"use strict"; /* * jstanks: A forf/tanks implementation in javascript, based on the C version. * Copyright (C) 2014 Alyssa Milburn * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * Disclaimer: I warned you all that I don't know javascript. * * TODO: * - memory functions * - peer at the arithmetic FIXMEs * - overflow/underflow checks * - do the substacks properly, not as a parse-time hack * - type checking * (one of those two should stop '{ dup 1 exch if } dup 1 exch if' from working) * * - tests * - catch/show exceptions * - save/load state from cookie * - stack visualisation * - display live desired/current speed, turret angle, etc * - show live sensor state in the Sensors box too? * - scoreboard * - apply simultaneous fire fixes and/or other upstream changes */ var TAU = 2 * Math.PI; var mod = function(a, b) { return a % b; }; var sq = function(a) { return a * a; }; var rad2deg = function(r) { return Math.floor(360*(r)/TAU); }; var deg2rad = function(r) { return (r*TAU)/360; }; /* Some in-game constants */ var TANK_MAX_SENSORS = 10; var TANK_RADIUS = 7.5; var TANK_SENSOR_RANGE = 100; var TANK_CANNON_RECHARGE = 20; /* Turns to recharge cannon */ var TANK_CANNON_RANGE = (TANK_SENSOR_RANGE / 2); var TANK_MAX_ACCEL = 35; var TANK_MAX_TURRET_ROT = (TAU/8); var TANK_TOP_SPEED = 7; /* (tank radius + tank radius)^2 */ var TANK_COLLISION_ADJ2 = ((TANK_RADIUS + TANK_RADIUS) * (TANK_RADIUS + TANK_RADIUS)); /* (Sensor range + tank radius)^2 * If the distance^2 to the center of a tank <= TANK_SENSOR_ADJ2, * that tank is within sensor range. */ var TANK_SENSOR_ADJ2 = ((TANK_SENSOR_RANGE + TANK_RADIUS) * (TANK_SENSOR_RANGE + TANK_RADIUS)); var TANK_CANNON_ADJ2 = ((TANK_CANNON_RANGE + TANK_RADIUS) * (TANK_CANNON_RANGE + TANK_RADIUS)); // initial game grid spacing var SPACING = 150; var Forf = function() { this.datastack = []; this.cmdstack = []; this.builtins = new Object(); this.builtins["alert!"] = function(myforf) { alert(myforf.datastack.pop()); }; var unfunc = function(func) { return function(myforf) { var a = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.datastack.push(~~func(a)); // truncate, FIXME }; }; var binfunc = function(func) { return function(myforf) { var a = myforf.datastack.pop(); var b = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.datastack.push(~~func(b,a)); // truncate?, FIXME }; }; this.builtins["~"] = unfunc(function(a) { return ~a; }); this.builtins["!"] = unfunc(function(a) { return !a; }); this.builtins["+"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a+b; }); this.builtins["-"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a-b; }); this.builtins["/"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { if (b === 0) { throw "division by zero"; } return a/b; }); this.builtins["%"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { if (b === 0) { throw "division by zero"; } return mod(a,b); }); this.builtins["*"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a*b; }); this.builtins["&"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a&b; }); this.builtins["|"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a|b; }); this.builtins["^"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a^b; }); this.builtins["<<"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a<>"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a>>b; }); this.builtins[">"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a>b; }); this.builtins[">="] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a>=b; }); this.builtins["<"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a"] = binfunc(function(a, b) { return a!