--- title: Tanks Introduction scripts: - assets/js/tanks.js - assets/js/figures.js --- # Tanks Introduction
"ChashTank" dominates this short round.
Tanks is a game in which you pit your coding abilities against other hackers. You write a program for your tank, set it out on the battlefield, and watch how it fares against other tanks while running your program. Each tank has a turret-mounted laser, two treads, up to ten sensors, and a diagnostic LED. Sensors are used to detect when other tanks are inside a given arc. In the examples on this page, "triggered" sensors turn black. Most tanks will take some action if a sensor is triggered, such as changing speed of the treads, turning the turret, or firing. Tanks are programmed in Forf, a stack-based language similar to PostScript. Please read the [Forf manual](forf.md) to learn more about forf, and the [Tanks procedure reference](procs.html) for a description of Tanks extensions. ## Quick Start for the Impatient
"Crashmaster" pwns the lame default tank provided in this section.
To get started, head over to the designer for your game, and use the following example tank. This tank will move around, turn the turret, and fire if there's something in front of it. Sensor 0: 50 0 7 ☑ Sensor 1: 30 0 90 ☐ get-turret 12 + set-turret! ( Rotate turret ) 37 40 set-speed! ( Go in circles ) 0 sensor? { fire! } if ( Fire if turret sensor triggered ) 1 sensor? { -50 50 set-speed! } if ( Turn if collision sensor triggered ) This tank can be improved! Watch other tanks in your game to get ideas about how to improve yours. Don't forget the [Forf manual](forf.md) and the [Tank procedure reference](procs.md). ## Tank Specifications
"Ant Lion" nails "Rabbit With Gun".
Your PF-255 autonomous tank is built to the exacting specifications sent to our factory in New Khavistan. All distances are in meters, angles in degrees. Tank size : The targettable area of the tank—the part which can be hit by a cannon—is a circle about 7½ meters in radius. Speed : Each tread can have a speed between -100 and 100. This is in percentage of total speed for that tread, where total speed is roughly 7 meters per turn. Sensors : Each sensor has a maximum range of 100 meters. Of course, you don't have to use the full range. Sensors may be attached to the turret (they turn along with the turret), or left fixed to the tank. Turret : Turret angle can be set between -359° and 359°, with 0° directly in front of the tank. Be aware that it takes time for the turret to swing around: the turret can swing about 45° per turn. Cannon range and recharging : When the cannon is fired, it obliterates everything for 50 meters in front of it. It takes around 20 turns for your cannon to recharge after it's been fired, so only shoot when you feel like you're going to hit something. Good luck blowing everybody up!