myftanks[ntanks], &mytanks[ntanks], lenv, argv[i])) { ntanks += 1; } } /* Calculate the size of the game board */ { int x, y; for (x = 1; x * x < ntanks; x += 1); y = ntanks / x; if (ntanks % x) { y += 1; } game.size[0] = x * SPACING; game.size[1] = y * SPACING; } /* Shuffle the order we place things on the game board */ for (i = 0; i < ntanks; i += 1) { order[i] = i; } for (i = 0; i < ntanks; i += 1) { int j = rand() % ntanks; int n = order[j]; order[j] = order[i]; order[i] = n; } /* Position tanks */ { int x = SPACING/2; int y = SPACING/2; for (i = 0; i < ntanks; i += 1) { mytanks[order[i]].position[0] = (float)x; mytanks[order[i]].position[1] = (float)y; mytanks[order[i]].angle = deg2rad(rand() % 360); mytanks[order[i]].turret.current = deg2rad(rand() % 360); mytanks[order[i]].turret.desired = mytanks[order[i]].turret.current; x += SPACING; if (x > game.size[0]) { x %= (int)(game.size[0]); y += SPACING; } } } print_header(stdout, &game, seed); print_rounds(stdout, &game, mytanks, ntanks); print_standings(stdout, myftanks, mytanks, ntanks); print_footer(stdout); return 0; }