==b; }); this.builtins["abs"] = unfunc(function(a) { return Math.abs(a); }); // FIXME: the three following functions can only manipulate numbers in cforf this.builtins["dup"] = function(myforf) { var val = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.datastack.push(val); myforf.datastack.push(val); }; this.builtins["pop"] = function(myforf) { myforf.datastack.pop(); }; this.builtins["exch"] = function(myforf) { var a = myforf.datastack.pop(); var b = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.datastack.push(a); myforf.datastack.push(b); }; this.builtins["if"] = function(myforf) { var ifclause = myforf.datastack.pop(); var cond = myforf.datastack.pop(); if (cond) { // TODO: make sure ifclause is a list for (var i = 0; i < ifclause.length; i++) { myforf.cmdstack.push(ifclause[i]); } } }; this.builtins["ifelse"] = function(myforf) { var elseclause = myforf.datastack.pop(); var ifclause = myforf.datastack.pop(); var cond = myforf.datastack.pop(); if (!cond) { ifclause = elseclause; } // TODO: make sure ifclause is a list for (var i = 0; i < ifclause.length; i++) { myforf.cmdstack.push(ifclause[i]); } }; // TODO: mset // TODO: mget }; Forf.prototype.init = function(code) { this.code = code; }; Forf.prototype.parse = function() { // 'parse' the input this.code = this.code.replace(/\([^)]*\)/g, ""); var tokens = this.code.split(/\s+/).filter(Boolean); // filter to deal with newlines etc // FIXME: this is a hack right now because ugh stacks var parseTokensAt = function(i, stack) { var val = tokens[i]; if (val === "{") { var dststack = []; i = i + 1; while (i < tokens.length) { if (tokens[i] === "}") { break; } i = parseTokensAt(i, dststack); } stack.push(dststack.reverse()); } else { // replace numbers with actual numbers var n = parseInt(val); if (String(n) === val) { stack.push(n); } else { stack.push(val); } } return i + 1; }; var i = 0; while (i < tokens.length) { i = parseTokensAt(i, this.cmdstack); } // The first thing we read should be the first thing we do. this.cmdstack = this.cmdstack.reverse(); }; Forf.prototype.run = function() { var running = true; while (running && this.cmdstack.length) { var val = this.cmdstack.pop(); if (typeof(val) == "string") { var func = this.builtins[val]; if (val in this.builtins) { func(this); } else { throw "no such function " + val; } } else { this.datastack.push(val); } } }; var gameSize = [0, 0]; var ForfTank = function() { // http://www.paulirish.com/2009/random-hex-color-code-snippets/ this.color = '#'+(4473924+Math.floor(Math.random()*12303291)).toString(16); this.sensors = []; this.position = [0, 0]; this.angle = 0; this.speed = new Object; this.speed.desired = [0, 0]; this.speed.current = [0, 0]; this.turret = new Object; this.turret.current = 0; this.turret.desired = 0; this.turret.firing = 0; this.turret.recharge = 0; this.led = 0; this.killer = null; this.cause_death = ""; this.builtins["fire-ready?"] = function(myforf) { myforf.datastack.push(myforf.fireReady()); }; this.builtins["fire!"] = function(myforf) { myforf.fire(); }; this.builtins["set-speed!"] = function(myforf) { var right = myforf.datastack.pop(); var left = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.setSpeed(left, right); }; this.builtins["set-turret!"] = function(myforf) { var angle = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.setTurret(deg2rad(angle)); }; this.builtins["get-turret"] = function(myforf) { var angle = myforf.getTurret(); myforf.datastack.push(rad2deg(angle)); }; this.builtins["sensor?"] = function(myforf) { var sensor_num = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.datastack.push(myforf.getSensor(sensor_num)); }; this.builtins["set-led!"] = function(myforf) { var active = myforf.datastack.pop(); myforf.setLed(active); }; this.builtins["random"] = function(myforf) { var max = myforf.datastack.pop(); if (max < 1) { myforf.datastack.push(0); return; } myforf.datastack.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * max)); }; }; ForfTank.prototype = new Forf(); ForfTank.prototype.constructor = ForfTank; ForfTank.prototype.addSensor = function(range, angle, width, turret) { var sensor = new Object(); sensor.range = range; sensor.angle = deg2rad(angle); sensor.width = deg2rad(width); sensor.turret = turret; this.sensors.push(sensor); }; ForfTank.prototype.fireReady = function() { return !this.turret.recharge; }; ForfTank.prototype.fire = function() { this.turret.firing = this.fireReady(); }; ForfTank.prototype.setSpeed = function(left, right) { this.speed.desired[0] = Math.min(Math.max(left, -100), 100); this.speed.desired[1] = Math.min(Math.max(right, -100), 100); }; ForfTank.prototype.getTurret = function() { return this.turret.current; }; ForfTank.prototype.setTurret = function(angle) { this.turret.desired = mod(angle, TAU); }; ForfTank.prototype.getSensor = function(sensor_num) { if ((sensor_num < 0) || (sensor_num >= this.sensors.length)) { return 0; } else { return this.sensors[sensor_num].triggered; } }; ForfTank.prototype.setLed = function(active) { this.led = active; }; ForfTank.prototype.move = function() { var dir = 1; var movement; var angle; /* Rotate the turret */ var rot_angle; /* Quickest way there */ /* Constrain rot_angle to between -PI and PI */ rot_angle = this.turret.desired - this.turret.current; while (rot_angle < 0) { rot_angle += TAU; } rot_angle = mod(Math.PI + rot_angle, TAU) - Math.PI; rot_angle = Math.min(TANK_MAX_TURRET_ROT, rot_angle); rot_angle = Math.max(-TANK_MAX_TURRET_ROT, rot_angle); this.turret.current = mod(this.turret.current + rot_angle, TAU); /* Fakey acceleration */ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (this.speed.current[i] === this.speed.desired[i]) { /* Do nothing */ } else if (this.speed.current[i] < this.speed.desired[i]) { this.speed.current[i] = Math.min(this.speed.current[i] + TANK_MAX_ACCEL, this.speed.desired[i]); } else { this.speed.current[i] = Math.max(this.speed.current[i] - TANK_MAX_ACCEL, this.speed.desired[i]); } } /* The simple case */ if (this.speed.current[0] === this.speed.current[1]) { movement = this.speed.current[0] * (TANK_TOP_SPEED / 100.0); angle = 0; } else { /* pflarr's original comment: * * The tank drives around in a circle of radius r, which is some * offset on a line perpendicular to the tank. The distance it * travels around the circle varies with the speed of each tread, * and is such that each side of the tank moves an equal angle * around the circle. * * Sounds good to me. pflarr's calculations here are fantastico, * there's nothing whatsoever to change. */ /* The first thing Paul's code does is find "friction", which seems to be a penalty for having the treads go in opposite directions. This probably plays hell with precisely-planned tanks, which I find very ha ha. */ var friction = .75 * (Math.abs(this.speed.current[0] - this.speed.current[1]) / 200); var v = [0, 0]; v[0] = this.speed.current[0] * (1 - friction) * (TANK_TOP_SPEED / 100.0); v[1] = this.speed.current[1] * (1 - friction) * (TANK_TOP_SPEED / 100.0); var Si; var So; /* Outside and inside speeds */ if (Math.abs(v[0]) > Math.abs(v[1])) { Si = v[1]; So = v[0]; dir = 1; } else { Si = v[0]; So = v[1]; dir = -1; } /* Radius of circle to outside tread (use similar triangles) */ var r = So * (TANK_RADIUS * 2) / (So - Si); /* pflarr: The fraction of the circle traveled is equal to the speed of the outer tread over the circumference of the circle: Ft = So/(tau*r) The angle traveled is: theta = Ft * tau This reduces to a simple theta = So/r We multiply it by dir to adjust for the direction of rotation */ var theta = So/r * dir; movement = r * Math.tan(theta); angle = theta; } /* Now move the tank */ this.angle = mod(this.angle + angle + TAU, TAU); var m = [0, 0]; m[0] = Math.cos(this.angle) * movement * dir; m[1] = Math.sin(this.angle) * movement * dir; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { this.position[i] = mod(this.position[i] + m[i] + gameSize[i], gameSize[i]); } }; var ftanks = []; var tanks = []; var interval = null; var initTanks = function(tanks) { var ntanks = tanks.length; // Calculate the size of the game board. var x = 1; while (x * x < ntanks) { x = x + 1; } var y = Math.floor(ntanks / x); if (ntanks % x) { y = y + 1; } gameSize[0] = x * SPACING; gameSize[1] = y * SPACING; // Shuffle the order we place things on the game board. var order = []; for (var i = 0; i < ntanks; i++) { order.push(i); } for (var i = 0; i < ntanks; i++) { var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * ntanks); var n = order[j]; order[j] = order[i]; order[i] = n; } // Position tanks. x = SPACING / 2; y = SPACING / 2; for (var i = 0; i < ntanks; i++) { tanks[order[i]].position[0] = x; tanks[order[i]].position[1] = y; // TODO: Move to constructor? tanks[order[i]].angle = Math.random() * TAU; tanks[order[i]].turret.current = Math.random() * TAU; tanks[order[i]].turret.desired = tanks[order[i]].turret.current; x = x + SPACING; if (x > gameSize[0]) { x = x % gameSize[0]; y = y + SPACING; } } }; var rotate_point = function(angle, point) { var cos_ = Math.cos(angle); var sin_ = Math.sin(angle); var newp = [0, 0]; newp[0] = point[0]*cos_ - point[1]*sin_; newp[1] = point[0]*sin_ + point[1]*cos_; point[0] = newp[0]; point[1] = newp[1]; }; ForfTank.prototype.fireCannon = function(that, vector, dist2) { /* If someone's a crater, this is easy */ if (this.killer || that.killer) { return; } /* Did they collide? */ if ((!this.killer) && dist2 < TANK_COLLISION_ADJ2) { this.killer = that; this.cause_death = "collision"; that.killer = this; that.cause_death = "collision"; return; } /* No need to check if it's not even firing */ if (! this.turret.firing) { return; } /* Also no need to check if it's outside cannon range */ if (dist2 > TANK_CANNON_ADJ2) { return; } var theta = this.angle + this.turret.current; /* Did this shoot that? Rotate point by turret degrees, and if |y| < TANK_RADIUS, we have a hit. */ var rpos = [vector[0], vector[1]]; rotate_point(-theta, rpos); if ((rpos[0] > 0) && (Math.abs(rpos[1]) < TANK_RADIUS)) { that.killer = this; that.cause_death = "shot"; } }; ForfTank.prototype.sensorCalc = function(that, vector, dist2) { /* If someone's a crater, this is easy */ if (this.killer || that.killer) { return; } /* If they're not inside the max sensor, just skip it */ if (dist2 > TANK_SENSOR_ADJ2) { return; } /* Calculate sensors */ for (var i = 0; i < this.sensors.length; i++) { if (0 === this.sensors[i].range) { /* Sensor doesn't exist */ continue; } /* No need to re-check this sensor if it's already firing */ if (this.sensors[i].triggered) { continue; } /* If the tank is out of range, don't bother */ if (dist2 > sq(this.sensors[i].range + TANK_RADIUS)) { continue; } /* What is the angle of our sensor? */ var theta = this.angle + this.sensors[i].angle; if (this.sensors[i].turret) { theta += this.turret.current; } /* Rotate their position by theta */ var rpos = [vector[0], vector[1]]; rotate_point(-theta, rpos); /* Sensor is symmetrical, we can consider only top quadrants */ rpos[1] = Math.abs(rpos[1]); /* Compute inverse slopes to tank and of our sensor */ var m_s = 1 / Math.tan(this.sensors[i].width / 2); var m_r = rpos[0] / rpos[1]; /* If our inverse slope is less than theirs, they're inside the arc */ if (m_r >= m_s) { this.sensors[i].triggered = 1; continue; } /* Now check if the edge of the arc intersects the tank. Do this just like with firing. */ rotate_point(this.sensors[i].width / -2, rpos); if ((rpos[0] > 0) && (Math.abs(rpos[1]) < TANK_RADIUS)) { this.sensors[i].triggered = 1; } } }; var compute_vector = function(vector, _this, that) { /* Establish shortest vector from center of this to center of that, * taking wrapping into account */ for (var i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) { var halfsize = gameSize[i] / 2; vector[i] = that.position[i] - _this.position[i]; if (vector[i] > halfsize) { vector[i] = vector[i] - gameSize[i]; } else if (vector[i] < -halfsize) { vector[i] = gameSize[i] + vector[i]; } } /* Compute distance^2 for range comparisons */ return sq(vector[0]) + sq(vector[1]); }; var updateTanks = function(tanks) { /* Charge cannons and reset sensors */ for (var i = 0; i < tanks.length; i++) { if (tanks[i].turret.firing) { tanks[i].turret.firing = 0; tanks[i].turret.recharge = TANK_CANNON_RECHARGE; } if (tanks[i].killer) { continue; } if (tanks[i].turret.recharge) { tanks[i].turret.recharge -= 1; } for (var j = 0; j < tanks[i].sensors.length; j += 1) { tanks[i].sensors[j].triggered = 0; } } /* Move tanks */ for (var i = 0; i < tanks.length; i++) { if (tanks[i].killer) { continue; } tanks[i].move(); } /* Probe sensors */ for (var i = 0; i < tanks.length; i++) { if (tanks[i].killer) { continue; } for (var j = i + 1; j < tanks.length; j += 1) { var _this = tanks[i]; var that = tanks[j]; var vector = [0, 0]; var dist2 = compute_vector(vector, _this, that); _this.sensorCalc(that, vector, dist2); vector[0] = -vector[0]; vector[1] = -vector[1]; that.sensorCalc(_this, vector, dist2); } } /* Run programs */ for (var i = 0; i < tanks.length; i++) { if (tanks[i].killer) { continue; } tanks[i].parse(tanks[i].code); tanks[i].run(); } /* Fire cannons and check for crashes */ for (var i = 0; i < tanks.length; i++) { if (tanks[i].killer) { continue; } for (var j = i + 1; j < tanks.length; j += 1) { var _this = tanks[i]; var that = tanks[j]; var vector = [0, 0]; var dist2 = compute_vector(vector, _this, that); _this.fireCannon(that, vector, dist2); vector[0] = -vector[0]; vector[1] = -vector[1]; that.fireCannon(_this, vector, dist2); } } }; var addBerzerker = function() { var tank = new ForfTank(); tank.init("2 random 0 = { 50 100 set-speed! } { 100 50 set-speed! } ifelse 4 random 0 = { 360 random set-turret! } if 30 random 0 = { fire! } if"); ftanks.push(tank); }; var resetTanks = function() { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); } tanks = []; ftanks = []; var tank; // add the user's tank tank = new ForfTank(); tank.color = document.getElementsByName('color')[0].value; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var range = 1*document.getElementsByName('s'+i+'r')[0].value; var angle = (1*document.getElementsByName('s'+i+'a')[0].value) % 360; var width = (1*document.getElementsByName('s'+i+'w')[0].value) % 360; var turret = 1*document.getElementsByName('s'+i+'t')[0].checked; if (range) { tank.addSensor(range, angle, width, turret); } } var code = document.getElementById('program').value; tank.init(code); ftanks.push(tank); var n = 6 + Math.floor(Math.random()*3); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { addBerzerker(); } initTanks(ftanks); var canvas = document.getElementById('battlefield'); canvas.width = gameSize[0]; canvas.height = gameSize[1]; var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); for (var i = 0; i < ftanks.length; i++) { var sensors = []; for (var j = 0; j < ftanks[i].sensors.length; j++) { var s = ftanks[i].sensors[j]; var sensor = [s.range, s.angle, s.width, s.turret]; sensors.push(sensor); } tank = new Tank(ctx, canvas.width, canvas.height, ftanks[i].color, sensors); tanks.push(tank); } function update() { updateTanks(ftanks); // clear canvas.width = canvas.width; var activeTanks = 0; for (var i = 0; i < ftanks.length; i++) { if (ftanks[i].killer) { tanks[i].draw_crater(); } else { activeTanks++; } } if (activeTanks < 2) { clearInterval(interval); interval = null; } for (var i = 0; i < ftanks.length; i++) { if (ftanks[i].killer) { continue; } var flags = 0; if (ftanks[i].turret.firing) { flags |= 1; } if (ftanks[i].led) { flags |= 2; } var sensor_state = 0; for (var j = 0; j < ftanks[i].sensors.length; j++) { if (ftanks[i].sensors[j].triggered) { sensor_state |= (1 << j); } } tanks[i].set_state(ftanks[i].position[0], ftanks[i].position[1], ftanks[i].angle, ftanks[i].turret.current, flags, sensor_state); tanks[i].draw_wrap_sensors(); } for (var i = 0; i < tanks.length; i++) { if (ftanks[i].killer) { continue; } tanks[i].draw_tank(); } } interval = setInterval(update, 100 /*66*/); };